Different Stuff

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Helpful hint: if your electric bus catches fire don't squirt it with water



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
This is so true!

Believe it or not, I sometimes find myself giving scientists a bit of a pass on this though because it truly is human nature for this sort of institutionalization to happen. I mean, there are people who's true calling in life is to be a scientist and the system as it exists today is what it is and if science is what you do and even to a large degree who you are then you can choose to either work within that system or relegate yourself to mediocrity or to give up and get out and do something else. The person who can buck the system and succeed in spite of the pressures within it are very few and far between. Not everyone has the "hero" gene in them.

It's the "scientists" who aren't really scientists but who are actually bureaucrats that actively believe in and help to maintain, perpetuate and grow this insular system of group-think that are the real villains.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
The difference between an "amateur" scientist and a "professional" scientist. Money.

I speak from experience. I worked for years as a "professional" scientist, and much of what I did was directed by the financial aspects of it
You think that's a bad thing?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
It can be. I was a data analyst in a qa/qc group and often I was directed by my managers to approve product that wasn't of the highest quality but was presented as being of the highest quality.
Well, that isn't a money issue so much as it's an honesty issue. Perhaps you could say it was a greed issue. I'd completely agree that such decision making is foolish and even antithetical to the whole mindset that scientists are supposed to have.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Barneveld is about 90 miles Southeast of me. They've been getting absolutely buried with the lake effect snow coming off Ontario this winter.


Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
The difference between an "amateur" scientist and a "professional" scientist. Money.

I speak from experience. I worked for years as a "professional" scientist, and much of what I did was directed by the financial aspects of it

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
This clip is making the rounds on social media. I suppose it comes down to what you watch. His eyes rolled in the back of the head after the upper cut. Just like Michael Spinx.
