Youtube censors PragerU videos; that's what dictatorships do


Well-known member
The Left is historically the view that censors, silences, eliminates free speech, creates monoliths so an elite can control. "No farming unit will be smaller than 5000 (5K) acres"--Stalin.

See the protest form/petition.

YouTube is censoring PragerU videos - Stand for freedom of speech
From: PragerU <>
Date: Thu, October 13, 2016 4:10 pm


New member
The Left is historically the view that censors, silences, eliminates free speech, creates monoliths so an elite can control. "No farming unit will be smaller than 5000 (5K) acres"--Stalin.

See the protest form/petition.

YouTube is censoring PragerU videos - Stand for freedom of speech
From: PragerU <>
Date: Thu, October 13, 2016 4:10 pm

What are you talking about; I was just watching a Prager U freedom of speech video on youtube, and there were many more I could have watched.


like marbles on glass
The Left is historically the view that censors, silences, eliminates free speech, creates monoliths so an elite can control. "No farming unit will be smaller than 5000 (5K) acres"--Stalin.

See the protest form/petition.

YouTube is censoring PragerU videos - Stand for freedom of speech
From: PragerU <>
Date: Thu, October 13, 2016 4:10 pm

YouTube isn't a government entity, it's privately owned, so comparing it to a dictatorship doesn't work very well.

YouTube allows Prager U the opportunity to broadcast something like 175 videos on the Prager channel, and I just watched one of the supposedly censored ones (there are about 20 of them, apparently), which has over a million views. It wasn't restricted. It was just there in the list of videos, and I clicked and watched.


YouTube isn't a government entity, it's privately owned, so comparing it to a dictatorship doesn't work very well.

Youtube is very influenced by the Left, who routinely caves in to liberals demanding what they don't like be banned.

Because you all are a bunch of whiners when you don't like something :rolleyes:



Couldn't have been a more biased article. "The Guardian", which is the liberally slanted UK, promotes things like 'unisex' children's books and they're going to talk about others :rolleyes:

Schools are becoming a breeding ground for Big Lib's agenda. In Australia, nineteen schools refused to support a mandatory class which basically implied that boys were predators to girls.
Or even over here in America, there was little complaint about liberal students putting posters of people on walls reporting that they are sexist or racist.

These things occur with little backlash, and yet one could be scrutinized for wearing rosary beads or simply expressing disapproval of of the insane bias.
Therefore, I could care less how much you all pretend to be the victim- you all deserve to be victims, and I hope that's exactly what happens when conservatives take back the mantle.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Par for the course from Interplanner :chuckle:

And the idiots who went along with it.

The vids are there for anyone to click on if they want to. Granted, they're tedious propaganda crap but folk can still watch them if they want to be dupes or need a sleeping aid...

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The Left is historically the view that censors, silences, eliminates free speech, creates monoliths so an elite can control. "No farming unit will be smaller than 5000 (5K) acres"--Stalin.

See the protest form/petition.

YouTube is censoring PragerU videos - Stand for freedom of speech
From: PragerU <>
Date: Thu, October 13, 2016 4:10 pm

Top YouTubers are being offered money to endorse Hillary


New member
Couldn't have been a more biased article. "The Guardian", which is the liberally slanted UK, promotes things like 'unisex' children's books and they're going to talk about others :rolleyes:

Schools are becoming a breeding ground for Big Lib's agenda. In Australia, nineteen schools refused to support a mandatory class which basically implied that boys were predators to girls.
Or even over here in America, there was little complaint about liberal students putting posters of people on walls reporting that they are sexist or racist.

These things occur with little backlash, and yet one could be scrutinized for wearing rosary beads or simply expressing disapproval of of the insane bias.
Therefore, I could care less how much you all pretend to be the victim- you all deserve to be victims, and I hope that's exactly what happens when conservatives take back the mantle.

Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five is unisex?