Your kids going to college? Save this article for them.


Well-known member

If you are a white student in college, you doubtless hear daily that white people are evil, the principal cause of everything wrong with the world. Whiteness is bad, white people are bad. We are to blame for everything.

If you believe this, you are being gamed. What you are being told is nonsense. If you have the intelligence and self-respect to think for yourself, ask:

“What have other races and ethnic groups accomplished in the world compared to what we white people have?”


Well-known member
Also good...

You hear from your professors that white people were guilty of colonization, slavery, and oppression. This is true. What your professors will not point out is that such behavior was, and is, universal. Human beings are a sorry species, given to murder, torture, genocide, thievery, looting, conquest, and slavery. This has been, and is, true of Africans, American Indians, Latin Americans, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Japanese, Chinese, and Europeans.

The Barbarian

“What have other races and ethnic groups accomplished in the world compared to what we white people have?”

Astronomy, literacy, algebra, moveable type, paper, the compass, rockets, mechanical clocks,iron smelting,steel, the concept of zero, necessary for modern mathematics,ship bulkheads, celestial navigation of oceans...

Since the late middle ages, European science and technology have eclipsed the efforts of other civilizations. Indeed, one can make the argument that all nations are essentially European because of that dominance.

It would be foolish in the extreme to pretend that it was always so, or that the dominance is fated to last forever.


Your kids going to college? Save this article for them.

"White people" were the major participants in both world wars - and used their so-called "superiority" as a means by which to kill off their "neighbours" in unprecedented numbers!
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The Berean

Well-known member
Astronomy, literacy, algebra, moveable type, paper, the compass, rockets, mechanical clocks,iron smelting,steel, the concept of zero, necessary for modern mathematics,ship bulkheads, celestial navigation of oceans...

Since the late middle ages, European science and technology have eclipsed the efforts of other civilizations. Indeed, one can make the argument that all nations are essentially European because of that dominance.

It would be foolish in the extreme to pretend that it was always so, or that the dominance is fated to last forever.

China and India produce top notch engineers today. India now has a nascent space program. It's quite impressive given how little money they have. Last year India launched a mini space shuttle for $13.3 million.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Foreign Engineering Talent

Foreign Engineering Talent

China and India produce top notch engineers today.
Having hired and fired not a few from both countries, as well as working and living in China for a few months, while running departments at Motorola and Intel in years past, I tend to disagree.

See also:

That said, unless you are hiring IIT school graduates from India, your chances of getting top-notch talent are about what they would be hiring from any US second-tier universities.


The Berean

Well-known member
Having hired and fired not a few from both countries, as well as working and living in China for a few months, while running departments at Motorola and Intel in years past, I tend to disagree.

See also:

That said, unless you are hiring IIT school graduates from India, your chances of getting top-notch talent are about what they would be hiring from any US second-tier universities.


I'm talking about REAL engineers, AMR, not software or IT guys :p. You know, the "metal benders"! :D

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I'm talking about REAL engineers, AMR, not software or IT guys :p. You know, the "metal benders"! :D
I was talking about EEs, the one's who do real software development close to the metal you MEs like to bend.

Lord how I hated the statics and dynamics section of the EIT/FE exams. ;)



Well-known member
Do Jews count as "white people"? We've contributed quite a lot to the sciences and arts. But I am not sure we've been treated as "white people".

There is a problem on US campuses, but regressing to bigotry and racism is not the answer.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'm talking about REAL engineers, AMR, not software or IT guys :p. You know, the "metal benders"! :D

:think: where do chemical and petroleum engineers fall in that measure?

Do Jews count as "white people"? We've contributed quite a lot to the sciences and arts. But I am not sure we've been treated as "white people".

sure, you guys can be white, too :thumb:

chair said:
There is a problem on US campuses, but regressing to bigotry and racism is not the answer.

i have a unique perspective on this - what problem are you referring to?

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
:think: where do chemical and petroleum engineers fall in that measure?
According to every IEEE salary survey I have seen over the years they fall into the highest paid category of engineers, thanks to big oil companies. ;)

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
that was the path I was on, many many years ago

still have a strong amateur interest in it

hated the IT of the day - IBM mainframe VAX processors, Fortran and Basic languages, punchcards, etc

found my forte in the chemistry lab and that led into a love of medicine/health care


New member
Non-white people have accomplished a lot, as The Barbarian has pointed out. We shouldn't judge entire groups of people based on the accomplishments of people with similar skin pigmentation.

As far as the people killed by whites, the people with the most power are usually going to be the people who do the most evil. If The Native Americans had colonized Europe there would be people today arguing about "Native American guilt."

The Horn

These kind of lunatic into-white sentiments are by no means universal at US colleges and universities , and only a limited number of professors put this nonsense forth .
You won't find this in courses on science, mathematics ,music, etc .
This nonsense is found in departments of black and women's studies , political science , possibly anthropology etc, which make up only a tiny fraction of all the who knows how many academic disciplines found at American universities and colleges .


Well-known member
The leftist meme is that white people as a group are collectively guilty of the greatest evils ever committed, and that each whire individual bears some degree of personal responsibility for it just by virtue of being white. It's all just another power scam but that is beside the point of fact that the modern world we all enjoy was indeed designed, engineered, and constructed predominantly by white people.