Your Foolish Half Questions:


New member
I need to set something straight, and that is some of your stupid half questions.

There is no difference between the Devil and Christ in their existence, or dwelling. If either, the Devil or Christ is dwelling in the heart of a person, the Devil person is lost of course, and the Christ person is saved of course. If, that is IF the Devil is in the heart of a person, that person is dead to Christ and Christ is dead to that person. – That doesn’t mean that Christ or the Devil is dead to any other person or dead as a whole, or dead to himself. The Devil will always be very much alive to himself and to the World, but not to the SAVED person. - The Devil is DEAD, SLAIN, KILLED, DESTROYED, DEFEATED TO THE SAVED PERSON. – That only means that the Devil has been “REMOVED” FROM THAT PERSON, and that person ONLY. – Therefore, “DEAD” to that person. ----- SOO!!! – “HALF QUESTION”!!!! – “Can you kill the Devil”???? - YES AND NO!!!! --- NO! - The God of your world cannot be killed by you or any one person. – YES! – The Devil that is in you can be killed by your obedience to the Gospel. - That will put that GREAT GULF between you and the Devil, killing or the Devil is Dead to you, and you only.
The same WITH CHRIST. – To the Lost person, Christ is “DEAD”, “DEAD”, “DEAD”, simply meaning that Christ is separated from the lost person, not dead or separated from any SAVED PERSON!! – Any SAVED person can KILL, CRUCIFY, OR “MAKE DEAD” JESUS CHRIST “TO HIMSELF”, and to him only!!.- That does not mean that Christ is DEAD TO HEAVEN, but to that person only. Christ is just simply removed or separated, or unsanctified to that person. – NO!! – You cannot kill Christ, but if a Saved Fool turns away from Christ, Christ then DIES OR “IS” CRUCIFIED TO THAT LOST FOOL, THE SON OF GOD AFRESH”, - to that person!!!!

SOOO NOW!! – If any of you geniuses or scholars want to ask a question, make clear that it’s a QUESTION, and not a HALF QUESTION!! – And then accuse me for being in error for answering a half question, then you calling it the whole question!! – But maybe some of you are so unlearned that you don’t know the difference, and can’t help it. One does have to love the Truth / Christ to get things straight with all QUESTIONS OF FOOLS.

There is only one Christ or Devil. They are also termed as “LIGHT” AND “DARKNESS”, not in light or darkness, but are light and darkness. – That can be another half question, if you are so foolish.
The Devil or the Darkness is everywhere in your world, and so is Christ or the Light shining in that darkness everywhere.- That too can be a half question, if you are so foolish.

Because there is a direction to Christ to the fool, so is there a direction to the darkness. However, there is no direction to Christ. - Christ is not over there, or over here, or in the valley of on the mountain. Christ is SUPREME OVER ALL; Christ is IN HIS HOLY SUPREMACY. – However, the Devil also reigns supreme over the world, but not over Heaven!!
If the Devil or Christ is everywhere, and one is then saved; it’s the Power of the Gospel that sanctifies the Soul of the person from the Devil, into the Body of Christ. - IF HOWEVER THEN, that same person sins willingly, the Gospel / that GREAT GULF is removed and the Devil, who is everywhere, is allowed to move back into the fool, and Christ, who is also everywhere, is slain, or dies, and the Devil is made alive in that person by the same Power of the “Gospel” / CHRIST. – If the Devil or the spirit of the Devil is in a person, it is not the whole Devil, but again, it is the Devil that is in the Person, because the Devil and Christ alike, are a whole, or total even in part. Christ or God is one God and cannot be divided, but shared in total, not in part, the same with the Devil. -- Christ nor the Devil is divided to supply each person with a part, but the whole or the total Devil or the total Christ ABSORBS INTO THEMSELVES THE SAVED OR THE LOST.

I’m not saying that any of this is relevant to TODAY!! – If all you guys insist that the Lord has NOT come, and you are STILL IN THE LAST DAYS; - that is how it WOULD BE, - but NOT NOW!! – The Lord’s final coming has now changed everything, and none of that has any barring on anything other than sending people to hell for not believing what Christ said!!

Paul – 103011

some other dude

New member
You keep saying that, but you don't seem to be able to control yourself.

Is there something wrong with you?

Does your head not work right?


New member
Sometimes you are as stupid as Traditio.

You don’t even get what I said!!
Christ and the Devil are the exact mirror opposites, and “DWELL” the same, - only exactly opposite. – They both have their own bodies or houses of children and they both inspire their children in their own “WAYS”, etc. etc. and etc!! - Now deny that and you may have shown us just who your father is!!

Paul – 103111