Your Christian Hope -- / "HOPE"???


New member
How utterly dumb can a so called “Christian” be when the Fool says he has “Faith”, and he says he has Eternal Life also?? – How can you fools have what you Hope for when Faith is only the Substance of your “Hope”?? - If you ignorant - what ever you call yourselves (( “Hope” )) for Eternal Life by Faith, how can you possibly now possess it, when Eternal Life is the Inheritance, and you can’t inherit anything until ( after ) the End of days? --- ( Hebrews 11:1 KJV ) – 1- “Now Faith is the ( “SUBSTANCE” ) of things ( HOPED ) for”. --//-- Not the Substance of your possession ---&--- ( Revelation 21:7 KJV ) – 7- “(( He that “Overcometh” )) shall ( “Inherit” ) all things ; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son”. --//-- You All claim that you have Some, or ALL things Now; - but you couldn’t possibly have anything if it’s by Faith which is the Substance your “HOPE”. You have not “Inherited” Faith!! – How can you fools already have what you’re hoping for???------ You Hope for something, and say you have Faith that you WILL receive it if you were Christian; -- but you think you have it already with your foolish Faith!! -- Faith is Faith, Possessing is Possessing. You can’t have your cake and eat it too, as the saying goes. Faith is not all things, just the Hope of gaining all things; (( “IF” you stay steadfast until the End ))!!!! – That’s what the Holy Ghost / GOD SAID!!!! - But not the FOOLS!!!!!

Did Paul have anything during his time, or did anyone have anything during the Apostle’s time?? --- ((( NO!!! ))) – Just the “Partial Faith” of it. Faith had not been Fulfilled at that time. -- Look at IT. - All Faith had not been spoken yet and fulfilled!!!
They were ALL Still Lost and NOT SAVED Until the End. - Just read IT!!!! --- ( 1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV ) --- 12- “FOR NOW WE” see through the glass ((( Darkly ))), ( but THEN ) (( Face to Face )), NOW I Know in “PART”, ( but then ) shall I know ( even as also ) I am known”. --//-- See through the Glass Darkly / “DARKLY”??? – Even Paul saw Nothing but darkness!! -- That’s what the Holy Ghost gave Paul to SAY, - God said IT!!! – And You ignorant what ever you call yourselves say you’re “SAVED” with Only your foolish Faith!! -- Saved from WHAT???? -- Paul even said by the Holy Ghost: --- ( 2 Timothy 4:7-8 KJV ) -- 7- I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, (( I have kept the “FAITH” )): 8- (( “Henceforth” )) there is ( laid up for me ) a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, (( “shall give” me at that day )): and (( not to me only, but unto ALL THEM also that love ((( His Appearing )))”. --//-- What did the Holy Ghost tell Paul to tell You mindless know-it-alls??? – Paul Kept the ( “FAITH” ), and that’s all, - until the end, then that Faith is turned into the Inheritance of ALL THINGS ( Hoped For ), Even God’s “Vengeance”. --- And Thank God I have it, and you fools couldn’t have anything but your own Bloody Lying BOWELS.

Salvation by ( Faith ) ended the Last DAY, now it’s ((( “KNOWLEDGE” ))), NOT FAITH!!!!!! --- Read that TOOO!!!! --- ((( Revelation 22:14 KJV ))) --//-- What does the Holy Ghost / God say there that contradicts with anything else I’ve shown you FOOLS??? – OOHH Please, deny this!!!!!!

Paul – 120713

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
So you are not saved then, you are the blind man seeking someone to lead along.

Lessee now 74 years old, not certain of salvation, what do you hope to do with what time you have left in order to be SURE ?
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