You so clever!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
when i was seven, i hired ed mcmahon to come to my house and present a phony check to my parents

while they were talking to him, i raided the cookie jar :chew:

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
It always seemed to end with a trip with dad to the woodshed. So I can't think of one.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I was in high school and my sister was in college. She and her boyfriend had gone to a party and her boy had gotten more than just a little drunk. She took him home but had no way home from his house so she drove his car to our house. She didn't want his parents know he had gotten drunk so she needed to get the car home. At about 3:00am she came and woke me up and asked me to follow her to her boyfriends house.

We did not want my folks to know so we hatched this plan. We push my car out of the driveway, down the street and around the corner before we started it. We dropped his car off without incident and headed for home. The street we lived on had a bit of a slope to it. We went around one of the other streets such that we ended up at the top of our street. I shut my car off, turned off the lights and coasted down the hill and right into the driveway. No problem. Mission accomplished and no one was the wiser. Or so we thought.

Some number of years later, the family had gathered for a holiday dinner at my sisters house. Her boyfriend is now her husband and my sister and I tell this story. My mom says, "Oh! So that was what you were doing! I looked out the window and saw you pushing your car down the street and I've always wondered why." Mom knew. All those years, mom knew. I think she was just happy to see her son and daughter, who normally kind of fought, finally grown up enough to get along and do something together.


I was in high school and my sister was in college. She and her boyfriend had gone to a party and her boy had gotten more than just a little drunk. She took him home but had no way home from his house so she drove his car to our house. She didn't want his parents know he had gotten drunk so she needed to get the car home. At about 3:00am she came and woke me up and asked me to follow her to her boyfriends house.

We did not want my folks to know so we hatched this plan. We push my car out of the driveway, down the street and around the corner before we started it. We dropped his car off without incident and headed for home. The street we lived on had a bit of a slope to it. We went around one of the other streets such that we ended up at the top of our street. I shut my car off, turned off the lights and coasted down the hill and right into the driveway. No problem. Mission accomplished and no one was the wiser. Or so we thought.

Some number of years later, the family had gathered for a holiday dinner at my sisters house. Her boyfriend is now her husband and my sister and I tell this story. My mom says, "Oh! So that was what you were doing! I looked out the window and saw you pushing your car down the street and I've always wondered why." Mom knew. All those years, mom knew. I think she was just happy to see her son and daughter, who normally kind of fought, finally grown up enough to get along and do something together.
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