You all REIGN??


New member
The Church of Christ taught on “HELL” this morning, and the Fools, - Watkins, and -- “Goodwin” didn’t have the slightest idea what he was teaching.. - Goodwin was doing the false teaching as usual this morning. -- AAHHHH – How do these fools do it!!!!?????
“You shall reign”???? – That IS what the Word Says, in it’s ((( PARABLE )))!!! – (Revelation 22:5 KJV ) --///-- Read that TOOO!!!

OK!!! – Let’s SEE!!! – You all are going to ( Truly Reign ) in Heaven. -- OOHH MYYY!!! – Let’s say that there are -- Two Hundred Million of you Fools in Heaven ( “REIGNING” )!!!! – (( Over what ))???? – There can ONLY be “Christians” in Heaven, and they ALL are Equal in everything. – Sooo Let’s SEEEE~~~; --- Two Hundred Million Geniuses, - ALL sitting on their Two Hundred Million Thrones, side by side each other with God; - Two Hundred Million of you FOOLS???? --- WOOOWWWW!!!! --- Will you know each other by their earthly names, - like Johnny, Carl, Judy, or Mr. Jones???? – Will God know you by those Names, when there is no other NAME!!!!!???? ---- You Ignorant FOOLS!!!!!

This Morning, this Genius taught that Hell is “Burning”, or on Fire as IN ( “HOT” ) Fire, (( Carnal Fire )) – FOOLS!! – God Never taught anything of the SUCH, as HOT carnal Fire in Hell!!!. – (((( God’s Fire is His Truth, His Word ))))!!! – What Fools must ( throw out ) the Word of God in order the get their false doctrine, or “LIE” Across!!! – What is THIS - You Fools??:>>>> --- ( Hebrews 1:7 KJV ) – 7- “And of the Angels He saith, ((( Who maketh His Angels spirits, and His ((( MINISTERS ))) a ( Flame of Fire )”. ---&--- ( Hebrews 1:14 KJV ) – 14- “((( Are they not all “MINISTERING” Spirits ))), sent forth to (( Minister )) for them who shall be heirs of salvation? ---&--- ( 2 Thessalonians 1:7:8 KJV ) – 7- “And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed (((( from Heaven with His mighty Angels )))), 8- (((( In Flaming Fire )))) taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: ---- You Fools!!! – God’s fire IS His Ministry, His voice, His Word / Christ that is Made up of ( many members ) that are His Fire from above as ((( I am ))), and you are FOOLS!!! – I have Placed you all in My Burning Hell for years, and you are Blinded by IT!!! --- Darkness is not Cold, and God’s Light / Truth / Christ / Word is not HOT, - but still a burning Truth that no FOOL will, or can stand in Hell with ~his cold /”Cold” Heart towards GOD!!!! – There are NO Carnal Feelings in Hell, just “Knowledge” of their ( LIES ). – All you Blind Fools are really going to be SHOCKED / “SHAKEN” in your LIES; -- your last day on your “blessed” / “Cursed” earth, (( that is you all’s Earthquakes )), read it!!!!

Paul – 121513
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