Yet even more liberal censorship


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Columbia University Accused of Censoring Its ‘Politically Incorrect’ Marching Band

The Columbia University marching band, which has a decades-long tradition of irreverent and outrageous behavior on campus, is upset at the school for trying to mess with one of its most popular annual performances.

For the past four decades, members of the band have performed politically incorrect skits at the campus library for “Orgo Night,” which is held at midnight on the day of the organic chemistry final exams. During this year’s Orgo Night on Friday, band members were met by a small army of campus security guards who forced them to play on the lawn outside the library. According to College Fix, the administration posted the guards to prevent the band members from entering the library, where they usually perform.

This is the second semester in a row that the band has been banned from performing at their traditional venue following outrage from campus social justice warriors who staged a sit-in protest and wrote op-eds decrying the band’s politically incorrect skits as both “unsafe” and “triggering” to special snowflakes.

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