Y I like Cruz best


New member
He fought in the Supreme Court RE some VERY important concerns

His arguments before the Court resulted in the US maintaining its sovereignty when the World Court demanded that the US do things their way (take another look @ the Medellin case [spelling?]). It's scary to think we came very close to sucumbing to international law over-ruling US law..

HIs arguments before the Supreme Court have upheld the 2nd Amendment that the liberals wanted to actually... NO exaggeration here, absolutely none... wanted to ABOLISH. Seriously, they wanted to END our 2nd Amendment rights altogether... As Cruz says, it is all well and good (my paraphrase) for the libs to be anti-gun, but what about the poor single mother living in a crime-ridden neighborhood who has to work at night...

Read his book... It is also very telling about what is going on in Congress... He, along with Mike Lee, were often the ONLY 2 votes in favor of... the Constitution... TRUTH



New member
from p.333 of Cruz's book

In 1980, Ronald Reagan was seen as a remarkably divisive figure--within the Republican Party...

Within Washington, Reagan was despised. That's because Reagan fundamentally rejected the accepted establishment wisdom of how to win an election. He didn't abandon his beliefs and run to the middle. He explained his beliefs and brought the middle to him...

In 2012, the Obama campaign... knew that the Reagan Democrats--the Ohio steelworkers--would not be voting for the president's reelection. An Ohio steelworker's life has been made incredibly difficult under the Obama economy. So [Obama's] goal was to keep as many of them home as possible... Romney [was painted as] a rich, out-of-touch elitist--and the 47 percent line fit their strategy perfectly...


[Reagan Democrats] stayed home. Evangelical Christians, whom the Romney campaign apparently just assumed would vote for him, stayed home, too.



New member
Ted Cruz counted 66 acts of lawlessness (by the president):

(can't list them all here but, on page 306 we read):

Obamacare's employer mandate requires employers with 50 or more full-time employees to pay a tax if they do not provide health insurance for their workers. Just as many individuals must obtain insurance, many businesses must provide insurance. This puts an unbearable burden on many entrepreneurs, disincentivizes job creation, and encourages employers to reduce the number of full-time employees.

The employer mandate was supposed to kick in on January 1, 2014, but in late 2013, President Obama decided to treat his buddies in big business differently than individual citizens subject to the individual mandate. he granted those buisnesses a one year waiver... Then in February 2014, he extended many of the waivers through 2016--two years later than individuals were forced to comply with the law.

the president did the same thing for members of Congress. The text of Obamacare says that members of congress will be on the exchanges, without subsidies, just like [everyone else]. Harry Reid and the... Democrats were horrified... asked the president for relief. and so, contrary to law, the administration issued a ruling exempting members of Congress (but not ordinarty Americans) from the... requirements of Obamacare



That was his best movie ... ever ....

You should check this one out:




New member

  • is in favor of protecting human life from conception until natural death (How Catholic of him :)
  • favors a balanced budget amendment
  • favors changing the Supreme Court so as to be more representative of We the People
  • was one of only 33 REPUBLICAN senators who opposed the debt ceiling INCREASE (yeh, Republicans...)
  • He opposes RINOS to their faces
  • He knows the laws of our nation (he is an attorney) and RESPECTS those laws, even when he doesn't agree w/ them (save Roe v Wade, i think)
  • He is introspective and admits when he does something wrong

and the list goes on...


New member
b/c he stood up to the so called Rs in Congress

there still has to be unanimous (100) votes to change the rules (concerning Congressional voting)...

If he hadn't been there... The Dems would have gotten what they want.. yeh, I know... for the 10,000 time this yr



New member
Cruz talks about the PEOPLE being the ones who can (will) change what is wrong in WA

He listens to the people

(not the liberals.. but.. Are they in that category?)


The Horn

Don't drink the Ted Cruz Kool-Aid ! He tells conservative Americans everything they want to hear , but he's a wolf in sheep's clothing and a snake in the grass .
Cruz is NOT a conservative . Supposedly, conservatism means wanting to proeserve the best of the past . But Cruz wants ot go back to the WORST of the past and then some !
He is a radical reactionary , regressive, theocratic fascist and a Christian whack job wyho is determined to bring this country closer and closer to an evangelical Christian theocracy and police state which would not be much better than the Islamic theocracies of the middle east .
Cruz is a vicious anti-gay bigots who is so oppposed to gay rights he wants to make gay pride prarades illegal ! Since when to private citizens or anyone have the right to tell people what parades should be legal or not ?
Cruz is against everything that is good for America . He is anti-freedom, anti progress, anti equality, anti civil rights . anti religious freedom for everybody but those who share his religious beliefs ,
anti science, anti environmental protection , anti teaching evolution in schools etc.
He claims to be "pro-life", but is merely anti-choice. Pro FORCED birth . And like vrtually all anti-choicers, he could not care less about a fetus once out of the womb . He's opposed to government programs to help poor women provide for their children once born , which merely INCREASES the abortions rate . He doesn't want fetuses that grow up to be gay to have any rights .
Ted Cruz is a horrible, evil man and anyone who supports him for the preisdency is either an idiot or just plain evil !


New member
i don't read silliness (poster's writings. right b4 this post)

didn't even bother to read beyond the 1st line... you know, it's that Garbage in/Garbage out thing..

anyway, Ted Cruz almost single-handedly saved We the People from the Dems, who are bent on controlling us, taxing us, depriving us of justice, not defending us against terrorism and the list goes on

I think of that Congressional Rules thing... All 100 Senators are supposed to say Yes to any rule change, or there is no rule change, but the rinos wanted to change it to 50 votes so that the Dems would get what they want (!!!), the Rs wouldn't have to vote against a given bill they don't like -- since all D votes pass it (no wait... The Rs SHOULDn't like, but they are rinos so..).

That way the People @ home (R constituents) wouldn't hold them accountable for voting w/ the Demons... I mean the Dems...

He was the only Senator or almost the only one who tried to stop Ocare... filibustered..

Y didn't those dang so called Rs DEFUND Ocare when they had the chanc? They had the power of the purse and didn't use it...

Almost all Rs in Congress are RINOS... vote the bums out

Ted Cruz for president (He is the civilized version of Donald Trump)
