Y doesn't the Admin want to win the war against IS?


New member
I don't get this, why the strategy of this Admin RE the war against IS (strategy so called) is so wimpy

we only did ONE boots on the ground thing and that turned out very well.. Why not do more?

The reason I would not (necessarily) have been against the War in Iraq even had I known there were not wmd's is b/c, to paraphrase Martin Luther King "loss of innocent life anywhere is a threat of murder everywhere"

In other words, it is definitely in the US's interest to STOP Islamic extremism.. stop mass murder--

"over there" though it may be.. b/c for one thing, "over there" quickly becomes "over here"..

Am I my brother's keeper?

(to quote the great Jim Rockford [Rockford Files]):

The answer to that is supposed to be Yes


New member
well, no arguments.

Do any of you want to go with me over to the middle east with machine guns blazing?

seriously.. i would go.. I'm female and all, but so what. In Israel, women fight w/ the men.. The woman who married Ariel Sharon was in combat b4 she met him


New member
well, no arguments.

Do any of you want to go with me over to the middle east with machine guns blazing?

seriously.. i would go.. I'm female and all, but so what. In Israel, women fight w/ the men.. The woman who married Ariel Sharon was in combat b4 she met him

This thread seems in poor taste, considering the impending holiday.


New member
This thread seems in poor taste, considering the impending holiday.

well, u libs always see things in a backward kind of way

I think my position honors the ones who have died for ths country more than the position of.. a lot of others

a lot of veterans and their families are hurting now b/c they see all that they did in Iraq UNDONE... questioned over and over...

people saying there were no wmds so they shouldn't have been there (killing people)

maybe it is no big mystery why vets kill themselves at an alarming rate.

22/per day



New member
" had I known there were not wmd's "

The BIG LIE is that "Bush Lied".

All that sarin gas in Syria -- how you know Saddam didn't hide it there?

Who says "there were no WMD"?

"W" just COULDN'T FIND 'EM !!

bUT America BOUGHT the big lie


AND THAT'S HOW aYATOLLAH Obama got in the White House in the first place

why "go over there"

to MIddle East?

Why not just



New member

well, u libs always see things in a backward kind of way

I think my position honors the ones who have died for ths country more than the position of.. a lot of others

a lot of veterans and their families are hurting now b/c they see all that they did in Iraq UNDONE... questioned over and over...

people saying there were no wmds so they shouldn't have been there (killing people)

maybe it is no big mystery why vets kill themselves at an alarming rate.

22/per day


Congrats on making it exponentially more offensive.

I just mean that your bloviating about how tough you'd be with a machine gun sort of cheapens the sacrifice of, you know, actual soldiers who died fighting rich old white men's wars.


New member
" had I known there were not wmd's "

The BIG LIE is that "Bush Lied".

All that sarin gas in Syria -- how you know Saddam didn't hide it there?

Who says "there were no WMD"?

"W" just COULDN'T FIND 'EM !!

bUT America BOUGHT the big lie


AND THAT'S HOW aYATOLLAH Obama got in the White House in the first place

why "go over there"

to MIddle East?

Why not just


I've been thinking along the same lines.

since the Neanderthals have taken the big cities (Mosul, Ramadi, etc..)

we will have to bomb those cities to smitherines so they won't have much to work with... for their "caliphate"



New member
Congrats on making it exponentially more offensive.

I just mean that your bloviating about how tough you'd be with a machine gun sort of cheapens the sacrifice of, you know, actual soldiers who died fighting rich old white men's wars.

dumbest post I've read in... something like ten years



Hall of Fame
well, no arguments.

Do any of you want to go with me over to the middle east with machine guns blazing?

seriously.. i would go.. I'm female and all, but so what. In Israel, women fight w/ the men.. The woman who married Ariel Sharon was in combat b4 she met him

Goodness no ... I wouldn't want to take away your spotlight.

You go.
Have fun.
Perhaps we can be penpals.


Well-known member
I've been thinking along the same lines.

since the Neanderthals have taken the big cities (Mosul, Ramadi, etc..)

we will have to bomb those cities to smitherines so they won't have much to work with... for their "caliphate"

What kind of bomb would you use that could differentiate those IS fighters from the very victims, old men, women and children that you propose to "save"?

In other words, it is definitely in the US's interest to STOP Islamic extremism.. stop mass murder--


New member
What kind of bomb would you use that could differentiate those IS fighters from the very victims, old men, women and children that you propose to "save"?

they are likely all gone by now.. Haven't u been paying attention to the news? the word Ghost-town has been used...

The US also always gives warning of their bombings.. We play by the rules.. which reminds me...

(of another thread that should be started..)


New member
they are likely all gone by now.. Haven't u been paying attention to the news? the word Ghost-town has been used...

The US also always gives warning of their bombings.. We play by the rules.. which reminds me...

(of another thread that should be started..)

Yeah, because we were all just talking about how RC hasn't been starting enough threads lately...


New member
we could have won this thing by now. We have the power to do it

But since Pres O discriminates in who he thinks has a right to live and who doesn't..
