Y doesn't Bill Clinton just stay home and bake cookies?


New member
I didn't want to appear to be sexist, so i felt compelled to do equal time for the Billmeister

It would be nice if at least ONE of them would go home and... well, i don't care if they bake cookies.. or play tiddly-winks... or make speeches to people who aren't really listening (but just want influence....)

i don't care

I just wish they would go home



I didn't want to appear to be sexist, so i felt compelled to do equal time for the Billmeister

It would be nice if at least ONE of them would go home and... well, i don't care if they bake cookies.. or play tiddly-winks... or make speeches to people who aren't really listening (but just want influence....)

i don't care

I just wish they would go home

Haven't you tried them before?

Bill's chocolate chip cookies are atrocious!



i wouldn't trust bill's cookies

He would probably poison them if he knew a R was eating them

I hope that's a joke...

I always thought it would be really neat to buy a present for an American president--a chocolate revolver!

But to give it to him you'd have to run up to him really fast.