Y are many libs against Kate's Law?


New member
They are against it b/c they do not want to stop illegal immigration

well, why would they want a bunch of illegals (you ask) coming into the USA?

If Kate's Law passes (but the pres threatens to VETO It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

there go all those votes...

oh, the poor Dems.. losing all those votes... the only votes they can count on at this point..



New member
thn there is the legislation tht takes federal money away from cities that provide sanctuary to illegal felons..

The federal gov has every right to withhold funds from cities that violate its laws.

and what usually happens when people violate the law?

but none of those officials responsible for releasing that dirtbag illegal... will ever serve time

some are more equal than others..

admittedly... maybe that guy had 7 felonies but maybe (just maybe) not all of them were valid... ??

i mean, you know.. when we see people with prestige and money getting away with things no "little person" would get away with... Lois Lerner, etc...

how can we think otherwise?



Well-known member
Because the law is moronic?

Many Republican presidential candidates are supporting “Kate’s Law,” a bill before Congress that proposes to imprison noncitizens convicted of re-entering the country for five years. The House could vote on it as soon as Thursday.

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/opinion/op-ed/soapbox/article28348849.html#storylink=cpy

Yes, let's blow up our already overcrowded prisons with more non-violent offenders because one person with a particular record did something truly horrible. :doh:


New member

Yes, let's blow up our already overcrowded prisons with more non-violent offenders because one person with a particular record did something truly horrible. :doh:


spend $$ on a fence @ the border or money on prisons or money on welfare but money will be spent, no doubt

are prisons cheaper than a wall?





Well-known member
Hall of Fame
it is


we have a huge debt that cannot be sustained

we have islamic terrorism

we have nuclear proliferation

we have out of control healthcare costs

we have government unions with unfunded pensions


you idiots are worried about poor people coming over the border to work for low wages

get smart soon



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
they are still killing babies

religious freedom is being threatened

get smart you idiots


Well-known member
Republicans couldn't care less about the influx of illegal emigrants. Their corporate overlords want the cheap labor. It keeps labor costs down all across the board. But the republicans have to pretend they hate the emigrants, because the ignoramus vote they count of to win elections hates the emigrants. So they propose absurd solutions that will funnel lots of tax dollars into their crony's pockets, like building prisons for repeat border-crossers, or building giant fences with mile-wide gaps in them, neither of which will actually stop the illegals from coming in, but will make their cronies richer, and themselves, too, from the kickbacks. And of course there's always their favorite 'solution': just blame it all on Obama.

I am a "liberal", and I am against open emigration. I do believe we need to close our borders and control who gets in, simply because we have lots of Americans that need jobs and lots of jobs that need doing. And if we close the borders to cheap outside labor, the American companies that hire them will have to pay Americans a decent wage to get that work done. And that's as it should be.

The illegals that are already here, however, will have to be accommodated. Especially those who have found work and are raising children.
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like marbles on glass
Republicans couldn't care less about the influx of illegal emigrants. Their corporate overlords want the cheap labor. It keeps labor costs down all across the board. But the republicans have to pretend they hate the emigrants, because the ignoramus vote they count of to win elections hates the emigrants. So they propose absurd solutions that will funnel lots of tax dollars into their crony's pockets, like building prisons for repeat border-crossers, or building giant fences with mile-wide gaps in them, neither of which will actually stop the illegals from coming in. And of course there's always their favorite 'solution': just blame it all on Obama.

I am a "liberal", and I am against open emigration. I do believe we need to close our borders and control who gets in, simply because we have lots of Americans that need jobs and lots of jobs that need doing. And if we close the borders to cheap outside labor, the American companies that hire them will have to pay Americans a decent wage to get that work done. And that's as it should be.

The illegals that are already here, however, will have to be accommodated. Especially those who have found work and are raising children.

A fence won't work, hasn't worked.

And unfortunately, legal workers are also abused and exploited. I was just reading this early this morning:

The New American Slavery: Invited to the U.S., foreign workers find a nightmare
The H-2 visa program invites foreign workers to do some of the most menial labor in America. Then it leaves them at the mercy of their employers. Thousands of these workers have been abused — deprived of their fair pay, imprisoned, starved, beaten, raped, and threatened with deportation if they dare complain. And the government says it can do little to help. A BuzzFeed News investigation.


Well-known member
A fence won't work, hasn't worked.

And unfortunately, legal workers are also abused and exploited. I was just reading this early this morning:

The New American Slavery: Invited to the U.S., foreign workers find a nightmare
The H-2 visa program invites foreign workers to do some of the most menial labor in America. Then it leaves them at the mercy of their employers. Thousands of these workers have been abused — deprived of their fair pay, imprisoned, starved, beaten, raped, and threatened with deportation if they dare complain. And the government says it can do little to help. A BuzzFeed News investigation.
This is all the natural result of oligarchy, which is what the United States is, now. And it's why no one is going to stop this influx and abuse of cheap labor, legal or illegal. It's also why we can't get a livable minimum wage, which we should have. And it's also why we don't have tariffs anymore, protecting U.S. businesses and jobs. The oligarchs are multi-national, or want to be, so they've eliminated all that.

Every issue we run into, like illegal emigration, at it's base we will find that oligarchy is the cause. A small, wealthy elite controls our government, and have since the 1980s. And all our decisions are being made based on the maximization of their corporate profits. Those corporations want cheap, exploitable labor, and they will have it one way or another.


like marbles on glass
Those corporations want cheap, exploitable labor, and they will have it one way or another.

And they're getting cheap exploitable labor, both here and in other countries, always at the expense of the most vulnerable.

On a related note regarding the corporations themselves, I've been reading The Omnivore's Dilemma, and it's been an education.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
They are against it b/c they do not want to stop illegal immigration

well, why would they want a bunch of illegals (you ask) coming into the USA?

If Kate's Law passes (but the pres threatens to VETO It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

there go all those votes...

oh, the poor Dems.. losing all those votes... the only votes they can count on at this point.. ]
Except illegal aliens can't legally vote and a challenge on point by the right would invalidate the efforts of those who tried to defraud the process.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
it is demagoguery
we have a huge debt that cannot be sustained
we have islamic terrorism
we have nuclear proliferation
we have out of control healthcare costs
we have government unions with unfunded pensions
and you idiots are worried about poor people coming over the border to work for low wages
get smart soon
Well, when you put it like that I'm amazed people aren't lining up to get behind you. Especially if there's a train coming. :plain:


New member

spend $$ on a fence @ the border or money on prisons or money on welfare but money will be spent, no doubt

are prisons cheaper than a wall?



Cheapest way to do it would be to investigate businesses hiring illegal immigrants. I don't think the republican party wants to do that though. Their wealthy donors don't really like the idea.


New member
it is


we have a huge debt that cannot be sustained

we have islamic terrorism

we have nuclear proliferation

we have out of control healthcare costs

we have government unions with unfunded pensions


you idiots are worried about poor people coming over the border to work for low wages

get smart soon


I actually kinda agree with this general line of thinking, albeit not the list of things we should focus on instead entirely. We've got bigger problems, and focusing on crimes committed by immigrants is unwarranted given their relative infrequency. Furthermore, this is just another flavor of mandatory minimums that have filled our jails and split families.


New member
If you think a wall is going to stop everyone you're mistaken.

who said it would stop everyone?

geez... get real.

But it would stop most

as things are, no one seems to care that we are putting americans in great danger...

as the steinles and others know all too well

But hey, it isn't one of YOUR loved ones, so.. back to the sitcoms, eh?


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
They need illegal aliens as well as their own registered voters to vote early and vote often to win Presidential elections.