Would this defence work for a MALE guard at a female Prison?


New member
If this girl gets off for this 'insanity',
it will sure seem like another crazy win for Feminism,
but NOT for equality...


Oregon jail employee accused of having sex with inmate will use insanity defense

A former Oregon prison worker was mentally ill and suffering from being "vulnerable, passive and gullible," when she had sex with a convicted gang member behind bars, according to court records.
Brett Robinson, 33, is the second female staffer at the Washington County Jail to be accused of bedding inmate Jang-Li Delgado-Galban, a gang leader locked up in maximum security.
Robinson's attorney has filed a court notice saying he will claim Robinson suffered from temporary insanity when she had six sexual encounters with the convict, The Oregonian reported Tuesday.
Colleague Jill Curry, also a civilian jail employee, sobbed in court last month when she was sentenced to more than four years in prison for having sex with Delgado-Galban in a supply closet. Both women had let the dangerous inmate out of his cell while a deputy had stepped away on a break.
A psychologist's report filed by Robinson's lawyer, Paul Hood, says the woman has battled depression since childhood and was easily manipulated by the inmate.
Washington County Sheriff's Offi/WSCO Convicted gang leader of Jeng-Li Delgado-Galban told Oregon prison investigators he had sex with civilian jail employees Jill Curry and Brett Robinson, authorities said.

She worked with a deputy inside the control room of the jail's maximum security section. In 2013, she began having sex with Delgado-Galban under a blanket in the control room while the deputy was at lunch.



New member
Genesis 6:12 And God looked upon the earth,

and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.


New member
If she did actually have some sort of mental disorder, it should be taken into account.

The "mental disorder" they are claiming is depression.

Who decided that if you have a mental disorder you don't have to be held accountable for your actions anyway?

Is it ok for me to do bad things as long as I'm feeling depressed and vulnerable?


New member
The "mental disorder" they are claiming is depression.

Who decided that if you have a mental disorder you don't have to be held accountable for your actions anyway?

Is it ok for me to do bad things as long as I'm feeling depressed and vulnerable?
That's a fair point. Where do you draw the line? Pretty big grey area.


New member
The "mental disorder" they are claiming is depression.

Who decided that if you have a mental disorder you don't have to be held accountable for your actions anyway?

Is it ok for me to do bad things as long as I'm feeling depressed and vulnerable?

A surprisingly lucid post by you.

Hats off!


The "mental disorder" they are claiming is depression.

Who decided that if you have a mental disorder you don't have to be held accountable for your actions anyway?

Is it ok for me to do bad things as long as I'm feeling depressed and vulnerable?

True, though you must admit that such conditions mitigate the circumstances to some variable degree. Yes?


New member
True, though you must admit that such conditions mitigate the circumstances to some variable degree. Yes?

If you do something wrong, you answer for it.

If you are depressed and you do something wrong, you answer for it.

If you listen to the voices in your head that tell you to do something wrong rather than the ones outside your head, you answer for it.