Would the Universe create itself from nothing?


Because there is something, the law of gravity, the Universe would create itself from nothing.

Does the law of gravity explain gravity?


Heard of this way of thinking from a Christian Apologist teaching on the radio (recorded).

My answer is no but as a teaching it might be rhetorical how I am presenting it.


Well-known member
Would the Universe create itself from nothing?
I've heard that answered like this:

If life came about by accident, one would have to accept that, given enough time, there might one day, on a planet somewhere, be an avalanche which would knock down trees and put them together randomly until, lo and behold, one day: they fall into the shape of a house, with windows and doors a roof and furniture and then... the lights come on! All by chance! Human beings are FAR more complex than a house. We didn't just happen by accident. It isn't possible.


I've heard that answered like this:

If life came about by accident, one would have to accept that, given enough time, there might one day, on a planet somewhere, be an avalanche which would knock down trees and put them together randomly until, lo and behold, one day: they fall into the shape of a house, with windows and doors a roof and furniture and then... the lights come on! All by chance! Human beings are FAR more complex than a house. We didn't just happen by accident. It isn't possible.



Some atheists and agnostics have redefined "nothing" to be something and also say "nothing" cannot exist, but that means there has always been "something".
This "something" that has always existed can be just energy (matter can come from energy) or energy and "intelligence". We know intelligence (humans) can produce intelligence (a programmed computer). Human intelligence with computers might produce even super intelligence and thus could go on to produce loving intelligence.
The question is can just energy without intelligence go on to produce intelligence?
That seems highly unlikely, but let us say it did, so what is the chances of us being the first intelligence made just starting with energy?
With an infinite amount of time before we came into being would that not mean intelligence would have happened prior to us?
If super intelligence happened half way from the beginning of infinity ( which is still an infinite time ago) it is much more likely this intelligence would produce human intelligence then just energy doing it?
Are we so lucky as to be the very first?