Worm Holes and Warping Space:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Of course there is no such thing as a worm hole. Except in the yard. Time doesn't exist, it is only a concept.


New member
Of course there is no such thing as a worm hole. Except in the yard. Time doesn't exist, it is only a concept.

YES!! -- And time is only the event of one TIME, and the next TIME is another event. -- All things are formed of many events of many times continued, and we're in the final time of the event of the creation!!

Paul 102011


New member
This is an off-shoot of my Thread, - “Supremacy of God, - the Fourth”: -- 101611.
All your Godless Geniuses and Scholars speak of Worm Holes and warping Space to enhance your ridiculous space travel; not having any knowledge of SPACE what-so-ever. – Your Worm Holes cannot exist, and you cannot warp / “WARP” Space, with WARPED MINDS.

The only way your stupid geniuses could achieve anything of the sort, would be to remove, or lessen the space in front of the vehicle while in travel. – But your mindless wizards like Newton and Einstein, or that Hawkin character, or the little child of a fool with all his Black Holes could never figure out how to compress or decompress space to lengthen or shorten any distance. Even though space compresses and decompress by NATURE. - These fools think they are smarter than nature~~~. - Even if your geniuses could ever figure it out, it would never do you any good for space travel outside of the System. – The very fact that energy waves are space vibrations, and travel through space at the speed of light, the space is compressed and decompressed, and that sets the speed of travel of the energy; LIGHT SPEED!! However, there is nothing traveling but the vibrations, not the space. The same is true with sound and the vibrations of air. – NOTHING DOES OR COULD TRAVEL THE SPEED OF LIGHT!! -- The compression and decompression and the RELAXING of the stress of the intensity of the sound or energy sets the speed of both, the speed of light and the speed of sound.—The relaxing of the stress of the intensity of light gives the FALSE Doppler Effect of an expanding universe, when it’s just the relaxing of the extreme stress of the light over millions or billions of years of travel through space. ---- Man could never achieve 10% of the speed of light, which is 18,600 miles per. sec. / or 66,900,000 MPH. - and that would be stretching it a tiny bit. There has never been ANYTHING recorded or observed at anywhere near that speed. --- But let’s say 10% of the speed of light, and the fools could remove 50% of the space, or the distance in front of their vehicle to the nearest star as they travel, which is over three light years away. – At 10% of the speed of light, that makes it nearly 40 years of travel through normal space. However, if they could remove 50% of the space in front of them, it would still be a 20 year travel to the NEAREST STAR, and 20 years back for the ignorant fools. That’s 40 years for everything to function perfectly; and any fool knows that they could not feed themselves with good food and water that long, or make any of their equipment last nearly that long under that much stress!! - BUT NOT YOU GUYS!!!
To reach the speed of 10% of the speed of light, the vehicle would have to accelerate at two Gs; which is 64 ft. per sec, per sec. – That would take the travelers 17 ¾ days just to reach 10% of the speed of light. – Who could stand two Gs for 17 straight days!! --- What a bunch of mindless fools!! ---- OOHH YES! – YOU’RE GOING TO WANDER AROUND AMONG THE STARS!! – And there are alien wanderers who have come here from 10, 100, or a 1000 light years away; - OOHH YES! – AND YOU CLAIM TO UNDERSTAND GOD!!
If you Decompress the space within an object or between two points, you shorten the Distance through the object or between the two points. Compress the space, and it will lengthen the distance without moving the points of reference. – That is “Relativity in a Quadrametrical Universe”. -------- WHEN ARE YOU GENIUSES GOING TO PROVE ME WRONG with the Word of God, -- or Logic and Reasoning!!!!

Paul – 102011

If there are Ships from ((( Outer Space ))), They Had to come here By using the "LAWS" of ((( "Space Flow" ))), not Gravity!! -- But the Foolish Lying Scientists only care about their Money they are getting from their Presant Stupid Theories of Gravity!!

You all are about to find out How you missed (( "Space Flow" ))!! -- OOHHHH Happy DAY!!!!!

Paul -- 041114