World of Confusion:

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New member
In a world of confusion, there’s only one thing that is inconsistent, and that’s Jesus Christ. – Is there any consistency in any of the teachings of your churches, and religious TV garbage? – If you’re a part of the confusion, you’re not a part of Christ; and you dare to consider me confused. - If I’m confused, I’d have to be inconsistent with you all. -- Then I’m very confused within myself, and you all are inconsistent with me, and me alone.

1 Corinthians 1:10 KJV – “I beseech you, brethren, BY THE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, that YE ALL SPEAK THE SAME THING, and that there be NO DIVISIONS AMONG YOU; but that ye BE PERFECTLY JOINED TOGETHER IN THE SAME MIND AND IN THE SAME JUDGMENT”. ----- Is there any room in there for the confusion that exists today in ALL our different churches today? – If that verse is true, then every verse in all the Scriptures are equally true without changing them in any way. Change them and you have YOUR CONFUSION. – Christ is not the confusion. - The false teachers and preachers who change the Word to fit their own doctrines are and have caused the confusion of the world. – None of them will go un-punished; from the least to the greatest, and all they who follow them.
Christ / the Word of God is not confusing if left alone and BELIEVED! You have to believe the Word / Christ as it is spoken. – How dare anyone speak for himself, and not in the NAME OF GOD. – With all your different doctrines, it doesn’t seem there is anyone who cares what the Lord said.

Am I the one who is confused when I speak? -- Just speak where the Lord speaks, or speak not at all. Except you’ve been baptized of the Holy Ghost, you nave no business attempting to speak for Christ at all. You cannot speak in the name of Christ, because none of you have been sent by him. You send yourselves to speak that which Christ has not said.

If Christ has sent you to teach, “from where” did Christ send you to teach? You must be sent by him, and none of you have. - Does the following mean anything to any of you? --- Hebrews 1:13-14 KJV ----- If Christ has sent you, where were you and he, when he sent you to teach, or are you LOST to that? Did he send you an e-mail, or did you down-load it on your I-pod? --- NO! - Christ sends his own to teach, not the devil’s own. The devil is doing a very good job at sending his own, looking at ALL THE CONFUSION IN YOUR WORLD. – And you say, “You’re not a part of it”? You’re certainly not a part with me, and I’m not a part of the confusion, I couldn’t possibly be. – You all have rejected what I’ve said, so I can’t be a part of your confusion. I’m the only one who is always inconsistent with you all; and there is only one sent.

Paul – 092610

The Word

New member
In a world of confusion, there’s only one thing that is inconsistent, and that’s Jesus Christ. – Is there any consistency in any of the teachings of your churches, and religious TV garbage? – If you’re a part of the confusion, you’re not a part of Christ; and you dare to consider me confused. - If I’m confused, I’d have to be inconsistent with you all. -- Then I’m very confused within myself, and you all are inconsistent with me, and me alone.

1 Corinthians 1:10 KJV – “I beseech you, brethren, BY THE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, that YE ALL SPEAK THE SAME THING, and that there be NO DIVISIONS AMONG YOU; but that ye BE PERFECTLY JOINED TOGETHER IN THE SAME MIND AND IN THE SAME JUDGMENT”. ----- Is there any room in there for the confusion that exists today in ALL our different churches today? – If that verse is true, then every verse in all the Scriptures are equally true without changing them in any way. Change them and you have YOUR CONFUSION. – Christ is not the confusion. - The false teachers and preachers who change the Word to fit their own doctrines are and have caused the confusion of the world. – None of them will go un-punished; from the least to the greatest, and all they who follow them.
Christ / the Word of God is not confusing if left alone and BELIEVED! You have to believe the Word / Christ as it is spoken. – How dare anyone speak for himself, and not in the NAME OF GOD. – With all your different doctrines, it doesn’t seem there is anyone who cares what the Lord said.

Am I the one who is confused when I speak? -- Just speak where the Lord speaks, or speak not at all. Except you’ve been baptized of the Holy Ghost, you nave no business attempting to speak for Christ at all. You cannot speak in the name of Christ, because none of you have been sent by him. You send yourselves to speak that which Christ has not said.

If Christ has sent you to teach, “from where” did Christ send you to teach? You must be sent by him, and none of you have. - Does the following mean anything to any of you? --- Hebrews 1:13-14 KJV ----- If Christ has sent you, where were you and he, when he sent you to teach, or are you LOST to that? Did he send you an e-mail, or did you down-load it on your I-pod? --- NO! - Christ sends his own to teach, not the devil’s own. The devil is doing a very good job at sending his own, looking at ALL THE CONFUSION IN YOUR WORLD. – And you say, “You’re not a part of it”? You’re certainly not a part with me, and I’m not a part of the confusion, I couldn’t possibly be. – You all have rejected what I’ve said, so I can’t be a part of your confusion. I’m the only one who is always inconsistent with you all; and there is only one sent.

Paul – 092610

On June 14, 2008, I was made unconfused forever. Why are you still confused?
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