WND's Joseph Farah on BEL!

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WND's Joseph Farah on BEL!

This is the show from Wednesday August 5th, 2009.

This [birther issue] is one of those issues that's going to hurt the media as much as it hurts the politicians who ignore it. There's going to be a price to pay very soon.


* Bob Enyart interviews Joseph Farah: Today Bob interviews Joseph Farah, editor of WorldNetDaily, the source of record for the Obama eligibility question. Some people despise Farah so greatly that they mock his request, even though it is now repeated by millions of Americans, for Barack Obama to show us his birth certificate. Bob's son Nathaniel has to produce his birth certificate to get a passport to enter Mexico for the Baja 1000 race this fall! And an especially tall 11-year-old boy would have to produce his birth certificate to Little League officials. But what, Obama can't show us his birth certificate?

* Today's Personhood Hearing Win: Colorado Secretary of State’s Title Board Unanimously Approves Proposed 2010 Personhood Amendment Language.
For Immediate Release August 5, 2009
Denver, Colorado - The offices of the Colorado Attorney General, The Secretary of State, and Legislative Legal Services voted 3-0 that the proposed 2010 Personhood Amendment meets the required single subject rule and also voted 3-0 that the language is not misleading.
Personhood Colorado director Gualberto Garcia Jones J.D. and Colorado Right To Life vice president Leslie Hanks explained the technical difference between the 2008 Personhood Amendment and this year's. "Our decision to use the words 'the beginning of biological development of a human being' as opposed to 'the moment of fertilization' allows us to protect all human beings, even those originating from asexual forms of reproduction," said Leslie Hanks. more…

* Denver Post & the DNC Sheets of Shame Anniversary: You remember the world's largest protest sign that American RTL unfurled on the Rocky Mountains during the Democratic National Convention? Well, so does the Denver Post. Please email (newsroom@denverpost.com) or call the Denver Post at 303 832-3232 and ask for the news room, and request that they report the story behind the enormous sign on the mountain!

* Folks Who Don't Want to See Birth Certificate: Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, John McCain, and now Glen Beck, who says that even if Obama was born abroad and committed fraud against the American people and is not qualified to be president, that he should not be put out of office. This interesting development illustrates a long-time claim made on BEL: when people undermine God's enduring command, Do not murder, for example by regulating the killing of unborn children, or by endorsing candidates who kill unborn children, then in reality, they have made themselves their only ultimate standard and will advocate violating the constitution, as well as breaking God's law, whenever it seems politically expedient.

* Fox News - Obama's 'Certificate' Problems: "The certificate put on the Internet by Obama and held up by the media was created in 2007. In the lower left corner of the form there is reference to a Hawaiian statute that was revised in November of 2001, and if you look closely at the front you can see bleeding through from the back the date stamp from 2007 when the document was created," wrote Tommy De Seno, FoxNews.com.

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? Check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources!
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