Winds of personhood blow in Idaho

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Winds of personhood blow in Idaho

This is the show from Wednesday February 25th, 2009.


* Georgette Mason University Picks Homecoming Queen: Fairfax, VA - homosexual Ryan Allen, dressed in drag.

* Idaho Activists License Focus II DVD: Idaho pro-lifer Scott Watson reports that the personhood movement is making an impact in his state. Praise God! And Scott announced that pro-life activists in his state have licensed the groundbreaking DVD Focus on the Strategy II from American RTL to reproduce and distribute it locally from Idaho. Again, we praise the Lord!

* President of Idaho RTL Jason Herring Surprised: the pastor of South Valley Baptist Church, Jason Herring, also the president of Idaho RTL, complained to a group about a letter in the Idaho Press Tribune that criticized his group when BEL friend Kirsten Richardson spoke up and said, "I wrote that!" Here is Kirsten's letter, also submitted today to the Idaho Statesman: Pro-life groups are working hard for a baby's right to life, but I am concerned that past legislation has caused, more harm than good, to public knowledge. Real pro-life people agree that legislation is needed to establish legal personhood for the pre-born baby. The present thinking of most pro-life organizations is, 'we need to wait to introduce legislation until we have a chance of winning.' Waiting for a winning climate is illogical, because public knowledge of personhood can only be taught through public debate. The truth is legal personhood begins at fertilization. Colorado Right to Life was kicked out of National RTL over this personhood issue. CRTL does not support legislation regulating pre-born baby murder, instead they emphasize personhood laws. Their motto is, "if a law ends with 'and then you can kill the baby' that law is evil." See or William Wilberforce, a member of Britain's Parliament and a major leader in ending slavery, came to understand that regulating slavery would never abolish it. Parliament ended slavery with personhood legislation in 1833. When will major pro-life organizations reach this same conclusion? -Kirsten Faith Richardson, Letha, Idaho! Thanks Kirsten!

* Bob Responds to Liz from Nebraska: on Jill Stanek's blog about seven states currently pursuing personhood, Liz wrote: "Personhood is not a religious issue. I believe we have advances in technology that have shown us a human being in the womb, not tissue or a cluster of cells?" Bob replied: Liz, thanks for being in the fight! Here's more to consider: technology and the laws of science don't speak authoritatively on right and wrong. In fact, the laws of science do not even use the terms right and wrong. It is only from Religion (not from atoms and molecules) that we derive human rights: they come from our Creator, not at birth from the delivery doctor at the hospital, but at the moment of each individual's creation! Liz, technology and science can tell you how to lynch a black man, but not that doing so is evil. Only God and the conscience He wrote on your spirit can tell you that. Plants have a body; according to the Bible, animals have a body and soul; and people have a body, soul and spirit. Science does a poor job comprehending these matters. -Bob Enyart,

* Associate Press Lists Obama's Speech Errors: even the AP can't resist pointing out the avalanche of misinformation in Barack Obama's speech last night, least of which was the snub on Germany by claiming that the U.S. invented the automobile.

* Turkish Airlines crash in Amsterdam: this tragic news story prompted Bob to recall leading thirty folks on a tour of Turkey (you can listen to Bob's Bible Tour of Turkey CD), and boarding a Turkish Airlines flight from Istanbul to Ankara. The astounding country of Turkey occupies a major biblical land and still preserves much of the evidence for the sacred history that occurred within its borders!

* Reuters Reports Prisoner Abuse Up Since Obama: Abuse of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay has worsened sharply since Barack Obama took office, even as confirmed by the Pentagon's own report! In some twilight zone way this is reminiscent of the new president, just three days after his inauguration, dropping bombs on twenty Pakistanis and Obama killing them. That day, a Los Angeles talk show host Gregg Jackson had interviewed Bob about George W. Bush's devastating abortion legacy, and after airing that interview on BEL, but recalled that Fred Barnes had predicted in November that Obama would impose the Fairness Doctrine and that he'd pull out of Iraq, implying that Obama would abandon the war on terror. That same week Bob predicted that Barnes' claims would fail, and also that while Barack Obama is a child killer, such fear mongering by Republican talking heads like Fred Barnes is designed to scare Christians into voting for pro-abortion candidates like John McCain.

* Now BEL Coming Back to Television: Thanks to you all, we've reached 137% of our telethon goal for February to keep Bob Enyart on the radio for another year! That's $27,500 donated toward our target of $20,000! Thank you audience! And thanks to you helping financially, the BEL staff had the confidence to work with LeSEA Broadcasting's TV 53 to bring Bob Enyart Live back to television in Denver! The goal is to start re-airing classic BEL programs, Focus on the Strategy, and our greatest DVDs as of May 1, 2009! We've met our $20,000 goal to keep broadcasting on radio, and now, we've already raised $7,500 toward our $10,000 goal for getting back on Denver television! Wow! And if you haven't chipped in to be a part of this outreach, and would like to, please make a one-time gift or a monthly pledge online or by calling 1-800-8Enyart! Please help!

Today's Resource: For our February BEL Broadcast Telethon, save $20 on any two Bible Study albums for a gift of $50 (normally $69.98) and save more than $50 on any four BEL resources (including The Plot, etc.) for a gift of $100 to help Bob Enyart stay on the air for another year! You can browse our online KGOV Store to select the titles you are most interested in, and then please call 1-800-8Enyart to order, or send a check to Bob Enyart Live, PO Box 583, Arvada CO 80001. Also get the second month FREE if you sign up for any of our Subscription Services (like our BEL Televised Classics), and SAVE up to $150 if you mention the telethon to get 10% off our Enyart Library (one of everything!), the BEL Audio Library, or the BEL Video Library!
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