Will Duffy Recovers Stolen Credit Card

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Will Duffy Recovers Stolen Credit Card

This is the show from Wednesday September 9th, 2009.


* $14,109 of $40,000 Telethon Goal: There's $400 of a matching fund remaining so please help put us over $15,000 by tomorrow! Please pray and please call 1-800-8Enyart!

* KGOV's GM Duffy Stares Down Thief: After a weekend of camping in a Colorado mountain town (details to be released later), the general manager of KGOV.com, Will Duffy, realized that a general store clerk had stolen his credit card. Will confronted the clerk who denied it, and Will made the situation for the thief so awkward that he then produced and returned Will's credit card. (By the way, this is the second time that Will has caught someone stealing his credit card.)

* Please Help With Our KGOV Telethon! Thank you! We've reached $11,385 of our $40,000 goal! The greatest way to help keep BEL broadcasting online and reaching more people is to sign up to automatically give monthly, or sign up for a monthly BEL DVD subscription service, a monthly Bible Study album or Bob's Sermons subscription. If you subscribe or give monthly, we multiply the amount you give times ten toward the telethon goal! (So a $24.99 subscription or automatic monthly donation brings $250 toward our $40,000 telethon goal!) Also of course, you can call 1-800-8Enyart for any subscription or to make a one-time donation or to purchase of a BEL Resource (or just click those links)! And remember, BEL materials come with our money back guarantee!

* Today Bob Sees a Driver Hit a Bicyclist: Bob Enyart today witnessed a woman driving the wrong way on a divided major roadway and he saw her turn into a driveway and hit a bicyclist and knocking the teenager to the ground. Bob stopped and the woman said that the young man, who was a bit stunned, had driven in front of her. Bob told her that she had been driving on the wrong side of the road, and had driven into the bicyclist, and that this was her fault. She replied, "My bad. You're right." Bob's co-host Doug McBurney pointed out that this random woman was so willing to blame the kid, until she was caught. Bob added that even Israel's King David was not repentant… until he was caught. This fallen human condition is so sad, but ubiquitous. Liberals think people are basically good, obviously because they've never read a history book, a newspaper, or been to family court.

* Colorado RTL Sept. 26th Banquet! Please mark your calendar right now for Saturday, September 26, at 6:30 p.m. and make your reservation by calling Donna at 303-753-9394 (or to just get on their vital mailing list)! Do you know who Lila Rose is? You'll HAVE TO come out to see her! You'll have a tremendous time, and you'll be a great blessing!

* Preemie Left to Die in Norfolk, England: Carah Capell begged her government health care doctors to save her tiny son Jayden who was born at 21 weeks five days. But the doctors refused, because they're in rebellion against God, hate their neighbor, are pro-aborts, and part of the jihad against children, but also because the baby was two days too young, for Britain's government healthcare guidelines recommend that any baby less than 22 weeks be left for dead. And Jayden died. Headline: "Doctors told me it was against the rules to save my premature baby."

* Fewer Emitters: A report by the London School of Economics (LSD) titled Fewer Emitters, Lower Emissions, recommends birth control as a way of fighting global warming, as the godless continue to wage jihad against children. In the 1930s, socialists referred to unwanted people as useless eaters; now, today's socialists refer to unwanted children simply as emitters. Any excuse will do, to dehumanize and kill them. Fight for personhood now!

* Help Colorado RTL Get Signatures: If you live in Colorado, could you help circulate the Personhood Colorado & CRTL 2010 petition? We need your help! If you live in any other state, can you help to advance personhood via the 2010 ballot or in one of three different ways?

Today’s Resource: You can learn more by browsing the KGOV Store's Department of Government which includes Bob's classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar on CD and you can read Bob's article (Google 1 of 2.1M for: God death penalty) or watch his DVD on God and the Death Penalty: NT Support for Capital Punishment!
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