WikiLeaks offers $20k reward to prevent Obama govt ‘destroying US history’


[WikiLeaks has offered a reward of $20,000 for any information on employees in US President Obama's administration destroying documents, according to an official statement. | Moscow | Sputnik] "Whistleblowing website WikiLeaks offered a reward of $20,000 on Wednesday for evidence of employees in US President Obama's administration destroying documents.

"We are issuing a US$20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest or exposure of any Obama admin agent destroying significant records," WikiLeaks said via Twitter.

​WikiLeaks has also attached a leaked 2009 letter from the US National Archives on the missing of two terrabyte hard drive disk with Hilary Clinton’s White House administration documents.
"System admins: Don't let the White House destroy US history again! Copy now, then send to WikiLeaks at your leisure," WikiLeaks wrote in connection with the 2009 incident..." Full text: WikiLeaks has offered a reward of $20,000 for any information on employees in US President Obama's administration destroying documents, according to an official statement. :Nineveh: Am 8:5


There should be a Congressional subcommittee investigating Wikileaks ties to Moscow.

Wikileaks is a Front for Russian*Intelligence

August 31, 2015
The part played by Wikileaks in the Edward Snowden saga is an important one. The pivotal role of Julian Assange and other leading members of Wikileaks in getting Snowden from Hawaii to Moscow, from NSA employment to FSB protection, in the late spring of 2013 is a matter of record.
For years there have been questions about just what Wikileaks actually is. I know because I’ve been among those asking. Over two years ago, little more than two weeks after Snowden landed in Moscow, I explained my concerns about Wikileaks based on my background in counterintelligence. Specifically, the role of the Russian anti-Semite weirdo Israel Shamir, a close friend of Assange, in the Wikileaks circle merited attention, and to anyone trained in the right clues, the Assange group gave the impression of having a relationship with Russian intelligence. As I summed up my position in July 2013, based on what we knew so far:
It’s especially important given the fact that Wikileaks is playing a leading role in the Snowden case, to the dismay of some of Ed’s admirers and even members of his family. Not to mention that Snowden, as of this writing, is still in Moscow. One need not be a counterintelligence guru to have serious questions about Shamir and Wikileaks here. It may be a much bigger part of the story than it appears to the naked eye.
Evidence that Wikileaks is not what it seems to be has mounted over the years. Assange’s RT show didn’t help matters, neither did the fact that, despite having claimed to possess secret Russian intelligence files, Wikileaks has never exposed anything sensitive, as they have done with the purloined files of many other countries. To say nothing of Assange & Co. taking unmistakably pro-Russian positions on a host of controversial issues. Questions logically followed...

Now answers are appearing. It’s long been known that Wikileaks, by their own admission, counseled Ed Snowden in June 2013 to leave Hong Kong and head to Moscow. Contrary to the countless lies propagated by Snowden Operation activists, Snowden’s arrival in Russia was his choice; it had nothing to do with* canceled passports in Washington, DC.
An important gap has been filled this week by Julian Assange, who admitted that Snowden going to Moscow was his idea. Ed wanted to head to Latin America, Julian asserted, especially Ecuador, whose London embassy Assange has been hiding out in for years on the lam from rape changes in Sweden...

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