Why you can't trust 2P2Ps

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Jerry didn't want this topic talked about under the 'misunderstanding of Rom 5B':

Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Shugart View Post
Why are you changing the subject? The Scriptures state in no uncertain terms that when Abraham's faith was counted to him for righteousness his faith was not in Christ Jesus. With that settled if you have any comments about the subject of this thread then they will be appreciated but I do not want this thread to be diverted by running down a rabbit trail about how Abraham was saved.

The declaration that Abraham's faith was not in Christ is Jerry Shugarts. It is not the NT. The NT is:

Abraham saw Christ's day and rejoiced, or
The Scriptures announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: 'All nations will be blessed through you.'

2P2P is so full of itself that "it" is Scripture, not what Scripture says.

Right where Paul is showing the most unified Bible, 2P2P pops up its head and says that it is the 'mind' of the Bible.


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Please do not open any more 2P2P threads in ECT. I am going to start locking them instead of moving them.
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