ECT Why was the Sabbath made for man.


The Sabbath was created at the very beginning of human history. In Genesis 2:1-3 we read that God blessed and sanctified the seventh day. The Hebrew word translated 'sanctified' in Genesis 2:3 and 'hallowed' in Exodus 20:11 is qadash, a word meaning 'to hallow, to pronounce holy, to consecrate, to set apart for holy use.'

In Mark 2:27, Jesus says: 'The Sabbath was made for man.' The Greek has an article before 'man,' so the phrase could be rendered, 'The Sabbath was made for the man.' This is a likely reference to Adam, the first man and representative of the whole race that descended from him.

Jonathan Edwards says in one of his sermons: "What could be the meaning of God's resting the seventh day, and hallowing and blessing it, which He did, before the giving of the fourth commandment, unless He hallowed and blessed it with respect to mankind? "

If someone new to the bible would study Gen 2:1-3 in context, then read the rest of the Bible have reason to believe that Sabbath rest was given to Adam? God repeats it many times in scripture and also defines it in the NT who it was made for at creation and Jesus kept the Sabbath.........

Deuteronomy 5:12
Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee.

Deuteronomy 5:14
But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou.

Deuteronomy 5:15
And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.

Isaiah 58:13
If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words:

Jeremiah 17:24
And it shall come to pass, if ye diligently hearken unto me, saith the LORD, to bring in no burden through the gates of this city on the sabbath day, but hallow the sabbath day, to do no work therein;

Matthew 12:8
For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day.

Mark 2:27
And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:

Mark 2:28
Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.

Mark 6:2
And when the sabbath day was come, he began to teach in the synagogue: and many hearing him were astonished, saying, From whence hath this man these things? and what wisdom is this which is given unto him, that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands?

It didnt say the Sabbath was made for the fish, or birds or animals, it said it was made for man (and Adam was the first man) and Jesus should know as He is Lord of the Sabbath and was there at creation.

Bradley D

Well-known member
God finished His creation of the heavens and the earth. Then God rested on the Seventh Day. People claim the seventh was on a Saturday. Therefore, Saturday showed be the day of rest. Others claim the new Sabbath/day of rest is now on Sunday, because our Lord rose from dead on Sunday. Did God make the day of rest for humankind? Or is the sabbath a day to rest and reflect on God.


Well-known member
Hobie, hold on to your hat. You may disagree with me, but if you like to think out of the box I suspect you will at least enjoy my take on this subject. You are correct. It started in the beginning Gen. 1-2:1-3. I also like your point of how "The Sabbath was made for the man."
But the key to identifying the man is found within the differences between Gen. 1:1-2 and Gen.2:4. The key is: a Name Change occurs. By the way Gen. 1:1 is simply the title of the chapter. Yet the word used from verses 1-2 is God. The ancient world is elohiym/elohim which is a collective noun. This sort of pluralist noun is needed to describe an all encompassing God. Verse 2 also tells us it is The Spirit who is working to establish things needed for his new creation. However, by the time you get to the sixth day The Spirit stops his work. The question now is this: Who begins to work? The answer is: Gen. 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens. Now we have the English rendition LORD but if you trace the Hebrew root words you will find that LORD, Adonai, and YHWH are all connected to this one individual mentioned in Gen. 2:4 even if names have been blurred over the centuries. Suddenly in verse 4 we go from a collective nouw to an individual. What do we know about this individual named The LORD? Well, he is somehow God. How? My conclusions come from this truth: He is the one who formed the body of Adam which had been mentioned in Gen.1:26-27. He formed it from the Dust of the ground and God had said that HE would make man after HIS own image and likeness. This individual personally forming a body for Adam, who was known as The LORD and God, gave Adam a physical form that looked like HIS personal image. If Adam looked like what we accept as being a male - a man, then The LORD must have had that male presence first!
Now is time for another question: Was YHWY/LORD/Adonai a typical man? Heavens no! He was a super-natural presence not a mere man, but realizing this takes us back to the topic. Who was the man for which the Sabbath made? The New Testament explains it. John 1:1... tells us that Jesus was The Word, who was with God and was God. Jesus was THAT LIGHT of God, but men did not realize who he was as being THAT LIGHT. I say it was because Jesus had mortal flesh and not some super-natural heavenly body, but remember Elohiym tells us that mankind would be made after HIS image [Gen 1:26-27]. One God with a pluralistic nature chose one [singular] image to represent all of himself. One God chose to use only one image. Is it any wonder that Jesus made this clear? When you have seen me you have seen the Father. The Father LORD God, who was God, and the Son, Lord Jesus who was God, looked alike! They both had that one male presence God created for his personal use. And from the start mankind was designed to favor it! Consider this take: Jesus didn't look like mankind but rather mankind favored HIM! He, as the Word and the presence of God, was there working on the 7th Day.
Do you need proof that our Lord existed and worked as the Word in the beginning? Read Jesus's own words: John 17:4-5 I [Jesus] have glorified thee [Father] on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. I like to add this nuance: with the glory which I shared with thee before the world was. IOW, The Word, being God, was present and was represented by God's one personal created image which was first seen by Adam and ultimately known as The LORD Father. If Jesus correctly said - when you have seen me you have seen the Father, then the Father could have said - when you have seen me you have seen a pre-incarnate form of my Word when he comes in flesh. Isaiah 43:11 really makes things clear about the identity of our One God, who we have seen described as three equal personages of the God head. I [God/Elohim, the Spirit], even I am the LORD [YHWH], beside me [who is the Spirit and the individual LORD/YHWH] there is no Savior [The Word]. IOW ... Jesus was God the Spirit, God the Father LORD, and ultimately God the Son our Lord and Savior.
So who was it that could take the ground and add a bit of divine water and form eyeballs for a man who had had none since birth? Our Lord who had the ability to form man's eyes in Gen.2. Who was it that often worked and did his miracles on the Sabbath Day - seemingly breaking the laws regarding the Sabbath? Our Lord Jesus. Who was The MAN for which the Sabbath was created? It was for the Christ - our Lord who was God for the three [Spirit, Father, and Son] are ONE. The Sabbath may have become a day of rest for mankind, a day to honor their creator, but it was the Day our LORD and Lord worked. Is is any wonder that Jesus said this when he was confronted about his doing things on the sabbath day? My rendition: John 5:17: My Father [The LORD] worketh hither to, and I the promised Lord/Christ] work [on the sabbath].
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Hobie, hold on to your hat. You may disagree with me, but if you like to think out of the box I suspect you will at least enjoy my take on this subject. You are correct. It started in the beginning Gen. 1-2:1-3. I also like your point of how "The Sabbath was made for the man."
But the key to identifying the man is found within the differences between Gen. 1:1-2 and Gen.2:4. The key is: a Name Change occurs. By the way Gen. 1:1 is simply the title of the chapter. Yet the word used from verses 1-2 is God. The ancient world is elohiym/elohim which is a collective noun. This sort of pluralist noun is needed to describe an all encompassing God. Verse 2 also tells us it is The Spirit who is working to establish things needed for his new creation. However, by the time you get to the sixth day The Spirit stops his work. The question now is this: Who begins to work? The answer is: Gen. 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens. Now we have the English rendition LORD but if you trace the Hebrew root words you will find that LORD, Adonai, and YHWH are all connected to this one individual mentioned in Gen. 2:4 even if names have been blurred over the centuries. Suddenly in verse 4 we go from a collective nouw to an individual. What do we know about this individual named The LORD? Well, he is somehow God. How? My conclusions come from this truth: He is the one who formed the body of Adam which had been mentioned in Gen.1:26-27. He formed it from the Dust of the ground and God had said that HE would make man after HIS own image and likeness. This individual personally forming a body for Adam, who was known as The LORD and God, gave Adam a physical form that looked like HIS personal image. If Adam looked like what we accept as being a male - a man, then The LORD must have had that male presence first!
Now is time for another question: Was YHWY/LORD/Adonai a typical man? Heavens no! He was a super-natural presence not a mere man, but realizing this takes us back to the topic. Who was the man for which the Sabbath made? The New Testament explains it. John 1:1... tells us that Jesus was The Word, who was with God and was God. Jesus was THAT LIGHT of God, but men did not realize who he was as being THAT LIGHT. I say it was because Jesus had mortal flesh and not some super-natural heavenly body, but remember Elohiym tells us that mankind would be made after HIS image [Gen 1:26-27]. One God with a pluralistic nature chose one [singular] image to represent all of himself. One God chose to use only one image. Is it any wonder that Jesus made this clear? When you have seen me you have seen the Father. The Father LORD God, who was God, and the Son, Lord Jesus who was God, looked alike! They both had that one male presence God created for his personal use. And from the start mankind was designed to favor it! Consider this take: Jesus didn't look like mankind but rather mankind favored HIM! He, as the Word and the presence of God, was there working on the 7th Day.
Do you need proof that our Lord existed and worked as the Word in the beginning? Read Jesus's own words: John 17:4-5 I [Jesus] have glorified thee [Father] on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. I like to add this nuance: with the glory which I shared with thee before the world was. IOW, The Word, being God, was present and was represented by God's one personal created image which was first seen by Adam and ultimately known as The LORD Father. If Jesus correctly said - when you have seen me you have seen the Father, then the Father could have said - when you have seen me you have seen a pre-incarnate form of my Word when he comes in flesh. Isaiah 43:11 really makes things clear about the identity of our One God, who we have seen described as three equal personages of the God head. I [God/Elohim, the Spirit], even I am the LORD [YHWH], beside me [who is the Spirit and the individual LORD/YHWH] there is no Savior [The Word]. IOW ... Jesus was God the Spirit, God the Father LORD, and ultimately God the Son our Lord and Savior.
So who was it that could take the ground and add a bit of divine water and form eyeballs for a man who had had none since birth? Our Lord who had the ability to form man's eyes in Gen.2. Who was it that often worked and did his miracles on the Sabbath Day - seemingly breaking the laws regarding the Sabbath? Our Lord Jesus. Who was The MAN for which the Sabbath was created? It was for the Christ - our Lord who was God for the three [Spirit, Father, and Son] are ONE. The Sabbath may have become a day of rest for mankind, a day to honor their creator, but it was the Day our LORD and Lord worked. Is is any wonder that Jesus said this when he was confronted about his doing things on the sabbath day? My rendition: John 5:17: My Father [The LORD] worketh hither to, and I the promised Lord/Christ] work [on the sabbath].

The mystery of the GodHead We will spend a long time when we get to heaven trying to grasp the fulness as we go through eternity..

God's Truth

New member
The Sabbath was created at the very beginning of human history. In Genesis 2:1-3 we read that God blessed and sanctified the seventh day. The Hebrew word translated 'sanctified' in Genesis 2:3 and 'hallowed' in Exodus 20:11 is qadash, a word meaning 'to hallow, to pronounce holy, to consecrate, to set apart for holy use.'

In Mark 2:27, Jesus says: 'The Sabbath was made for man.' The Greek has an article before 'man,' so the phrase could be rendered, 'The Sabbath was made for the man.' This is a likely reference to Adam, the first man and representative of the whole race that descended from him.

Jonathan Edwards says in one of his sermons: "What could be the meaning of God's resting the seventh day, and hallowing and blessing it, which He did, before the giving of the fourth commandment, unless He hallowed and blessed it with respect to mankind? "

If someone new to the bible would study Gen 2:1-3 in context, then read the rest of the Bible have reason to believe that Sabbath rest was given to Adam? God repeats it many times in scripture and also defines it in the NT who it was made for at creation and Jesus kept the Sabbath.........

Deuteronomy 5:12
Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee.

Deuteronomy 5:14
But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ***, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou.

Deuteronomy 5:15
And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.

Isaiah 58:13
If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words:

Jeremiah 17:24
And it shall come to pass, if ye diligently hearken unto me, saith the LORD, to bring in no burden through the gates of this city on the sabbath day, but hallow the sabbath day, to do no work therein;

Matthew 12:8
For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day.

Mark 2:27
And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:

Mark 2:28
Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.

Mark 6:2
And when the sabbath day was come, he began to teach in the synagogue: and many hearing him were astonished, saying, From whence hath this man these things? and what wisdom is this which is given unto him, that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands?

It didnt say the Sabbath was made for the fish, or birds or animals, it said it was made for man (and Adam was the first man) and Jesus should know as He is Lord of the Sabbath and was there at creation.

The Sabbath was made for man because Jesus was coming to save man. The Sabbath is a type of Jesus. It is a shadow; it is a teaching tool.


Well-known member
Yes, the seventh day is a foreshadow of our Lord Jesus. Would understanding who he was before men saw him in flesh be important for real Bible students?


Well-known member
The mystery of the GodHead We will spend a long time when we get to heaven trying to grasp the fulness as we go through eternity..
It is really not that hard to understand if you believe in the "super-natural God," and if you believe what God tells us and what Jesus told us. Let me boil it down to some simple deductions:
1.) God is an invisible Spirit, who made visibility possible.
2.) He decided to appear within the worlds he created specifically in our world.
3.) He chose a singular image to represent himself. An image so precious to him that he does not want any idols of worship formed to take its place nor any lifeless image formed of it which would diminish he living glory.
4.) The invisible God tells us who he is and what his plans for man are in this verse: Is. 43:11 I [Elohiym - the invisible God], even I am LORD [His presence who spoke with Moses face to face and whom Adam and Eve hid from when they heard him walking in the Garden], beside ME [who is the invisible God and the finite visible LORD who was seen by ancient men and referred to as LORD] there is no Savior.
5.) God, the creator, was to come as God and LORD, to be the Savior. John the Baptist proclaimed his arrival and Jesus even told us that he and the Father are one. John 14:-11
6.) How are they one? The invisible God associated his essence once again to his chosen image. This time to Our Lord, who was the image of The LORD, but who seen with a lesser glory of flesh. Col [Jesus] who is the image of the invisible God, [the image being] the firstborn of every creature [ever created]
7.) The Spirit of God in no way was withheld from him for Jesus had the Spirit of God without measure. John 3:34-35 For he [our Lord and Savior], whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him. The Father [God and LORD] loveth the Son [God and Lord], and hath given ALL things into his hand.
8.) God the Spirit, as the Father LORD, and as our Lord Jesus are ONE. They are HE. He is they. A super-natural God can accomplish this feat.


Well-known member
Now, how does all that relate to the Sabbath Day? The Invisible God rested from all his works during days 1-6, then he chose to let someone else work, so to speak.The invisible God allowed his presence to work in a more hands on sort of creating. It was God as the LORD who worked on the Seventh Day. Read Genesis 2 about the times when the LORD God worked and how he worked. The Sabbath Day was created for the LORD God to work. He formed mankind's body after his own likeness/image. Adam was a man so the LORD must have appeared as a male presence. Wow! He formed eyeballs for man's body which had none in the beginning. Thus created mankind would be able to see him as his created image. The image that was created before the world was. Col.1:15.The Sabbath was THE MAN's, who was the LORD, day of work. Is it any wonder that our Lord did creative miracles on the Sabbath? Is it any wonder that our Lord formed eyeballs for a man who had none from birth? Is it any wonder that mankind was told not to do any works on that day? My opinion is this: Mankind was not get the glory for any works he/we might do on that day, but only The LORD/our Lord for whom the Sabbath was created was due the glory for what he did that day.

The key to understanding is identifying THE MAN for whom the Sabbath was made. It was God our Lord and Savior. Wow!

God's Truth

New member
It is really not that hard to understand if you believe in the "super-natural God," and if you believe what God tells us and what Jesus told us. Let me boil it down to some simple deductions:
1.) God is an invisible Spirit, who made visibility possible.
2.) He decided to appear within the worlds he created specifically in our world.
3.) He chose a singular image to represent himself. An image so precious to him that he does not want any idols of worship formed to take its place nor any lifeless image formed of it which would diminish he living glory.
4.) The invisible God tells us who he is and what his plans for man are in this verse: Is. 43:11 I [Elohiym - the invisible God], even I am LORD [His presence who spoke with Moses face to face and whom Adam and Eve hid from when they heard him walking in the Garden], beside ME [who is the invisible God and the finite visible LORD who was seen by ancient men and referred to as LORD] there is no Savior.
5.) God, the creator, was to come as God and LORD, to be the Savior. John the Baptist proclaimed his arrival and Jesus even told us that he and the Father are one. John 14:-11
6.) How are they one? The invisible God associated his essence once again to his chosen image. This time to Our Lord, who was the image of The LORD, but who seen with a lesser glory of flesh. Col [Jesus] who is the image of the invisible God, [the image being] the firstborn of every creature [ever created]
7.) The Spirit of God in no way was withheld from him for Jesus had the Spirit of God without measure. John 3:34-35 For he [our Lord and Savior], whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him. The Father [God and LORD] loveth the Son [God and Lord], and hath given ALL things into his hand.
8.) God the Spirit, as the Father LORD, and as our Lord Jesus are ONE. They are HE. He is they. A super-natural God can accomplish this feat.

Beautiful, wonderfully put, and shows that Jesus' Spirit is the Spirit of God, the one and only God who is the Father come visible in the immortal body of Jesus not yet known as Jesus, and then come to earth in the flesh in the body as a son of man.

God's Truth

New member
Yes, the seventh day is a foreshadow of our Lord Jesus. Would understanding who he was before men saw him in flesh be important for real Bible students?

Yes, the plan and promise from the beginning to show as a sign of what was coming.

God's Truth

New member
Now, how does all that relate to the Sabbath Day? The Invisible God rested from all his works during days 1-6, then he chose to let someone else work, so to speak.The invisible God allowed his presence to work in a more hands on sort of creating. It was God as the LORD who worked on the Seventh Day. Read Genesis 2 about the times when the LORD God worked and how he worked. The Sabbath Day was created for the LORD God to work. He formed mankind's body after his own likeness/image. Adam was a man so the LORD must have appeared as a male presence. Wow! He formed eyeballs for man's body which had none in the beginning. Thus created mankind would be able to see him as his created image. The image that was created before the world was. Col.1:15.The Sabbath was THE MAN's, who was the LORD, day of work. Is it any wonder that our Lord did creative miracles on the Sabbath? Is it any wonder that our Lord formed eyeballs for a man who had none from birth? Is it any wonder that mankind was told not to do any works on that day? My opinion is this: Mankind was not get the glory for any works he/we might do on that day, but only The LORD/our Lord for whom the Sabbath was created was due the glory for what he did that day.

The key to understanding is identifying THE MAN for whom the Sabbath was made. It was God our Lord and Savior. Wow!

Wow is right, so wonderful that even before anything was made, God made Himself a body, an immortal body, the body of the First and the Last, the body that Jesus gave up to come to the earth as a man, and then received back as the First fruits, the same glory he had with the Father before anything was made, and the same body through which everything was made through him.


Well-known member
Wow is right, so wonderful that even before anything was made, God made Himself a body, an immortal body, the body of the First and the Last, the body that Jesus gave up to come to the earth as a man, and then received back as the First fruits, the same glory he had with the Father before anything was made, and the same body through which everything was made through him.

Yes, watch where Jesus, the WORD, prayed a prayer out loud just to inform his disciples how things worked with the Father before he came to earth as Lord appearing in mortal flesh. Read John 17:1-5 but I am going to focus on verse 4-5 One think you must consider as you read is that God's glory was his super-natural image which had the ability to dwell within light and fire as well as appear to the eyes of men.

I [as your Son and your WORD] have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

According to John 1 Jesus, was identified as being God's Word, who was with God and was God simultaneously. Now in verse 5 you see him telling us that he shared the glorious image God created for himself.

IOW God image represented him and all he was as God and all he would be. The image represented him as the living Spiritual essence who wanted a relationship with mankind. It represented him as the Father of Israel and the one who preceded his Son. It represented him as the promised Son he would become as our Lord of flesh.

IOW God used the same image to represent himself as the Father and the Son. They really did look alike and when you had seen one you had seen the other. Just the essence of the glory changed.

In verse 5 Jesus was letting his disciples know this sharing state between the Word and the Father as well as letting them know that God was going to give him the same glory back which he had shared with the Father in the beginning. I believe saints will one day see two Lordly images. I'm guessing only one will have signs of a crucifixion on his body.


Well-known member
Wow ... I'm just noticing that people can share your posts on FB. Not sure how I feel about that. Hmmm ...

God's Truth

New member
Yes, watch where Jesus, the WORD, prayed a prayer out loud just to inform his disciples how things worked with the Father before he came to earth as Lord appearing in mortal flesh. Read John 17:1-5 but I am going to focus on verse 4-5 One think you must consider as you read is that God's glory was his super-natural image which had the ability to dwell within light and fire as well as appear to the eyes of men.

I [as your Son and your WORD] have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

According to John 1 Jesus, was identified as being God's Word, who was with God and was God simultaneously. Now in verse 5 you see him telling us that he shared the glorious image God created for himself.

IOW God image represented him and all he was as God and all he would be. The image represented him as the living Spiritual essence who wanted a relationship with mankind. It represented him as the Father of Israel and the one who preceded his Son. It represented him as the promised Son he would become as our Lord of flesh.

IOW God used the same image to represent himself as the Father and the Son. They really did look alike and when you had seen one you had seen the other. Just the essence of the glory changed.

In verse 5 Jesus was letting his disciples know this sharing state between the Word and the Father as well as letting them know that God was going to give him the same glory back which he had shared with the Father in the beginning. I believe saints will one day see two Lordly images. I'm guessing only one will have signs of a crucifixion on his body.

Yes! I enjoy reading your beliefs on this and glad to hear someone else understand what I have tried so hard to convey to others here and be called liar and crazy.

As for the last part that you wrote, my beliefs are that there will be only two images, God the Father in Spirit, and God the Father with a body, which is Jesus Christ. I don't believe Jesus will have a body with the signs of a crucifixion, since I believe that when Jesus went back to heaven he was given his glorified immortal body, the body he had before coming to earth, before the crucifixion; and, when he comes back THEN we will see him in this immortal body which should not look exactly like the body he had on earth because the scriptures say we will see him as he is and what we will be. What say you?

1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

Since John has seen Jesus when he walked on earth, and after he was raised from the dead, it would seem that he is changed even more so after going back to the Father, and may not have the scars of a person who lived on this earth, and since he got back the the same glory he had before coming to earth, before a crucifixion.

God's Truth

New member
Wow ... I'm just noticing that people can share your posts on FB. Not sure how I feel about that. Hmmm ...

I didn't notice that share option before. I wonder if anyone uses it and if there have been any discussions on what we all discuss here without knowing it. Wondering too about when posts are edited here if it automatically edits it on the FB and Twitter after being shared.


Well-known member
I didn't notice that share option before. I wonder if anyone uses it and if there have been any discussions on what we all discuss here without knowing it. Wondering too about when posts are edited here if it automatically edits it on the FB and Twitter after being shared.

??? An oldie of TOL. Returning after years ... not sure how anything works. I don't even know how to start a thread. LOL


Well-known member
Yes! I enjoy reading your beliefs on this and glad to hear someone else understand what I have tried so hard to convey to others here and be called liar and crazy.

As for the last part that you wrote, my beliefs are that there will be only two images, God the Father in Spirit, and God the Father with a body, which is Jesus Christ. I don't believe Jesus will have a body with the signs of a crucifixion, since I believe that when Jesus went back to heaven he was given his glorified immortal body, the body he had before coming to earth, before the crucifixion; and, when he comes back THEN we will see him in this immortal body which should not look exactly like the body he had on earth because the scriptures say we will see him as he is and what we will be. What say you?

1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

Since John has seen Jesus when he walked on earth, and after he was raised from the dead, it would seem that he is changed even more so after going back to the Father, and may not have the scars of a person who lived on this earth, and since he got back the the same glory he had before coming to earth, before a crucifixion.

You and I have a lot in common in our beliefs. After I wrote Lord Jesus MIGHT have the scares of HIS crucifixion still visible I began to second guess that idea as well. But I will remember one thing: Our Lord Jesus is the one seated on the right hand of the Father. There has to be two Lordly presences in order for that to happen. The book of Revelation speaks of the two of them, Stephen saw the heavens opened and saw our Lord standing at the right hand of the Father, and I Timothy 6:1-16 describes how our Lord Jesus will introduce the King of Kings and the LORD of lords, IOW the Father, to the saints. That means the two of them will be seen by the saints.

I do agree with you that the Father answered the prayer of Jesus to have the glory back he shared with the Father in the beginning. I just believe the Father duplicated that glorious presence and gave it to his Son. After all, I believe the Father had already duplicated that bodily form for our Christ. It was just diminished by flesh. Just like we will be given a new body of our own by God so was our Lord given his new body but his will have the same glory of the Father.

I can share my interpretation of I Timothy 6:1-16 if you would like.

God's Truth

New member
You and I have a lot in common in our beliefs. After I wrote Lord Jesus MIGHT have the scares of HIS crucifixion still visible I began to second guess that idea as well. But I will remember one thing: Our Lord Jesus is the one seated on the right hand of the Father. There has to be two Lordly presences in order for that to happen.
Well, consider that God the Father is a Spirit without a body, and Jesus is God the Father with a body. So that is two when you consider if one is a Spirit without a body and the other is the same Spirit with a body.

The book of Revelation speaks of the two of them,
Do you not think that the book of Revelation speaks of the two of them being the same?

Stephen saw the heavens opened and saw our Lord standing at the right hand of the Father,

Stephen sees Jesus standing on the right hand of the glory of God. The glory of God might be seen as light, the brightest most beautiful light.

and I Timothy 6:1-16 describes how our Lord Jesus will introduce the King of Kings and the LORD of lords, IOW the Father, to the saints. That means the two of them will be seen by the saints.
But Jesus tells us that he is the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

Revelation 17:14 They will make war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will triumph over them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and He will be accompanied by His called and chosen and faithful ones."

1 Timothy 6:15 which God will bring about in His own time--He who is blessed and the only Sovereign One, the King of kings and Lord of lords.

I do agree with you that the Father answered the prayer of Jesus to have the glory back he shared with the Father in the beginning. I just believe the Father duplicated that glorious presence and gave it to his Son. After all, I believe the Father had already duplicated that bodily form for our Christ. It was just diminished by flesh. Just like we will be given a new body of our own by God so was our Lord given his new body but his will have the same glory of the Father.
I believe that the body Jesus had before coming to earth is the same body he has now. I believe that Jesus' Spirit is the Spirit of God the Father, and the body Jesus has is the Father's body.

I can share my interpretation of I Timothy 6:1-16 if you would like.

I would like that.


Well-known member
God's Truth, I love this topic. I want to remind Hogie and others that I am not trying to veer off the topic of the Sabbath being made for man.

In fact this vein of thought grew out of a discussion I was having with God's Truth that the Sabbath Day was made for the Father/ Son, who being the Word of God was there with the Father as God before the world was.

The reason Jesus seemed to be breaking the Sabbath often was because it was his day of work. Mere humans were told not to work on that day because that day was set aside to glorify our creator not mankind. It was a sanctified day unto the LORD. My conclusion has been that God created an image for his own use so that he could come within his creation. He shared the likeness of that image with Adam ... thus, God's image was a male body because we all accept that the first Adam, who looked like the image of God, looked like what we know as a male.

Now, I plan to discuss with God's Truth just who was the LORD who began his work on the 7th Day when Elohiym/God the Spirit rested.

God's Truth said:
[Well, consider that God the Father is a Spirit without a body, and Jesus is God the Father with a body. So that is two when you consider if one is a Spirit without a body and the other is the same Spirit with a body.]

Our first place of disagreement starts right here. I do not believe the Spirit is considered the Father.

From what I've been able to determine it is in the NT where Jesus and others begin using the term heavenly Father. It is also in the NT where people start getting up set when Jesus says he is God the Father's Son.

Yet, I am sure there are foreshadows in the OT where The heavenly Father and the anointed Son are in insinuated. For instance all of Psalm 1 and 2 are a Messianic prophesy. In it we read about the man who is not like other men for he meditates in the law of the LORD day and night. It speaks of the heathens who rage against the LORD and his anointed one. The ungodly want to break all ties with the LORD and his anointed one.

The rest of Chapter two speaks of the Son who will break them with a rod of iron, and dash them in pieces. People are commanded to serve the LORD with fear. People are told to kiss the Son lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way. Blessed are all who put their trust in him. This Son mentioned here has to be a reference to the Messiah for Jesus proclaimed he was the WAY.

So the question is: Who is the Father of the anointed Son? The answer is The LORD. The LORD is the one who worked on the 7th Day and the WORD, who was God, was also with him. How? They shared the image which God the Spirit had created for himself. God was not known to be the Father but his presence whom men could see became known as the Father. Why? I say it is because the Father appears before a Son appears. Jesus tell us he looked just like his Father. In fact he said more than that. He said when you have seen the fleshly image of me you have seen the image of the Father. My conclusion is this: God created one image to represent himself among men as the one God ... but God had plans to use that image more than once. That is why in Genesis 1:26-27 we see a mixture of singular and plural pronouns. The our and us refers to the Father an Son. Let us make man[kind] after our image. The Father and the Son were both present at this event in creation but they both were represented by on ONE IMAGE. Perhaps The LORD Father could have said: When you have seen my heavenly form your have seen the pre-incarnate form my Son will have when he comes in flesh. Just like Jesus said: When you have seen me you have seen the Father as well.

Therefore, I do not believe the Spirit is what is known as the Father, but rather the visible presence of God, known as LORD/YHWY, is the one people thought of as the Father. Jesus made it sort of clear for us when he said this: John 5:17 My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. Meaning God the Father was the one seen working at creation on the Sabbath Day and now I as God the Son is working in my day.

The Spiritual God is capable of such a thing. To create one image to represent his oneness but use it more than once to represent himself. In fact we have proof in the Bible that he did manifest his one image more than once even before Jesus came. He decided that Adam would be formed in his image and after his likeness. The first Adam of flesh failed but the second Adam of flesh was victorious. The second Adam arose from the dead and received the glorification due him. Jesus asked that this glory be the same glory he had shared with the Father in the beginning; therefore, there will be two glorious Lords seated in heaven. Our risen Lord will be seated on the right hand of the Father.