Why underdog Cruz DOES have a chance @ presidency


New member
Cruz hasn't been a Senator very long. However, he has done a lot of legal work, presenting cases b4 the Supreme Court and he was Soliticitor General in TX

but a lot of people think a governor should be our next president. Well, i think that would be ideal but here is the reason i beleive Cruz may win or could win just the s ame:

  • He is someone who sticks to his principles regardless..
  • He loves this country and probably appreciates it better than... a lot of folks
  • He is younger than most of the R candidates, certainly younger than the D candidate
  • He PROVED how much he hated Obamacare, which most Americans also hate
  • He speaks of abolishing the IRS

That last one?

I think that last one could get 200 million votes all by itself



New member

How could i forget??
  • He will g et the FEMALE vote... very big one there... He will likely get about 40% of that (I think women generally speaking are tired of the libs)
  • He will get the Christian vote
  • the non-rino vote
  • and all Blacks who realize Pres O didn't deliver.. get those 2
  • he will get the IRespectTheConstitution vote..



Hall of Fame

How could i forget??
  • He will g et the FEMALE vote... very big one there... He will likely get about 40% of that (I think women generally speaking are tired of the libs)
  • He will get the Christian vote
  • the non-rino vote
  • and all Blacks who realize Pres O didn't deliver.. get those 2
  • he will get the IRespectTheConstitution vote..

You are wrong about the female vote ....

And then there is the fact that you don't even know if he will be the Republican candidate.


New member
Hillary Clinton will be the next President. I'm not supporting her, but the fact is, she will be the next President.


New member
If the "R" candidate is a milk toast RINO like Jeb Bush than I wholeheartedly agree.

Jeb Bush will win the Republican nomination. No question. It will be Clinton vs. Bush, and Hillary will win. No one will beat Hillary Clinton, especially not Bush. I guarantee Bush will win the Republican nomination.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Jeb Bush will win the Republican nomination. No question. It will be Clinton vs. Bush, and Hillary will win. No one will beat Hillary Clinton, especially not Bush. I guarantee Bush will win the Republican nomination.

Hey, Reagan was hated just as much as Cruz, or Walker, and for the same reasons as Reagan was, still Reagan won two elections by landslide being voted for by people of all political stripes, when nobody thought it could happen, even won liberal California!...and the RINO's were furious because he was not only elected but Reagan was loved by the people, a great leader no doubt. I really hope a conservative can eek out the nomination but, I hold little hope for a change in the status quo. This should be a hard fought primary season and we may see a real leader emerge from the mix. I have to agree with you though and, Chrys gets real mad when I say it but, if they run Bush, they will lose, I have no doubt about that whatsoever, he cannot sell that milk toast moderate message to the base...just won't happen, Romney couldn't sell it, I am not sure why the RINO's think they can force feed the electorate a substandard candidate like Jeb Bush yet again...I don't get it. :idunno:

The Berean

Well-known member
Hillary Clinton will be the next President. I'm not supporting her, but the fact is, she will be the next President.

No, she will not be the next president. She is simply too old now to be president. If she were to take office she would be the second oldest person ever to take office. Do the Dems really want a 69 year old presidential nominee. I highly doubt it. They have someone else in mind already. In 2008 Clinton couldn't beat an unknown, inexperienced senator from Illinois, when everything was practically set up for her to win the Democratic presidential nomination. She couldn't do it in 2008 and she won't do it in 2016 either.


New member
Do you really want another academic in there? I don't and wonder how people can get so fired up over all these candidates that have proven they're only.... kind of really smart and good at debating.

If I were on the board of directors for a company or institution, I wouldn't place a vote of confidence in a person for CEO who just studied some business philosophy and economics in college and only has a couple years of experience as a department store manager. Why does a guy like Cruz or even Obama deserve to be president and head up this economy and military?

I'd vote for Trump over this guy. At least Trump has a lot of real world executive experience, a life filled with golden doors and fancier toilets than even Japan has experience, but there it is.
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patrick jane

Do you really want another academic in there? I don't and wonder how people can get so fired up over all these candidates that have proven they're only.... kind of really smart and good at debating.

If I were on the board of directors for a company or institution, I wouldn't place a vote of confidence in a person for CEO who just studied some business philosophy and economics in college and only has a couple years of experience as a department store manager. Why does a guy like Cruz or even Obama deserve to be president and head up this economy and military?

I'd vote for Trump over this guy. At least Trump has a lot of real world executive experience, a life filled with golden doors and fancier toilets than even Japan has experience, but there it is.

not bad for a "pagan" - :patrol:

patrick jane

Cruz hasn't been a Senator very long. However, he has done a lot of legal work, presenting cases b4 the Supreme Court and he was Soliticitor General in TX

but a lot of people think a governor should be our next president. Well, i think that would be ideal but here is the reason i beleive Cruz may win or could win just the s ame:

  • He is someone who sticks to his principles regardless..
  • He loves this country and probably appreciates it better than... a lot of folks
  • He is younger than most of the R candidates, certainly younger than the D candidate
  • He PROVED how much he hated Obamacare, which most Americans also hate
  • He speaks of abolishing the IRS

That last one?

I think that last one could get 200 million votes all by itself


i read people. i see facial expressions (imperceptible), body language and thought processes, on the fly. whatever happens, i know where it's headed. i can see through folks, face to face like few can. i don't even have to see the look on a face to know what is, through typing. hence, politicians and supporters, there isn't two parties, as much as folks like to think there is - :patrol:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Cruz hasn't been a Senator very long.
Right. That was a big deal to Republicans when the other side pushed a junior candidate.

However, he has done a lot of legal work, presenting cases b4 the Supreme Court and he was Soliticitor General in TX
More impressed by his clerking. That's a real feather and no one that looks at him should come away thinking he's less than a very intelligent fellow with a very particular view of Constitutional law, the occasional rhetorical nonsense aside. Some of which you'll note.

He is someone who sticks to his principles regardless..
So was the unibomber. What the principles are, that's the important part.

He loves this country and probably appreciates it better than... a lot of folks
That's what they said about Hitler. Or, what his idea of country is, that's the important part.

He is younger than most of the R candidates, certainly younger than the D candidate
So if it's your guy it's youthful energy and if it's the other guy's he's too green?

He PROVED how much he hated Obamacare, which most Americans also hate
From Obamacare facts:

The ObamaCare polls show that ObamaCare is less popular than the Affordable Care Act and that the Acts provisions are more popular than either in many cases. Of course they are all the same thing. This shows the more informed the public is about healthcare reform and the less rhetoric and talking points they hear, the more they like what the law actually does.​

He speaks of abolishing the IRS
Then unless you want to lose billions of revenue you end up with a new wineskin and the same wine.

That last one?

I think that last one could get 200 million votes all by itself
I admire optimism. He hasn't got a chance though. If he could even manage the nomination it would be a happy day for democrats.


New member
You are wrong about the female vote ....

And then there is the fact that you don't even know if he will be the Republican candidate.

he will get the female vote becasuse most women are heterosexual

(and misogynistic)

so they won't be voting for the D candidate



New member
Right. That was a big deal to Republicans when the other side pushed a junior candidate.


of course it's a big deal when the Ds are possibly winning. We can't let Satan win.

I'm not saying all Ds are sold out to the devil. Some are just ignorant... ignorant of stuff like sound economic principles.. ignorant about..

But hey, we don't want ignorant folks in office.

So a non-ignorant candidate who hasn't been Senator long is better than an ignorant one who thinks its OK (this is the worst thing of all) to torture and murder children in the womb (but not terrorists in Gitmo)



New member
This doesn't even come close to making any sense ...

yes, it is rather stupid to hate your own gender, but that is what 80% of females do

I ought to know, being one of those pathetical creatures (but not one who hates other females... just b/c htey are female... dumb)

Women will vote for Ted Cruz b/c he is CUTE if nothing else

But most will vote because they are tired of the libs and their lawlessness and sleeping with the enemy aka Iran and the terrorists


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
of course it's a big deal when the Ds are possibly winning.
Thank you for admitting the ploy was dishonest, an objection that disappeared like a dandelion in a strong wind of Republican rhetoric once the shoe shifted. Politics at its usual finest.

Speaking of:
We can't let Satan win.
A house divided.

I'm not saying all Ds are sold out to the devil. Some are just ignorant... ignorant of stuff like sound economic principles.. ignorant about..
Like listening to Louis XVI lecture on responsible government. :plain:

But hey, we don't want ignorant folks in office.
Everyone is ignorant of something(s). The question is of what and to what extent.