Why Transgender


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Seen elsewhere:

If I had a dollar for every gender, I'd have two dollars.
There's nonbinary though, that's a thing, a horrific thing. "Intersex". Grizzly stuff. 'Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy's kids. Percentages of incidence are low in terms of 1-100% (thankfully it is much lower than 1%), but in a typical professional football or baseball stadium, sold-out (pre-covid of course), you'd expect that there are maybe a dozen intersex, "hermaphrodites" (misnomer because hermaphroditism is the normal scheme for some species, whereas it's disfigurement for humans) there.

It's sad. And those folks do need some latitude (or a lot) as they each individually figure out how they are going to manage living a whole life where they just aren't a member of either category of gender that we have: which is as you say, two. Male and female.
And a lot of counterfeits.
And I think there's a lot of basically malingering going on in this space. We recognize trans rights because we acknowledge the intersex people who are in every way equal with everyone else, they have the natural right to navigate their own course, and more power to them. But now there are I think, people who are not intersex, who are deluded into thinking that they have some form (invisible form, as they are otherwise healthy and intact) of this sad condition. And they are exercising trans rights, that are really only rights because there are genuinely intersex people.

But though, finally, on the other hand, of all the people who I feel are malingering in this space, I don't know that they're not actually some form of objective /medical intersex /nonbinary. So if I'm 100% wrong perchance, I don't want to run the risk of looking like an idiot. I think there's malingering, it's more of a poker sense, but it's not because I have actual knowledge of their private areas, and nor do I want that.


Throwing the T in the LGBT acronym under the bus is nothing new. It's been done for quite sometime now by those that pretend to be 'conservative' yet are still openly homosexual. Why do homosexuals sell out their transgender allies? So that people won't see them as a threat, hence them being "good homosexuals".

Lesbian Tammy Bruce is just one example.

Fox News Pundit Tammy Bruce Compares Being Transgender To Thinking You’re A Cocker Spaniel​

Fox News Pundit Tammy Bruce Compares Being Transgender To Thinking You're A Cocker Spaniel | HuffPost

Gary K

New member
The transgender thing is part of transhumanism which is exactly where people like Gates want to go. They want to program us to do what they want with internal chipping hooked into our brains. They call that "improving" the human race. They want to be seen as God.

Gary K

New member
I disagree. It's a rebellion against God's creation of man and woman.

That I agree with.
So where do you get the idea that I don't think that the transgender agenda is not rebellion against God? Bill Gates is a truly evil guy, and so are his asssociates. And evil is nothing more than acceptance of, and the intentional aligning of one's self to, the devil's rebellion against God.

BTW, have you seen where the Satanic Temple sued the state of Texas for banning abortions? They claim part of their worship is the sacrificing of children and part of that rite is the killing of the unborn, so banning abortion takes away their "right" to worship as they please.


Well-known member
There's nonbinary though, that's a thing, a horrific thing. "Intersex". Grizzly stuff. 'Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy's kids. Percentages of incidence are low in terms of 1-100% (thankfully it is much lower than 1%), but in a typical professional football or baseball stadium, sold-out (pre-covid of course), you'd expect that there are maybe a dozen intersex, "hermaphrodites" (misnomer because hermaphroditism is the normal scheme for some species, whereas it's disfigurement for humans) there.

It's sad. And those folks do need some latitude (or a lot) as they each individually figure out how they are going to manage living a whole life where they just aren't a member of either category of gender that we have: which is as you say, two. Male and female.

And I think there's a lot of basically malingering going on in this space. We recognize trans rights because we acknowledge the intersex people who are in every way equal with everyone else, they have the natural right to navigate their own course, and more power to them. But now there are I think, people who are not intersex, who are deluded into thinking that they have some form (invisible form, as they are otherwise healthy and intact) of this sad condition. And they are exercising trans rights, that are really only rights because there are genuinely intersex people.

But though, finally, on the other hand, of all the people who I feel are malingering in this space, I don't know that they're not actually some form of objective /medical intersex /nonbinary. So if I'm 100% wrong perchance, I don't want to run the risk of looking like an idiot. I think there's malingering, it's more of a poker sense, but it's not because I have actual knowledge of their private areas, and nor do I want that.
The ungodly cannot see the insanity of calling boys girls and girls boys. That is because by rejecting God and wisdom they have made themselves fools.