Why the media ignores Trump admin's many child sex trafficking busts


Well-known member

[FONT=&quot]Since President Donald Trump has been sworn in on Jan. 20, authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States. This should be one of the biggest stories in the national news. Instead, the mainstream media has barely, if at all, covered any of these mass pedophile arrests. This begs the question – why?[/FONT]


Simpler reason is just because it would make Trump look good, therefore the media ignores it.

Conspiratorial reason is that they secretly favor raping children.

Have some pizza.



Actually I find it amazing that the article that you linked had a picture of proud and unrepentant homosexual Milo Yiannapoulos, who according to the author of the article is a "conservative". Since when are homosexuals "conservative" and considered spokespeople for moral causes?

If Donald Trump truly were interested in destroying sex trafficking rings he'd disassociate himself from the LGBTQ movement, who are for the legalization of adult-child sex.

I also find it "amazing" that one of Trump's friends, Jeffery Epstein, ran the Lolita Express not long before he was convicted of crimes involving the prostitution of children.

The Friendship Between Trump And A Billionaire Pedophile That Nobody Wants To Talk About

When put under oath, Epstein admitted that he had “socialized” with Trump. But Epstein chose to exercise his Fifth Amendment rights when asked: “Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/09/t...hat-nobody-wants-to-talk-about/#ixzz4Zz8h68U9


Trump puts on a nice show, but for those of us who know what's at the core of the problem, we can see right through the fraud.

The Horn

This is so ironic coming from a president who may very well have raped at least one 13 year ld girl at the parties, or rather rogues he has attended . Trump is a sex fiend who makes Bill Clinton look like a monk ! He has absolutely no control ver his monstrous libido .

The Horn

OOPS ! Should be "orgies ", not rogues . Damned autocorrect ! I'm scheduled to have a cataract removed soon, and my eyesight is not too great at the moment .


New member
aCW and Danoh will be mad. Glad to see Milo tossed under the bus too.

There you go again, bro; looking at a picture from one angle only; from an extreme :chuckle:

Fact of the matter is those kinds of major, interstate arrests only appear what they seem.

Fact of the matter is they take years of undercover work putting together all the right pieces just right because such cases are ever extremely vulnerable to being thrown out of court on one technicality or another - especially when so many people are involved in the crime.

Meaning Trump was not even running for office when all that actually began its investigation.

Musti would know this had he read that book I recommended to him by an FBI agent working those kinds of neccesarily multi-year undercover stings.

And given how Trump has so alienated so many in Law Enforcement - who are not letting him get away with taking credit for work he had nothing to do with - I suspect he will barely mention all this...much.

Then again, he has consistently proven reality does not check his delusions...


New member
Hall of Fame

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
There you go again, bro; looking at a picture from one angle only; from an extreme :chuckle:

No, that was just mockery.

I didn't vote for Donald Trump because I thought he was a moral man. But I am glad he is publicly repenting of his behaviors and has owned them, rather than try and explain it away like Bill Clinton and anybody on the left.


I never for a second trusted Milo as genuine any more than I trust Gavin McInnes to be genuine.

Milo Yiannopoulos is a Libertarian that plays a pretend conservative. Yeah, I guess since Libertarians aren't "genuine" conservatives (and can't come close to being one), you have a point.

The question is: Why do so many people who call themselves "conservative" support Yiannopoulos?

Inquiring minds gottsta know.

The Horn

Musteriorn, I'm opposed to the death penalty , period . Anyone who harm or murders children in such a way is mentally ill, and the mentally ill should never be executed , but kept imprisoned for life in mental institutions to keep them from committing other horrendous crimes . Executing them will do nothing to stop other sick killers .


Well-known member
Executing them will do nothing to stop other sick killers .

Kill them too. It works every time.

We get what you're saying...it's worth having no mortal threat hanging over the heads of those who would rape children. Worst case scenario they can look forward to is a relatively comfortable life in prison. Kiddie rape is worth it JUST AS LONG AS YOU PLEASE DON'T KILL THE POOR RAPIST!

Reading you loud and clear, evil pervert. Since you're unlikely to ever repent, I can't wait until you're cast into the Lake.


like marbles on glass
I never for a second trusted Milo as genuine any more than I trust Gavin McInnes to be genuine.


He dared speak from his own mind, something the Left will not tolerate. Now the Cosbyfication of Chappelle will commence...watch as his past is suddenly exhumed for public criticism and his reputation is systematically destroyed...NOT because of whatever he may (or may not) have done but ONLY because he spoke against Clinton at this critical time.
