Why the Law! Why the Covenant! - Two:


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All you smarter than God geniuses, you say, “For by Grace are ye saved through Faith”, -- But Grace by Law cannot be Grace, but by commandment, being no more Grace.
Who do you say the Son of Man, or the Son of God is! – God never said that Jesus WAS MAN, or formed as a man. Jesus LOOKED LIKE A MAN, and that’s all. – GOD came in the flesh, - Flesh formed from the Word, or Truth / GOD. – Even God could not keep His own Law as it was given to Moses, and Jesus never had to. - Jesus only kept the Law that John the Baptist changed the Law into; the “Baptism of Repentance”, and Jesus kept that New, Old Law. – Matthew 3:15 KJV ------- “And all of Judah was come out and was baptized unto John’s baptism”. – Thus all of Judah kept the Law of God as did Jesus, - It was God who broke the Old Law that had to be broken, and was ordained to be broken, therefore God didn’t break His Law that He ordained that He would break. – Therefore, Grace didn’t come by Law, but the Covenant still stood, disallowing God’s Grace. The Covenant was to Abraham, -- “Through thy SEED shall “ALL THE NATIONS” of the earth be BLESSED”. --- Even God could not cause that to be in its total fulfillment. – That Covenant too was ORDAINED not to be fulfilled. - Therefore, God broke that Covenant by His own ordinance of His repentance from it, making “Grace by Grace” and not by Law or a Covenant, But by Grace alone, and that is “God’s Grace”, not the Grace man understands as the fools they are.

What Genius among you thinks that God, Jesus, and the Angels in Heaven, live under Law, or above a Law! There is no Law for the Spiritual, and they cannot be judged by any Law. Only the Carnal and the carnal minded come under the Law of some kind and none are above God. There is no Grace in Heaven to any Heavenly being, ONLY GOD!!

Those in Heaven are without Law, and they are a Law unto themselves, for God and the Spirits of Christ and of God is “LOVE”, and LOVE is without Grace, for Grace is a Law. --- WHAT THEN! – The first man Adam had a wife and they kept the Tree of Life, ---( All after that and before )---. The second man Adam had a wife and they dressed and kept the Tree of Life in the New Garden of God for ever more!! --( All between was “GIVEN”, and all between was “TAKEN AWAY” )--. --- ( THUS THE “FIRST” AND THE “LAST” WITH NOTHING IN BETWEEN ).

Ephesians 4:11-12 KJV --- “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12- For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ”. -------- You scholars and the smarter than God, - God is referring to the carnal side of the Church, not the Spiritual Body of Christ. - All who are mentioned there are not the Saints. - The general run of the Saints are not required to have the aptitude, or be apt to teach. --- WHERE DO THE ANGELS COME IN THERE! – The Angels are not given to the edifying of the Body, or to teach!! – Where is your wisdom and understanding of the SPIRITUAL THINGS OF GOD!! – The Angels are given to observe and to JUDGE. – Do Jesus and the Angels live by Faith in Heaven, - Have they been shown Grace in any way!! -- NO! – They have always been, they were before Grace. ---- AM I WRONG!! – PROVE ME WRONG IN ANY OF THIS IF YOU THINK YOU ARE WISE ENOUGH!!

Paul –100911