Why the Law! Why the Covenant! - One:


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Why any Law! - Why any Covenant! – Laws and Covenants can not stand without being broken! – The very purpose of laws and covenants are to be broken. – Laws and Covenants are put in place where they must be broken. – Only a fool would put a Law where it could never be broken! – Laws and Covenants are by nature vain, and are to punish the BREAKER OF THE LAWS, and no one else. – So why did God make a Law, only to punish those who broke the Law, - and where there is no Law, there is no transgression of the law! – Israel was the only nation who had a Law of God that couldn’t be kept, and punished those who didn’t keep it!

When Jacob began “begetting a nation”, and was called “ISRAEL”; there was a multitude of nations in the world, and none had a “LAW” from God. – Before Moses and the Law, there was no LAW; there were ONLY COVENANTS. ---- ( But where and why did a Law and Covenants of Melchisedec exist! - There is no evidence given, therefore there is no doctrine ).
The first Law and Covenant given by God, was, --- Genesis 2:17 KJV – “But of the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: ---- for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die”. ----- Why did God raise up a single nation and place a Law and Covenant that had to be broken in “order to, or to “ORDAIN” the condemnation of the whole world! – After the Garden of Eden, the whole world FELL INTO CONDEMNATION OF ONE MAN’S SIN. - Then singled out one man / Jacob, to beget a nation / Israel to receive a Law that COULD NOT BE KEPT! – The rest of the world or the Gentiles didn’t have a Law that they couldn’t keep. – The rest of the World just DIED WITHOUT ANY LAW OR COVERNANT, without any condemnation other than the CURSE from the Garden of Eden. No promise of Abraham, or Law, or the promise of a fulfillment of any Law, or the promise of any such thing called “SALVATION”. Salvation from WHAT! – The Gentiles only died and went back to the dust of the earth, nothing more. – They just died physically and were buried. – There could be no SALVATION for the Gentiles, ONLY REDEMPTIOM from the curse of Adam, nothing more. There was no wrath of God that went with the curse to Adam, only carnal death, and hard work and pain of bearing children.

Salvation could only come from the condemnation of breaking a LAW of God. - Man could never break the Covenant of Abraham. - HOW COULD MAN BREAK IT! – Only God could break the Covenant of Abraham; - and that Covenant had to be broken for there to ever be a Spiritual Freedom, or grace, or LIBERTY.
How could man break the Covenant of Noah! – “Destroy the world by flood no more”. – How could man break that Covenant, but it HAD TO BE BROKEN! --- Some of you think you’re well learned in the TRUTH, and you don’t even know what TRUTH IS, nor what the Truth is.


Revelation 22:13 KJV – “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last”. --------- There it is, right in front of your foolish noses. -- Either Jesus / Truth / The Word / Eternal Life / G-O-D is the “First” A-N-D the “Last”, OR HE IS NOT. – If you people are right, then Jesus is just “JESUS”, and then there is “YOU”! – OH HAPPY DAY! – But you’re WRONG!!

The beginning WAS the Garden of Eden with Law and TWO COVENANTS, and all things CARNAL with Carnal law and Carnal covenants. – The Carnal cannot keep anything eternal or incorruptible. -- The carnal was never made to be immortal, but mortal; and the Carnal was never made to be incorruptible, but corruptible. ----- THAT’S WHY JESUS WAS FORMED, and walked among the mortal and the corruptible, and to bring some of them to His creation in the beginning AS G-O-D / SPIRIT, - immortal, and incorruptible, AS THE “FIRST” AND THE “LAST”.

Whether you geniuses and scholars like it or not, - the “Tree of Life” that was in the Garden of Eden, was the Covenant of all things immortal and incorruptible. – Man never broke that Covenant, GOD BROKE THE COVENANT, BECAUSE IT HAD IT BE BROKEN for there to be GRACE!! - Nothing can be “GIVEN” unless there is a “WITHOUT OR NEED”. - Laws and Covenants force work and OBEDIENCE against the will of the receiver of Grace, making Grace no more Grace, - but WAGES.- The Wages of sin is death, but the “gift” of Grace is WITHOUT LAW AND COVENANTS, BUT TO BE BORN INTO THE GRACE BY AN INHERITANCE. - However, an inheritance can only come by a law. - So what then! – “We are saved by Grace though Faith”, that is SAVED, or Salvation without a PLACE, and saved only. That doesn’t GIVE ONE ETERNAL LIFE, neither can one earn it. The BLESSING OF GOD’S GRACE is having NEVER been under Law or Covenant, therefore one can have NO “beginning, or end” for himself, but a “beginning AND end” through Truth / Jesus / God / ETERNAL LIFE after the order of Melchisedec. --- “And there was Light, and God divided YOU from the darkness the first Day, and in that Light you dwell ever more”. – NOT YOU, BUT THE ANGELS!!

Paul – 100911


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- the “Tree of Life” that was in the Garden of Eden, was the Covenant of all things immortal and incorruptible. –
What covenant did Jesus die for breaking, if you think Jesus died for the God's part of a covenant not being upheld?


New member
What covenant did Jesus die for breaking, if you think Jesus died for the God's part of a covenant not being upheld?

I didn’t say Jesus died for breaking anything!!

For the gentiles, / “FOR THE “GENTILES” Jesus died in order to “SAVE” HIS “WIFE”, and Nothing else, THAT’S ALL!!

Paul – 111311