Why Republicans will lose the midterms?


When Republicans introduced their tax "reform" plan many Americans were insulted. There was all that room for a middle class cut, but it went to a corporate tax cut. Some would say it is because nothing had been deregulated or cut, yet I think no citizen would object to a middle class tax cut, if there was a big one. The smallness of a tax cut after years of tax increases was the insult. People may be objecting too much to the plan, but the nature of the insult doesn't make any republican look good.

This is based on old IRS ethics, where Trump was immune to taxation. There will be no real tax reform until Donald is impeached and shows his tax returns. But I digress.

Ethics isn't the only problem. How hard would it be to move all corporate health insurance subsidies to Medicaid/Medicaid funding and cut the rate just a bit? Instead of repealing Obamacare mandates, many republicans such as Mitch McConnell chose to continue all the worst parts of Obamacare. Luckily the Trump administration chose to let the subsidies implode if not moving them to government health coverage.

But there is more. The Republicans have been cutting public assistance for almost a decade. Social Security payments now increase much slower than the rate of inflation. And I don't doubt social programs have been cut. This is typical Southeastern Republican thinking which scares the media. However New England moderates need to be more spending conscious, and still aren't.
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