Why people are born and remain in constant poverty and misery?


We see majority of world’s people are born such and remain so in spite of best efforts. But, a less suffering minority born among well to do people is here too. They get their needs easily. If they strive, they can easily become rich. But it is usually not so easy for the people born poor. Often they never succeed in spite of back breaking efforts. Even if they succeed it is easily lost.

Many explain it by the term fate, which was rather whimsically determined by some spiritual higher power before their birth. They have nothing to do with it. Some say that their accidental birth star determined it. Some people have devised dubious horoscope and zodiac to know and manipulate fate by appeasing the evil stars.

But logical Christianity and mainline Indian religions explain it by the concept of original sin incurred before our birth here. They say that human souls have fallen from higher existence (heaven) after committing different degree of sins (basically anti-love actions), which explains our different degree of sufferings here. Ancient Christians believed that, but later under repentance-rejecter Roman emperors’ pressure they wrongly changed that to say “only Adam and Eve had fallen from heaven. But, as God created our souls in their progeny, we inherit their original sin”. This is same as the illogical fate theory, since a higher power determined our sin-inheritance, not us. It can’t explain different degrees of misery here if we inherit the same original sin of Adam.

Protestants think that if one believes (very deceptive thing) in Christ his blood washes all our sins, the cause of our misery here and in eternity. But nothing like that happens in practical life. If they say believers will be out of misery after resurrection (an impossible Persian-inherited ludicrous idea as that might happen after billions of years, when cosmos ends. Resurrection is immediate). Illogical Judaism and its derivative Muslims also believe in fate and say that God can change the fate if they worship God sincerely. They include bloody cruel oblations, war and suicide in that worship. It is like evil star appeasing practice of horoscope believers.

Indian religions Hindu, Jain and Buddhist explained it a little better. They believe in “Karma” meaning “as you sow so you reap”. They explain that our sinful nature and suffering are the results of our past work-culture. If we do good or bad works our nature become good or bad. Previous life’s good or bad works, whether of heaven or in this world, determine our birth, condition and mentality here. We can rise and fall even here or in next life according to our types of work-practice.

Though this is supported by our everyday experiences, still there are some snags. How can an evil minded one do good works as evil nature pollutes all? How can one know a good from a bad work? For their shallow interests shrewd people mislead naïve ones presenting a bad work like war, murder, suicide, loot and violence as good works! Answer is that when one mortifies evil-pride by suffering-cross it can no longer pollutes one’s work. Every anti-love action is sin.

Besides Buddha and specially Jain religion falsely expounded that all works are bad as they result in desire, the root of suffering. So they prescribe the impossible dictum of cessation of all activity to avoid that. That is impossible. Avoidance of suffering is not the purpose of creation but fecundity is. Even if we consciously cease to work, our subconscious and body continues working. They even practice suicide to stop all work. But that also never stops work as soul continues to do work after suicide as we had seen during exorcism. Buddhist’s nirvana and Jain’s similar ‘kaibalya’ is a state like eternal death of soul. In mad people here we see eternal disintegration of soul. Though their soul-personality is no more, their disjoined soul parts remain to suffer from their likes.

But, when we come to love-God conception of Christ all things become totally clear. When we culture love it integrates our soul, mind and body parts stronger. Then we get better harmony within, with outsiders and with Heavenly Father, the embodiment of Love-God. Though the pride-devil in us tends to pollute our love and work, we can subdue it by cross-penance. Then we can exercise that unpolluted love. It getting stronger by exercise integrates us better. So we become powerful to control passions and environment. Love’s nature is uniting. But when we go against love by culturing pride (selfishness), lust, vengeance etc, we become weak as these are anti-love. Though these passions give instant energy like booze, latter disintegration follows due to weakening of love bond.

Love-God creates material and spiritual cosmos and everything within them by uniting material and spiritual elementary particles by different mode of love-attraction. Thus souls are created and from them soul-societies called paradises. In the creation of souls two mature parent souls are primarily involved as we see in earthy families too. Though, the whole society is involved. Similarly in creating a new paradise two mature paradises are involved as we see in the creation of new nations here too. Creation of USA was by England and France. Paradises are like stars in the cosmos. They are bigger than earth as sun is in soul-population.

But when these becomes old, pride enters some paradises to start in-fight (Reve12,7-12 and Indian, Persian mythology). Love-bond being pride corrupted, they began to disintegrate. The most affected souls even fall below the level of animals by perversions. They are driven out from that disintegrating paradise by their infighting factions. Being infatuated in earth and animals they enter the body of Homo sapiens.
Here some come with more integrity due to less pride and some come with less integrity due to more pride. Former are able to capture a better birth-place and succeed better here to be comparatively rich and happy due to their integrity power. But they all continue their pride-dissolution course. The less integrated weak poor can’t do anything well even by the best efforts. So they remain poor. But all are on the way to disintegration of soul.

So we see that if one turns back to love-culture he/she can gain integration. But, love-works need sacrifice. For that one has to become voluntarily poor. They have to sacrifice whatever they have money, prestige, even body for that. Then they shall be on the way to love-integration heaven from here. But selfish stupid people of the world avoid that. So they are on the way to disintegration soul-death. The logic of Christianity is this as I have understood. But churches greedy for popularity have made it a magic of impossible blood-washing of sin. It being a negative quality can’t be washed away. Only love cures it.


New member
We see majority of world’s people are born such and remain so in spite of best efforts. But, a less suffering minority born among well to do people is here too. They get their needs easily. If they strive, they can easily become rich. But it is usually not so easy for the people born poor. Often they never succeed in spite of back breaking efforts. Even if they succeed it is easily lost.

Many explain it by the term fate, which was rather whimsically determined by some spiritual higher power before their birth. They have nothing to do with it. Some say that their accidental birth star determined it. Some people have devised dubious horoscope and zodiac to know and manipulate fate by appeasing the evil stars.

But logical Christianity and mainline Indian religions explain it by the concept of original sin incurred before our birth here. They say that human souls have fallen from higher existence (heaven) after committing different degree of sins (basically anti-love actions), which explains our different degree of sufferings here. Ancient Christians believed that, but later under repentance-rejecter Roman emperors’ pressure they wrongly changed that to say “only Adam and Eve had fallen from heaven. But, as God created our souls in their progeny, we inherit their original sin”. This is same as the illogical fate theory, since a higher power determined our sin-inheritance, not us. It can’t explain different degrees of misery here if we inherit the same original sin of Adam.

Protestants think that if one believes (very deceptive thing) in Christ his blood washes all our sins, the cause of our misery here and in eternity. But nothing like that happens in practical life. If they say believers will be out of misery after resurrection (an impossible Persian-inherited ludicrous idea as that might happen after billions of years, when cosmos ends. Resurrection is immediate). Illogical Judaism and its derivative Muslims also believe in fate and say that God can change the fate if they worship God sincerely. They include bloody cruel oblations, war and suicide in that worship. It is like evil star appeasing practice of horoscope believers.

Indian religions Hindu, Jain and Buddhist explained it a little better. They believe in “Karma” meaning “as you sow so you reap”. They explain that our sinful nature and suffering are the results of our past work-culture. If we do good or bad works our nature become good or bad. Previous life’s good or bad works, whether of heaven or in this world, determine our birth, condition and mentality here. We can rise and fall even here or in next life according to our types of work-practice.

Though this is supported by our everyday experiences, still there are some snags. How can an evil minded one do good works as evil nature pollutes all? How can one know a good from a bad work? For their shallow interests shrewd people mislead naïve ones presenting a bad work like war, murder, suicide, loot and violence as good works! Answer is that when one mortifies evil-pride by suffering-cross it can no longer pollutes one’s work. Every anti-love action is sin.

Besides Buddha and specially Jain religion falsely expounded that all works are bad as they result in desire, the root of suffering. So they prescribe the impossible dictum of cessation of all activity to avoid that. That is impossible. Avoidance of suffering is not the purpose of creation but fecundity is. Even if we consciously cease to work, our subconscious and body continues working. They even practice suicide to stop all work. But that also never stops work as soul continues to do work after suicide as we had seen during exorcism. Buddhist’s nirvana and Jain’s similar ‘kaibalya’ is a state like eternal death of soul. In mad people here we see eternal disintegration of soul. Though their soul-personality is no more, their disjoined soul parts remain to suffer from their likes.

But, when we come to love-God conception of Christ all things become totally clear. When we culture love it integrates our soul, mind and body parts stronger. Then we get better harmony within, with outsiders and with Heavenly Father, the embodiment of Love-God. Though the pride-devil in us tends to pollute our love and work, we can subdue it by cross-penance. Then we can exercise that unpolluted love. It getting stronger by exercise integrates us better. So we become powerful to control passions and environment. Love’s nature is uniting. But when we go against love by culturing pride (selfishness), lust, vengeance etc, we become weak as these are anti-love. Though these passions give instant energy like booze, latter disintegration follows due to weakening of love bond.

Love-God creates material and spiritual cosmos and everything within them by uniting material and spiritual elementary particles by different mode of love-attraction. Thus souls are created and from them soul-societies called paradises. In the creation of souls two mature parent souls are primarily involved as we see in earthy families too. Though, the whole society is involved. Similarly in creating a new paradise two mature paradises are involved as we see in the creation of new nations here too. Creation of USA was by England and France. Paradises are like stars in the cosmos. They are bigger than earth as sun is in soul-population.

But when these becomes old, pride enters some paradises to start in-fight (Reve12,7-12 and Indian, Persian mythology). Love-bond being pride corrupted, they began to disintegrate. The most affected souls even fall below the level of animals by perversions. They are driven out from that disintegrating paradise by their infighting factions. Being infatuated in earth and animals they enter the body of Homo sapiens.
Here some come with more integrity due to less pride and some come with less integrity due to more pride. Former are able to capture a better birth-place and succeed better here to be comparatively rich and happy due to their integrity power. But they all continue their pride-dissolution course. The less integrated weak poor can’t do anything well even by the best efforts. So they remain poor. But all are on the way to disintegration of soul.

So we see that if one turns back to love-culture he/she can gain integration. But, love-works need sacrifice. For that one has to become voluntarily poor. They have to sacrifice whatever they have money, prestige, even body for that. Then they shall be on the way to love-integration heaven from here. But selfish stupid people of the world avoid that. So they are on the way to disintegration soul-death. The logic of Christianity is this as I have understood. But churches greedy for popularity have made it a magic of impossible blood-washing of sin. It being a negative quality can’t be washed away. Only love cures it.

That’s based on the form of Government that exists, because of fools who cannot teach Christ!! They teach everything but God, like You do all the time!!!!! -- The Truth never gets heard, and the Devil does things his ~way~ through fools who teach garbage!!!!

Paul – 051713

Bradley D

Well-known member
The Bible tells us that the poor will always be with us. Therefore, it is our responsibility to help them.


New member
This man lost what by right was due to him, to his dear great grandfather. two mistakes were made,
a realitive did not seek justice concerning the claim to the throne of England

Second, his great grandfather made a 5 minute gamble, around 5 million dollars was dropped on horse race, all the money left in the family account, which would change the life of his children's children in an instant....

http://www.bbcamerica.com/anglophen...the-man-who-should-be-king-dies-in-australia/. Scroll down to watch the documentary

My thoughts, on why people are born into poverty

We are to consider our children, we make a difference to the life they will meet, wither we seek justice from thieves, or make a wise invest if comes our way, we will be fondly rembered, as strong an wise.

Don't lay down an call it a day


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
That’s based on the form of Government that exists, because of fools who cannot teach Christ!! They teach everything but God, like You do all the time!!!!! -- The Truth never gets heard, and the Devil does things his ~way~ through fools who teach garbage!!!!

Paul – 051713
Letsargue, Paul,

That was pretty good, you have it, but sometimes your writing is confusing. Good rebuke. :up:


This man lost what by right was due to him, to his dear great grandfather. two mistakes were made,
a realitive did not seek justice concerning the claim to the throne of England

Second, his great grandfather made a 5 minute gamble, around 5 million dollars was dropped on horse race, all the money left in the family account, which would change the life of his children's children in an instant....

http://www.bbcamerica.com/anglophen...the-man-who-should-be-king-dies-in-australia/. Scroll down to watch the documentary

My thoughts, on why people are born into poverty

We are to consider our children, we make a difference to the life they will meet, wither we seek justice from thieves, or make a wise invest if comes our way, we will be fondly rembered, as strong an wise.

Don't lay down an call it a day

Christ said "Seek the kingdom of heaven and all the things will be added to you" My point is that when we seek that by love-exercise, we are automatically love-integrated. That integrity empowers us to be successful here, up there or both.

Then we rise from material and spiritual poverty.



Well-known member
We see majority of world’s people are born such and remain so in spite of best efforts. But, a less suffering minority born among well to do people is here too. They get their needs easily. If they strive, they can easily become rich. But it is usually not so easy for the people born poor. Often they never succeed in spite of back breaking efforts. Even if they succeed it is easily lost.

Many explain it by the term fate, which was rather whimsically determined by some spiritual higher power before their birth. They have nothing to do with it. Some say that their accidental birth star determined it. Some people have devised dubious horoscope and zodiac to know and manipulate fate by appeasing the evil stars.

But logical Christianity and mainline Indian religions explain it by the concept of original sin incurred before our birth here. They say that human souls have fallen from higher existence (heaven) after committing different degree of sins (basically anti-love actions), which explains our different degree of sufferings here. Ancient Christians believed that, but later under repentance-rejecter Roman emperors’ pressure they wrongly changed that to say “only Adam and Eve had fallen from heaven. But, as God created our souls in their progeny, we inherit their original sin”. This is same as the illogical fate theory, since a higher power determined our sin-inheritance, not us. It can’t explain different degrees of misery here if we inherit the same original sin of Adam.

Protestants think that if one believes (very deceptive thing) in Christ his blood washes all our sins, the cause of our misery here and in eternity. But nothing like that happens in practical life. If they say believers will be out of misery after resurrection (an impossible Persian-inherited ludicrous idea as that might happen after billions of years, when cosmos ends. Resurrection is immediate). Illogical Judaism and its derivative Muslims also believe in fate and say that God can change the fate if they worship God sincerely. They include bloody cruel oblations, war and suicide in that worship. It is like evil star appeasing practice of horoscope believers.

Indian religions Hindu, Jain and Buddhist explained it a little better. They believe in “Karma” meaning “as you sow so you reap”. They explain that our sinful nature and suffering are the results of our past work-culture. If we do good or bad works our nature become good or bad. Previous life’s good or bad works, whether of heaven or in this world, determine our birth, condition and mentality here. We can rise and fall even here or in next life according to our types of work-practice.

Though this is supported by our everyday experiences, still there are some snags. How can an evil minded one do good works as evil nature pollutes all? How can one know a good from a bad work? For their shallow interests shrewd people mislead naïve ones presenting a bad work like war, murder, suicide, loot and violence as good works! Answer is that when one mortifies evil-pride by suffering-cross it can no longer pollutes one’s work. Every anti-love action is sin.

Besides Buddha and specially Jain religion falsely expounded that all works are bad as they result in desire, the root of suffering. So they prescribe the impossible dictum of cessation of all activity to avoid that. That is impossible. Avoidance of suffering is not the purpose of creation but fecundity is. Even if we consciously cease to work, our subconscious and body continues working. They even practice suicide to stop all work. But that also never stops work as soul continues to do work after suicide as we had seen during exorcism. Buddhist’s nirvana and Jain’s similar ‘kaibalya’ is a state like eternal death of soul. In mad people here we see eternal disintegration of soul. Though their soul-personality is no more, their disjoined soul parts remain to suffer from their likes.

But, when we come to love-God conception of Christ all things become totally clear. When we culture love it integrates our soul, mind and body parts stronger. Then we get better harmony within, with outsiders and with Heavenly Father, the embodiment of Love-God. Though the pride-devil in us tends to pollute our love and work, we can subdue it by cross-penance. Then we can exercise that unpolluted love. It getting stronger by exercise integrates us better. So we become powerful to control passions and environment. Love’s nature is uniting. But when we go against love by culturing pride (selfishness), lust, vengeance etc, we become weak as these are anti-love. Though these passions give instant energy like booze, latter disintegration follows due to weakening of love bond.

Love-God creates material and spiritual cosmos and everything within them by uniting material and spiritual elementary particles by different mode of love-attraction. Thus souls are created and from them soul-societies called paradises. In the creation of souls two mature parent souls are primarily involved as we see in earthy families too. Though, the whole society is involved. Similarly in creating a new paradise two mature paradises are involved as we see in the creation of new nations here too. Creation of USA was by England and France. Paradises are like stars in the cosmos. They are bigger than earth as sun is in soul-population.

But when these becomes old, pride enters some paradises to start in-fight (Reve12,7-12 and Indian, Persian mythology). Love-bond being pride corrupted, they began to disintegrate. The most affected souls even fall below the level of animals by perversions. They are driven out from that disintegrating paradise by their infighting factions. Being infatuated in earth and animals they enter the body of Homo sapiens.
Here some come with more integrity due to less pride and some come with less integrity due to more pride. Former are able to capture a better birth-place and succeed better here to be comparatively rich and happy due to their integrity power. But they all continue their pride-dissolution course. The less integrated weak poor can’t do anything well even by the best efforts. So they remain poor. But all are on the way to disintegration of soul.

So we see that if one turns back to love-culture he/she can gain integration. But, love-works need sacrifice. For that one has to become voluntarily poor. They have to sacrifice whatever they have money, prestige, even body for that. Then they shall be on the way to love-integration heaven from here. But selfish stupid people of the world avoid that. So they are on the way to disintegration soul-death. The logic of Christianity is this as I have understood. But churches greedy for popularity have made it a magic of impossible blood-washing of sin. It being a negative quality can’t be washed away. Only love cures it.

John 10:10

Some people follow and serve the thief

some people choose to follow and serve the God and Father of the lord Jesus Christ.



John 10:10

Some people follow and serve the thief

some people choose to follow and serve the God and Father of the lord Jesus Christ.


Indeed! Majority follow the looter and bandit and make them kings over them.
But a minority serves Love-God of Christ to be love-integrated. Integrity brings success.


New member
Christ said "Seek the kingdom of heaven and all the things will be added to you" My point is that when we seek that by love-exercise, we are automatically love-integrated. That integrity empowers us to be successful here, up there or both.

Then we rise from material and spiritual poverty.

The tide will turn an the epidemic of sores all over the body..poverty! will also be condemned in the righteousness of the word against many.

Ones pants are sown to thy collar
Thy children will rise for judgement of fools!


Well-known member
Why people are born and remain in constant poverty and misery?

We see majority of world’s people are born such and remain so in spite of best efforts.

It is because they are not 'in Christ'. Therefore they are not under grace of God. Therefore they are not children of God. Therefore they do not live in God's kingdom of heaven.

This is not necessarily because they did not try or do not try to be 'in Christ'. Some try however the very great majority do not have the basic actualization to even seek out those things.

One must have live, direct intuitive communion with the Spirit of Jesus within one's own heart or spirit and be led into All of one's works by precisely what this Spirit has in mind for one to pray for, say and do, as discerned within one's own heart, in order to achieve those things. One must be led into one's works by this Spirit even if one has to transgress the Ten Commandments. However one must uphold the laws of the land.

The main reason that those great masses of people are not living under grace of God, 'in Christ', and in God's kingdom of heaven is because they all have heart that are waxed gross. Therefore they cannot access their own hearts or spirit in order to achieve live direct intuitive communion with the Spirit of Jesus within their own heart or spirits. So they cannot be led by the Spirit of Jesus and therefore they cannot come under grace of God and being in Christ is not for them. They cannot be in God's kingdom of heaven.

Essentially they are dead within. They are the dead.

By remaining under the letters they remain dead to their spirit.

These great masses of people are misled by false prophets who came in Jesus' name.

This is the state of main stream Christianity, where many are called but few chosen.

This is the hard fact which cannot be sugar coated at this time. It must be told in plain and simple language.​
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Letsargue, Paul,

That was pretty good, you have it, but sometimes your writing is confusing. Good rebuke. :up:

During reformation public heaped refuse on the heads of ‘heretics’ going to their execution. Every harbinger of new truth suffered so. So thanks for your far milder abuse!



Essentially they are dead within. They are the dead.

By remaining under the letters they remain dead to their spirit.

These great masses of people are misled by false prophets who came in Jesus' name.

This is the state of main stream Christianity, where many are called but few chosen.

This is the hard fact which cannot be sugar coated at this time. It must be told in plain and simple language.​

Thanks for the truth. But we preachers cant know the alive from the dead. So we have to preach to all. But vexation is sure as we see later that almost the whole is dead.