Grosnick Marowbe

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Since the Anarchists, frustrated teens, malcontents, rioters, angry liberals, and the Clinton's are on the warpath because of the election outcome, why not disavow the recent election and start a new one? This time, will have the Media, the State Department, the FBI, the Justice Department, the Congress, the Senate, the DMV, the Police and fire Department, the Post Office workers, the AFL-CIO, the Teamsters, the Clinton Foundation, the Parks Department, the Weather Bureau, the CIA, the Secret Service, Hollywood, the mentally ill, the Illuminati, George Soros and assorted other Multi-Billionaires, and, several DEAD potential voters, be on Hillary's side?

This time, Hillary will have more of an EDGE. The maniacs will end their "Mischief Making" and if Hillary wins (which she most likely will) that will satisfy all of the very disturbed citizens of our country, Hillary will be President, and we all can concentrate on the Nuclear War with Russia that Hillary has planned. We also have the added bonus of a continued Obamacare, that will continue to raise our Insurance payments and, we'll have a far greater amount of Controversy and criminality to concentrate on. Our National debt will go from Twenty Trillion to forty or fifty Trillion dollars. Nothing to worry about, though, we'll just keep printing more money.

We'll be right back where we started. The Rioters can go back to their Violent Video Games in their Parents garage. (Where they sleep on a mat) While the rest of us are wondering where we'll get the money to pay for our "Forced Upon" Obamacare. Which, by then, will cost the average citizen: $1,200.00 a month with a $20,000 annual deductible .

With that kind of Scenario, who would dare say: "You can't go home again?"