Why Moses did not get the priesthood


Maybe he couldn't spell? Or maybe he was a put off?

Oh I know, he stammered!

What a joke. You can't even give an intelligent answer. Let alone a spiritual answer.

Here try this

Give a political answer. It is all you really got.


Well-known member
If you want answers then try not to be so conceited, and wait more than a few minutes for people to reply. And since you seem to think you know - then you should share your thoughts on the matter.

We must note that it was never God's original intention to give the priesthood to either Moses or Aaron. It was originally intended that the firstborn son of every family was to be given to God. This changed with the Golden Calph incident. Because the Levites rallied behind Moses at this time, God established that the Levites as a whole would serve him in the place of the firstborn of the rest of the tribes of Israel.

Now, as for why God ended up giving the priesthood to Aaron instead of Moses, the scriptures don't give a reason, though there is enough to offer an educated guess. Namely: Moses refused to go as he was commanded initially, but bickered with God about his stammering and such. His personal fears and worries held him back. As a result, instead of sending Moses alone as his representative, God allowed him to take Aaron along to speak for him. Thus the role that Moses was initially intended to play was divided. Moses spoke to God, performed miracles, and told Aaron what to say. Aaron was the public figure that actually spoke to Pharaoh and the people.

Exodus 7:1 Then the Lord said to Moses, “See, I make you as God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron shall be your prophet.

So the priesthood that the Jews ended up with was never the one that was originally intended for them. Their sins grew the divide between them and God so that they ended up with something much different than what they would have had otherwise.


Nice try csuguy but no cigar.

Aaron was not the prophet. Moses was.

What bible are you reading? Ronco scriptures for the illiterate? Where can I get a copy? From the TV I expect.

Tell me something easy Ronco csuguy,

Give the name of Moses' father.


Aaron was a dim wit. Who cares about him?

Moses was a seer. Doesn't that mean anything to you?


Substance over style huh?

Let's just throw something on the wall and see what sticks losers.

Moses didn't want the priesthood.


Csuguy says the Levites were with Moses. Is that right? How about that wife of Moses? Did the Levites like her? And if they didn't like here they certainly wouldn't like the children. It is a guarantee that the Levites weren't going to put a picture of Moses' wife on the shekel. (If you don't believe just ask Sherman.)


PJ is starting to sound like a Moses instead of a little sissy.

Because that is what Moses asked the dim wit when he made the

Golden Calf

"Tell me why you did it dim wit?"

And you know what Aaron answered.

"Because the people asked me to."

What a weak knee loser. Hey csuguy could you give even one other prophet caving in to the demands of the people like the dim wit did?


Well-known member
Nice try csuguy but no cigar.

Aaron was not the prophet. Moses was.

What bible are you reading? Ronco scriptures for the illiterate? Where can I get a copy? From the TV I expect.

You are simply demonstrating your lack of knowledge of the scriptures - and even after I provided you the scriptural reference to where Aaron is called Moses' Prophet (Exodus 7:1). Not sure why you are having trouble with this?

Since you think you have some great knowledge on this subject - please share your answer

Tell me something easy Ronco csuguy,

Give the name of Moses' father.

Scripture does not say the name of his biological parents - it merely notes that they were levites (Exodus 2). Spiritually speaking, God is his father - as he is ours. God's name is YHWH, the one who is.


New member
Well big shots? Why didn't he?
God gave the prophecy to Moses in Sini and told him to go to pharaoh but Moses who asked God to share Aaron in this prophecy.

Quran 20:24-36
God said to Moses:
Go to Pharaoh. Indeed, he has transgressed." [Moses] said, "My Lord, expand for me my breast [with assurance],and ease for me my task ,and untie the knot from my tongue, That they may understand my speech.
And appoint for me a minister from my family - Aaron, my brother. Increase through him my strength, And let him share my task, That we may exalt You much, And remember You much.
Indeed, You are of us ever Seeing.", [Allah] said, "You have been granted your request, O Moses.
[Quran 20 : 36 ]

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So true. What I tell all my friends. Educating these kooks might be to much to ask of one little guy like me.



At least your documentation is reliable. But I'm going to have to disagree with your entire religion. Except for the part about your women folk. Put a vail over their faces. Better yet don't ever let them outside.



Didn't think you would come back after the swanking you receive. Slow learner. Well we have ways to deal with the likes of that.


Disgusting Interview With a Giant

Moses: why don't the Levites accept Jesus, Mr. Caiaphas?

High priest: we are strong. No one can tell us we are wrong.

Moses: it is said that The Prophet will be like me?

High priest: well if you want to discuss wives then we will.

Moses: whatever do you mean?

High priest: love is a battle field.

Moses: but have you ever seen her beauty?

High priest: of course. She does look a lot like your wife.

Moses: how's that?

High priest: don't you remember? When Aaron made the golden Calf. It didn't just come out. We Levites fashioned it having your wife's face.

Moses: are you saying that you think the Church is a cow?

High priest: that's a nice way of putting it.


New member

At least your documentation is reliable. But I'm going to have to disagree with your entire religion. Except for the part about your women folk. Put a vail over their faces. Better yet don't ever let them outside.
Most of you don't know Islam or Quran , also we muslims don't do our best"JEHAD" to develop the old mind of muslims.

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New member
Most of you don't know Islam or Quran , also we muslims don't do our best"JEHAD" to develop the old mind of muslims.

I'm glad you keep posting here Egyptian, even though some Christians are less than Christlike towards you. I hope others are able to show love and share the love of Jesus with you.


New member
I'm glad you keep posting here Egyptian, even though some Christians are less than Christlike towards you. I hope others are able to show love and share the love of Jesus with you.
Thank you
Jesus is in my heart. His words is my way.

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New member
Thank you
Jesus is in my heart. His words is my way.
Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me"

Your religion, and the Qu'ran tell you that some Christians (people of the Book) are living lives not in accordance with scripture.... and that is correct. But rather than focus on failures of people, focus on Jesus and His claims.


The world, (including those on the net) has never seen nor or will see the Church. We won't let her come outside. But the devil's crowd still argues over Her Husband's Body.