Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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patrick jane

dub can't take a joke. he forgot how he talked to me when i started - he is scared of the fact that he may have tendencies ?


New member
Let me guess: Due to that yet discovered "Bisexual gene"?

And yes, many of those who were psychologically damaged as youth due to sexual molestation or a dysfunctional upbringing (overbearing mother, absent or distant father) and find themselves having same sex desires,
yet most don't.

And most gays and lesbians were never molested and don't come from dysfunctional families


dub can't take a joke.

Do you think God is laughing when you say things like this?

Originally Posted by patrick jane
P.S. i am not against homosexuals or gay marriage either when based on love and family and doing good and charitable deeds. Jesus Christ's Commandments are from the Father and His teachings are as well. Meshak is right -

he forgot how he talked to me when i started

You act as if there were a time when I respected you. I've mocked you and your Libertarian ideology regularly in not only this thread, but many others that you and I have participated in.

- he is scared of the fact that he may have tendencies ?

Do you think that you're the first pj, i.e. a defender of homosexuality accusing someone who speaks out against it of being what you defend?

While I can't promise that it will happen right away, we will get the help that you're so desperately crying out for and so desperately need someday son.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You act as if there were a time when I respected you. I've mocked you and your Libertarian ideology regularly in not only this thread, but many others that you and I have participated in.

Do you think that you're the first pj, i.e. a defender of homosexuality accusing someone who speaks out against it of being what you defend?

While I can't promise that it will happen right away, we will get the help that you're so desperately crying out for and so desperately need someday son.

The reason why people of all stripes have a huge '?' over you is because of your utter and morbid fixation with homosexuality - specifically gay men. It goes way and beyond any rationale and straight men don't scour the net daily for hours on end trawling for often times graphic homosexual related stuff.

They. Just. Don't.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Have a proud and unrepentant homosexual come forward and tell me that he doesn't identify with the LGBTQueer movement, i.e. "collective" and in 3 easy steps I'll show this person to be a liar.

But since absolutely no one on TOL is a proud and unrepentant homosexual (cough cough), then I guess that won't be happening anytime soon.

Presumably your idea of a 'proud and unrepentant' homosexual is simply one who happens to be gay and doesn't struggle with it right?

In which case why don't you do your usual and just imagine/fantasize about one of us being gay and explain those '3 easy steps' from there?

patrick jane

Gee, I must have missed that summary in this post:

Originally Posted by patrick jane
P.S. i am not against homosexuals or gay marriage either when based on love and family and doing good and charitable deeds. Jesus Christ's Commandments are from the Father and His teachings are as well.

How about we start with something simple like not having supposed Christians accuse the author of this thread of being a closeted fag?

Quote: Originally posted by patrick jane
...you are the one constantl gazing at, downloading and posting gay men and trannys, you are fixated on gay guys ! admit it ! you ARE in the closet, and you on the other you are right i have nothing in the closet, whereas you probably have dozens of closets in your little house of horrors. there's the response

the onus is on you acw !

View attachment 20264


Quote: Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Have a proud and unrepentant homosexual come forward and tell me that he doesn't identify with the LGBTQueer movement, i.e. "collective" and in 3 easy steps I'll show this person to be a liar.

But since absolutely no one on TOL is a proud and unrepentant homosexual (cough cough), then I guess that won't be happening anytime soon.

Presumably your idea of a 'proud and unrepentant' homosexual is simply one who happens to be gay and doesn't struggle with it right?

feeling pleasure or satisfaction over something regarded as highly honorable or creditable to oneself

deep sorrow, compunction, or contrition for a past sin, wrongdoing, or the like.

In which case why don't you do your usual and just imagine/fantasize about one of us being gay and explain those '3 easy steps' from there?

I wouldn't want to put anyone on the spot by having he or she admit that they proudly and unrepentantly engage in homosexual behavior, so I'll show the easy steps without any group participation (I've explained it before in previous threads).

Easy Step (Question) #1:

When someone asks you if what you're doing is morally wrong, what would you tell them?

Easy Step (Question )#2

Do you vote and does your personal lifestyle reflect in the way you vote? (i.e. do you vote for candidates that back LGBTQueer "rights"?).

Easy Step (Question) #3

Do you contribute to the homosexual movement in any way? (aside from verbally defending homosexuality when asked Question #1 and voting as seen in Question #2).

i.e. do you subscribe to homosexual magazines, attend homosexual fund raisers, film festivals, march in "pride" parades, attend 'gay' weddings, etc.?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
feeling pleasure or satisfaction over something regarded as highly honorable or creditable to oneself

deep sorrow, compunction, or contrition for a past sin, wrongdoing, or the like.

Well thank you for providing dictionary quotes but how does this apply to the everyday homosexual? To clarify; simply someone who's gay and is neither proud of it or repentant for just being what they happen to be?

I wouldn't want to put anyone on the spot by having he or she admit that they proudly and unrepentantly engage in homosexual behavior, so I'll show the easy steps without any group participation (I've explained it before in previous threads).

You wouldn't be putting anyone on the spot. Nobody has anything whatsoever to fear from you so if any one of us were gay we'd have said so I would venture.

Easy Step (Question) #1:
When someone asks you if what you're doing is morally wrong, what would you tell them?

If I happened to be gay I'd say my orientation was not of my choosing. Then I'd probably ask them if they made a decision on theirs and wait for the crickets to chirp.

Easy Step (Question )#2

Do you vote and does your personal lifestyle reflect in the way you vote? (i.e. do you vote for candidates that back LGBTQueer "rights"?).

So...unless a gay person votes for a candidate that would outlaw homosexuality or some such they're contributing to an agenda? This is pathetic.

Easy Step (Question) #3

Do you contribute to the homosexual movement in any way? (aside from verbally defending homosexuality when asked Question #1 and voting as seen in Question #2).

i.e. do you subscribe to homosexual magazines, attend homosexual fund raisers, film festivals, march in "pride" parades, attend 'gay' weddings, etc.?

Ah, so any homosexual who doesn't say they're immoral for just being homosexual in question 1 is part of the "agenda" effectively then?



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
feeling pleasure or satisfaction over something regarded as highly honorable or creditable to oneself

deep sorrow, compunction, or contrition for a past sin, wrongdoing, or the like.

Well thank you for providing dictionary quotes but how does this apply to the everyday homosexual?

Either they believe that the behavior that they're engaging in is "honorable" and they lack remorse, or they're struggling with it and attempting to overcome it.

To clarify; simply someone who's gay and is neither proud of it or repentant for just being what they happen to be?

Until the "just happens gene" is found and it's proven that people are born with same sex desires and God was wrong when He said that mankind was made in His Image, homosexuality will continue to be a immoral behavior and those who engage in it can either be proud of it or remorseful and try to change.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I wouldn't want to put anyone on the spot by having he or she admit that they proudly and unrepentantly engage in homosexual behavior, so I'll show the easy steps without any group participation (I've explained it before in previous threads).

You wouldn't be putting anyone on the spot. Nobody has anything whatsoever to fear from you so if any one of us were gay we'd have said so I would venture.

I'm just wondering why no one comes forward to admit that they engage in homosex. I don't know if the fear of being banned is part of it or what.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Easy Step (Question) #1:
When someone asks you if what you're doing is morally wrong, what would you tell them?

If I happened to be gay I'd say my orientation was not of my choosing. Then I'd probably ask them if they made a decision on theirs and wait for the crickets to chirp.

At which point I would ask them to show me when the supposed "gay gene" was discovered. After his or her loooooong silent pause, I would explain to him or her that environmental factors are involved in same sex desires, and point out numerous cases where proud and unrepentant homosexuals openly admit that they were molested as children or had a dysfunctional upbringing.

Cue to Ryan Sorba's undercover video found in the index on page 1

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Easy Step (Question )#2

Do you vote and does your personal lifestyle reflect in the way you vote? (i.e. do you vote for candidates that back LGBTQueer "rights"?).

So...unless a gay person votes for a candidate that would outlaw homosexuality or some such they're contributing to an agenda? This is pathetic.

Wouldn't a proud and unrepentant homosexual want to be afforded the same rights as heterosexuals...i.e. the right to marry, the right to adopt children, etc. etc. etc. ?

How else are those supposed "rights" achieved if it isn't through the political process?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Easy Step (Question) #3

Do you contribute to the homosexual movement in any way? (aside from verbally defending homosexuality when asked Question #1 and voting as seen in Question #2).

i.e. do you subscribe to homosexual magazines, attend homosexual fund raisers, film festivals, march in "pride" parades, attend 'gay' weddings, etc.?

Ah, so any homosexual who doesn't say they're immoral for just being homosexual in question 1 is part of the "agenda" effectively then?


All shown in 3 easy steps.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Either they believe that the behavior that they're engaging in is "honorable" and they lack remorse, or they're struggling with it and attempting to overcome it.

Or they're simply gay, bi and have no say in it. Tell me again, when did you choose to be straight and how could you choose to go against that orientation?

Until the "just happens gene" is found and it's proven that people are born with same sex desires and God was wrong when He said that mankind was made in His Image, homosexuality will continue to be a immoral behavior and those who engage in it can either be proud of it or remorseful and try to change.

Or they can just live with it, much like those of us who had no choice but to be heterosexual. No need for pride or remorse that I can see.

I'm just wondering why no one comes forward to admit that they engage in homosex. I don't know if the fear of being banned is part of it or what.

Probably because nobody who disagrees with you and actively engages with you happens to be gay, your bizarre fantasies notwithstanding?

At which point I would ask them to show me when the supposed "gay gene" was discovered. After his or her loooooong silent pause, I would explain to him or her that environmental factors are involved in same sex desires, and point out numerous cases where proud and unrepentant homosexuals openly admit that they were molested as children or had a dysfunctional upbringing.

Why on earth would there be a long silence? Chances are they'd simply reiterate that they were just that way and that you were a pompous ignorant crank who hadn't a clue what he was talking about, which is what you are after all.

Cue to Ryan Sorba's undercover video found in the index on page 1

Cue to avoiding your silly little propaganda vids.

Wouldn't a proud and unrepentant homosexual want to be afforded the same rights as heterosexuals...i.e. the right to marry, the right to adopt children, etc. etc. etc. ?

How else are those supposed "rights" achieved if it isn't through the political process?

The right not to be locked up and forced into a closet? Sure, those rabid gays...

All shown in 3 easy steps.

Nah, all you've shown is that you think any homosexual who doesn't admit they're a disgusting freak is full of pride, which is hardly anything new and nor is your same tired obsessive spiel.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Either they believe that the behavior that they're engaging in is "honorable" and they lack remorse, or they're struggling with it and attempting to overcome it.

Or they're simply gay, bi and have no say in it. Tell me again, when did you choose to be straight and how could you choose to go against that orientation?

Note that you're changing the original topic on how it is easy to prove that proud and unrepentant homosexuals are part of the LGBTQueer movement.

Again, either they're proud of their behavior and defend it when asked if it's immoral and aren't at all remorseful, or they're struggling with homosexual desires and want to change. If they're proud and unrepentant:

Easy Step #1 confirmed.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Until the "just happens gene" is found and it's proven that people are born with same sex desires and God was wrong when He said that mankind was made in His Image, homosexuality will continue to be a immoral behavior and those who engage in it can either be proud of it or remorseful and try to change.

Or they can just live with it, much like those of us who had no choice but to be heterosexual. No need for pride or remorse that I can see.

Either they're proud of their behavior and partake in the 3 steps (refusing to admit that their behavior is immoral, voting in legislation to promote the LGBTQ agenda and partaking in 'gay' culture) that I had shown in the earlier post or they're not.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm just wondering why no one comes forward to admit that they engage in homosex. I don't know if the fear of being banned is part of it or what.

Probably because nobody who disagrees with you and actively engages with you happens to be gay, your bizarre fantasies notwithstanding?

Again: In this day and age where it's chic to be a homosexual, why do you think that people don't come out on TOL?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
At which point I would ask them to show me when the supposed "gay gene" was discovered. After his or her loooooong silent pause, I would explain to him or her that environmental factors are involved in same sex desires, and point out numerous cases where proud and unrepentant homosexuals openly admit that they were molested as children or had a dysfunctional upbringing.

Why on earth would there be a long silence? Chances are they'd simply reiterate that they were just that way and that you were a pompous ignorant crank who hadn't a clue what he was talking about, which is what you are after all.

So they would respond with their emotions and not provide any scientific evidence that they were born with some elusive "gay gene"?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Cue to Ryan Sorba's undercover video found in the index on page 1

Cue to avoiding your silly little propaganda vids.

Sorba knew that if he went to a place where inhibitions are lowered due to alcohol consumption, he would get truthful answers (Maybe Knight should buy a couple of rounds and see what the TOL posters admit to?).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Wouldn't a proud and unrepentant homosexual want to be afforded the same rights as heterosexuals...i.e. the right to marry, the right to adopt children, etc. etc. etc. ?

How else are those supposed "rights" achieved if it isn't through the political process?

The right not to be locked up and forced into a closet? Sure, those rabid gays...

Easy Step #2 confirmed.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
All shown in 3 easy steps.

Nah, all you've shown is that you think any homosexual who doesn't admit they're a disgusting freak is full of pride, which is hardly anything new and nor is your same tired obsessive spiel.

No need to confirm "Easy Step #3", as you made my case in...

2 Easy Steps.

Moving on...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Note that you're changing the original topic on how it is easy to prove that proud and unrepentant homosexuals are part of the LGBTQueer movement.

Again, either they're proud of their behavior and defend it when asked if it's immoral and aren't at all remorseful, or they're struggling with homosexual desires and want to change. If they're proud and unrepentant:

Easy Step #1 confirmed.

Nope, that's just your yet again pompous and ignorant definition of a "step". Why is a homosexual being immoral or proud simply for being honest about their orientation? Can you change your (supposedly) heterosexual orientation at will? Are you proud of being (supposedly) straight?

Either they're proud of their behavior and partake in the 3 steps (refusing to admit that their behavior is immoral, voting in legislation to promote the LGBTQ agenda and partaking in 'gay' culture) that I had shown in the earlier post or they're not.

Or they just happen to be regular folk who want to live their lives without interference from zealous cranks like yourself.

Again: In this day and age where it's chic to be a homosexual, why do you think that people don't come out on TOL?

Because nobody who bothers to engage with your blowhard nonsense happens to be gay? Why don't you start a trend if you thin people can "choose" to be gay at will and see how it goes?

So they would respond with their emotions and not provide any scientific evidence that they were born with some elusive "gay gene"?

Oh, right, so if any gay person anywhere ever were to tell you they didn't choose to be that way and that's simply how they were 'wired' they'd be emotional to do so? Not actually just being honest? What, are they supposed to stand there and listen to one of your blowhard sermons about how they MUST have been molested at some point in their life to be gay or bi?

Sorba knew that if he went to a place where inhibitions are lowered due to alcohol consumption, he would get truthful answers (Maybe Knight should buy a couple of rounds and see what the TOL posters admit to?).

Uh sure, he's a regular bastion of objective journalism...

Easy Step #2 confirmed.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
All shown in 3 easy steps.

No need to confirm "Easy Step #3", as you made my case in...

2 Easy Steps.

Moving on...

Eh, you confirm all sorts of stuff in that fevered 'mind' of yours. You had one lame case from "step" one that is kinda in keeping with your bizarre obsession with all things 'gay' but still.

Either get out the closet or get a life, or maybe even both.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Note that you're changing the original topic on how it is easy to prove that proud and unrepentant homosexuals are part of the LGBTQueer movement.

Again, either they're proud of their behavior and defend it when asked if it's immoral and aren't at all remorseful, or they're struggling with homosexual desires and want to change. If they're proud and unrepentant:

Easy Step #1 confirmed.

Nope, that's just your yet again pompous and ignorant definition of a "step". Why is a homosexual being immoral or proud simply for being honest about their orientation? Can you change your (supposedly) heterosexual orientation at will? Are you proud of being (supposedly) straight?

Try and focusssssss Art, the subject is showing that all proud and unrepentant homosexuals are a part of the LGBTQueer movement, and you're confirming it in each post that you write.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Either they're proud of their behavior and partake in the 3 steps (refusing to admit that their behavior is immoral, voting in legislation to promote the LGBTQ agenda and partaking in 'gay' culture) that I had shown in the earlier post or they're not.

Or they just happen to be regular folk who want to live their lives without interference from zealous cranks like yourself.

Keeping with the subject that originally started this so-called "debate": then the individual wouldn't admit to the person asking the question that they were a homosexual nor would they promote pro homosexual legislation nor partake in homosexual "culture"; or as the Mother Hen would say...

They're "Living so quietly that no one would ever know".

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Again: In this day and age where it's chic to be a homosexual, why do you think that people don't come out on TOL?

Because nobody who bothers to engage with your blowhard nonsense happens to be gay? Why don't you start a trend if you thin people can "choose" to be gay at will and see how it goes?

I guess "gay pride" isn't all that it's made up to be, ey?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So they would respond with their emotions and not provide any scientific evidence that they were born with some elusive "gay gene"?

Oh, right, so if any gay person anywhere ever were to tell you they didn't choose to be that way and that's simply how they were 'wired' they'd be emotional to do so? Not actually just being honest? What, are they supposed to stand there and listen to one of your blowhard sermons about how they MUST have been molested at some point in their life to be gay or bi?

If one side can only respond with emotions and the other side can provide testimony and other evidence to show that homosexual desires are environmental, in my book the person providing the evidence is the winner of the debate.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Sorba knew that if he went to a place where inhibitions are lowered due to alcohol consumption, he would get truthful answers (Maybe Knight should buy a couple of rounds and see what the TOL posters admit to?).

Uh sure, he's a regular bastion of objective journalism...

The thing baby murderers/body part sellers and sodomites will say when they think that no one is watching (some only need to be at lunch with a salad in front of them, others need to be in a bar and boozed up).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
All shown in 3 easy steps.
No need to confirm "Easy Step #3", as you made my case in...

2 Easy Steps.

Moving on...

Eh, you confirm all sorts of stuff in that fevered 'mind' of yours. You had one lame case from "step" one that is kinda in keeping with your bizarre obsession with all things 'gay' but still.

Either get out the closet or get a life, or maybe even both.

LOL...If I said that I don't enjoy getting someone like you frustrated Art, then I would truly be a...


Back later with the table of contents and a summary that will lead up to the next segment:

The Education system.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Try and focusssssss Art, the subject is showing that all proud and unrepentant homosexuals are a part of the LGBTQueer movement, and you're confirming it in each post that you write.

All your ssssssubject does is show how a supposedly straight guy has an unfeasible fixation with gay people.

Keeping with the subject that originally started this so-called "debate": then the individual wouldn't admit to the person asking the question that they were a homosexual nor would they promote pro homosexual legislation nor partake in homosexual "culture"; or as the Mother Hen would say...

They're "Living so quietly that no one would ever know".

Er, chances are that many would tell you it wasn't any of your business as it is, but those that did say they were homosexual to your face would hardly be proud just because they'd done so. You're an absolute moron if you think you haven't been served by or interacted with someone gay in life at some point without realizing it? Do you think they're all called Bruthhh and have lithhpth? You're just laughable dude.

I guess "gay pride" isn't all that it's made up to be, ey?

You're the king of making things up, unless that's queen? Certainly of the drama variety...

If one side can only respond with emotions and the other side can provide testimony and other evidence to show that homosexual desires are environmental, in my book the person providing the evidence is the winner of the debate.

Your idea of "evidence" is a joke. Far right wing blogs, Sorba videos, the FRC etc etc etc? Just because you're a gullible guy who lacks critical thinking skills doesn't equate to homosexuals being dishonest if they simply told you they were born that way without any molestation or environmental upheaval in life.

The thing baby murderers/body part sellers and sodomites will say when they think that no one is watching (some only need to be at lunch with a salad in front of them, others need to be in a bar and boozed up).

Yeh, Sorba encapsulates everything without an ounce of bias and complete journalistic integrity...get a grip.

LOL...If I said that I don't enjoy getting someone like you frustrated Art, then I would truly be a...


Back later with the table of contents and a summary that will lead up to the next segment:

The Education system.

Frustrated? You don't come up with anything challenging enough to fall under that category. You're just a rather tedious and overblown internet crank where it's fun to point that out from time to time. As it is with most other pompous stuffed shirts.


New member
Easy Step (Question) #1:

When someone asks you if what you're doing is morally wrong, what would you tell them?

Easy Step (Question )#2

Do you vote and does your personal lifestyle reflect in the way you vote? (i.e. do you vote for candidates that back LGBTQueer "rights"?).

Easy Step (Question) #3

Do you contribute to the homosexual movement in any way? (aside from verbally defending homosexuality when asked Question #1 and voting as seen in Question #2).

i.e. do you subscribe to homosexual magazines, attend homosexual fund raisers, film festivals, march in "pride" parades, attend 'gay' weddings, etc.?

and these questions show...what exactly?


New member
I'm just wondering why no one comes forward to admit that they engage in homosex. I don't know if the fear of being banned is part of it or what.
why would any gay or lesbian person want to come here just so you can toss lies and hate propaganda and falsely accuse them of being disease ridden child molesters?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Easy Step (Question) #1:
When someone asks you if what you're doing is morally wrong, what would you tell them?
what specifically are they doing? Eating shrimp scampi wile wearing a poly cotton blend shirt?

At which point I would ask them to show me when the supposed "gay gene" was discovered. After his or her loooooong silent pause, I would explain to him or her that environmental factors are involved in same sex desires,at what and point out numerous cases where proud and unrepentant homosexuals openly admit that they were molested as children or had a dysfunctional upbringing.
First they might want to try to explain to you that inborn is not the same as there being a "gay gene", I'm sure they will quickly figure out that you already know this but prefer to lie about a "gay gene".

Then they might want to have you present actual published research showing any evidence of any environmental factor affecting adult orientation. Of course there wouldn't be a long silence on your part as you would desperately try to change the topic to avoid admiring that no such evidence exists.

finally they would tell you that like most gays/lesbians they were never molested and come from a comparatively normal family. I'm sure at this point you would denounce them as liars and falsely accuse then of molesting children.

Do you vote and does your personal lifestyle reflect in the way you vote? (i.e. do you vote for candidates that back LGBTQueer "rights"?).
Why would anyone vote for candidates that oppose civil rights?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Easy Step (Question) #3

Do you contribute to the homosexual movement in any way? (aside from verbally defending homosexuality when asked Question #1 and voting as seen in Question #2).

i.e. do you subscribe to homosexual magazines, attend homosexual fund raisers, film festivals, march in "pride" parades, attend 'gay' weddings, etc.?
and they might ask what that has to do with the price of tea in China


and these questions show...what exactly?

You're not able to find that out by yourself by looking for the answer a few posts back?

I made my point by using Art Brain as my proverbial guinea pig and don't need any other proverbial rodents to further it.

Hey, did you hear that Kim Davis left your Party and has become a republican? (better late than never).

She was given an award at Friday night's conservative Values Voter Summit.

Needless to say, the sodomites at "Edge Boston" don't have a lot of nice things to say about her (Dan the doorknob licker Savage included).


Other great news: Ted Cruz is on fire and very well might take next years Iowa caucus because of his stance on religious freedom.

Religious liberty: Ted Cruz’s conservative ‘rocket fuel’


I only hope that your fears are equivalent to my excitement TB.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You're not able to find that out by yourself by looking for the answer a few posts back?

I made my point by using Art Brain as my proverbial guinea pig and don't need any other proverbial rodents to further it.

Hey, did you hear that Kim Davis left your Party and has become a republican? (better late than never).

She was given an award at Friday night's conservative Values Voter Summit.

Needless to say, the sodomites at "Edge Boston" don't have a lot of nice things to say about her.


Other great news: Ted Cruz is on fire and expected to take Iowa because of his stance on religious freedom.

Religious liberty: Ted Cruz’s conservative ‘rocket fuel’


I only hope that your fears are equivalent to my excitement TB.

I'm your 'proverbial guinea pig'?

My word, how unimpressive is that?!

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