Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I always encourage people to refute any information that isn't true in my links or posts. When can I expect your refute of the CDC articles Art?

If there was information in your post showing that the CDC reports regarding those who engage in homosexual behavior are disproportionately afflicted with disease and disorders are not true, then I must have missed it.

Let me help you find page 1 where the index is.


African American's are disproportionately affected...by your own logic that means you should be advocating the resurrection of slavery.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I always encourage people to refute any information that isn't true in my links or posts. When can I expect your refute of the CDC articles Art?

If there was information in your post showing that the CDC reports regarding those who engage in homosexual behavior are disproportionately afflicted with disease and disorders are not true, then I must have missed it.

Let me help you find page 1 where the index is.

African American's are disproportionately affected...by your own logic that means you should be advocating the resurrection of slavery.

If I were on the same drugs as our friend Omniskeptical, then perhaps that would be my logic...

but since I'm not:

Do we need to have a little birds and the bees talk TB to show what happens when two males (no matter what the color of their skin is) do unnatural things together, things that certain body parts weren't designed for?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

If I were on the same drugs as our friend Omniskeptical, then perhaps that would be my logic...

but since I'm not:
You ignore logic. It is only logical if a virus is justification for bigotry in the case of one minority it is justification for bigotry for any minority.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Do we need to have a little birds and the bees talk TB to show what happens when two males (no matter what the color of their skin is) do unnatural things together, things that certain body parts weren't designed for?

You ignore logic. It is only logical if a virus is justification for bigotry in the case of one minority it is justification for bigotry for any minority.


I guess the worldwide web hasn't "progressed" with gifs showing dad's and son's talking about sexual perversion.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The facts are out there Art showing how terribly unhealthy homosexual behavior is. In fact I've made it convenient for all to see by posting links from various reputable health organizations like the CDC in the index on page 1 under "Disease, Disorders and Death".

I always encourage people to refute any information that isn't true in my links or posts. When can I expect your refute of the CDC articles Art?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
(It's my....


not my message).

How about we do a review of two short documentaries and you can show me what these Christians did to "alienate people"?

But Art, for a Christian pastor and his wife to have their church fire bombed and threats from homosexual activists stating that they were going to rape and murder their young daughter (according to the pastor's wife they went into great detail), these Christians MUST have done something to deserve such HATRED from those who engage in homosexual behavior.

Moving away from the Ray Comfort theme of evangelizing to homosexuals:

As shown in Ecclesiastes 3:8:

There is a "a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace."

While it's been shown that Christians love these lost souls so much that they don't want to allow them to self destruct, when it comes to fighting the homosexual agenda and the evil people behind it, it truly is

a time for war.

Hence the term the "culture wars".

Moving on...

Yeh, figured it would just be more of the same squirm and deflection. You carry on with your moronic little "crusade" and convince yourself you're a warrior et al.

What a joke.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

But Art, for a Christian pastor and his wife to have their church fire bombed and threats from homosexual activists stating that they were going to rape and murder their young daughter (according to the pastor's wife they went into great detail), these Christians MUST have done something to deserve such HATRED from those who engage in homosexual behavior.

Moving away from the Ray Comfort theme of evangelizing to homosexuals:

As shown in Ecclesiastes 3:8:

There is a "a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace."

While it's been shown that Christians love these lost souls so much that they don't want to allow them to self destruct, when it comes to fighting the homosexual agenda and the evil people behind it, it truly is

a time for war.

Hence the term the "culture wars".

Moving on...

Yeh, figured it would just be more of the same squirm and deflection. You carry on with your moronic little "crusade" and convince yourself you're a warrior et al.

What a joke.

We Christians (the ones with backbones) don't think that queers who fire bomb churches and make vivid rape and death threats to the parents of little girls is anything to laugh about.

While I would love the drag queens, bull dykes and fairies of the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement to repent and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior as Ray Comfort showed in his movie, right now that is pretty much at the bottom of my priority list.

We're at war Art and trust me when I say that the sexual anarchist/LGBTQueer movement isn't going to win.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
We Christians (the ones with backbones) don't think that queers who fire bomb churches and make vivid rape and death threats to the parents of little girls is anything to laugh about.

While I would love the drag queens, bull dykes and fairies of the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement to repent and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior as Ray Comfort showed in his movie, right now that is pretty much at the bottom of my priority list.

We're at war Art and trust me when I say that the sexual anarchist/LGBTQueer movement isn't going to win.

Connie, your one and only priority since the 'inception' of this thread, has been to make it all about you and your sad little soapbox.


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Do we need to have a little birds and the bees talk TB to show what happens when two males (no matter what the color of their skin is) do unnatural things together, things that certain body parts weren't designed for?


I guess the worldwide web hasn't "progressed" with gifs showing dad's and son's talking about sexual perversion.

It is only logical if a virus is justification for bigotry in the case of one minority it is justification for bigotry for any minority.


New member
We Christians (the ones with backbones) don't think that queers who fire bomb churches and make vivid rape and death threats to the parents of little girls is anything to laugh about.

Yeah I went and tried to verify your claims. All I found was that the pastor in question made these claims in a 1978 book but no news reports about a church being firebombed in San Francisco, no reports of arrests or trials or convictions of the same.

It's almost like it didn't happen :think:


It is only logical if a virus is justification for bigotry in the case of one minority it is justification for bigotry for any minority.

Is that the LGBTQueer propaganda phrase of the day, as I swear I heard the exact same words in your last post?

You ignore logic. It is only logical if a virus is justification for bigotry in the case of one minority it is justification for bigotry for any minority.

Pretty close.




Regarding this video entitled

Homosexual violence and crimes in San Francisco

Homosexual violence and crimes in San Francisco

Yeah I went and tried to verify your claims. All I found was that the pastor in question made these claims in a 1978 book but no news reports about a church being firebombed in San Francisco, no reports of arrests or trials or convictions of the same.

It's almost like it didn't happen :think:

Thanks for yet another great LGBTQueer investigation TB in the "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! threads.

The way I see it the pastor of said church (along with his wife), really didn't fire the church's organist that he discovered was homosexual and thus made the whole story up.

Now let's get to the motive as to why said pastor would make up such a story:

Being that not a lot of San Fransickens attend church (due to the huge fag population) he was likely getting ready to close the church due to financial reasons....but wait, it gets better...therefore he was probably trying to get the sympathy of all of those ever so loving and tolerant queers in San Fransicko, hoping that they would be part of his congregation and keep his homophobic church going.

How's my logic on this one TracerBullet?

And now...for the rest of the story: (from a August/September 2004 article in the magazine New Horizons)

New Horizons

Fighting the Good Fight in San Francisco

Danny E. Olinger

Thirty-one years ago, the Rev. Charles McIlhenny accepted a call to serve as pastor of First Orthodox Presbyterian Church in San Francisco. Little did Chuck or his wife, Donna, know what the Lord had in store for them as they began to serve First Church and the community in which they lived. In 1978, Chuck fired the organist for First OPC when he learned that the organist was a practicing homosexual. The organist sued the McIlhennys, First OPC, and the Presbytery of Northern California for violating a city ordinance banning discrimination in employment on the basis of sexual orientation. As far as many scholars can determine, this was the first time in U.S. legal history that immorality had taken on the church for fulfilling its God-given responsibility within the parameters of biblical worship.

With the help of attorney John Whitehead and the financial support of hundreds of individuals and churches across the country to pay for the legal costs, the McIlhennys won the case by arguing protection under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits governmental interference with the free exercise of religion. As a result of their stand, the McIlhennys have endured great suffering. Particularly during the late 1970s and early 1980s, as a result of the negative media coverage surrounding the lawsuit against them, they were vandalized, had graffiti sprayed on their property, received death threats, and suffered a firebombing of their home and church from which they had to flee with their three young children in hand. And yet, throughout such persecution, they counted it a blessing to have the opportunity to give witness to Jesus Christ in such a hostile environment.

In recent months, the allowance of "same-sex marriages" in San Francisco has put the McIlhennys back in the spotlight. Along with the Rev. Carl Erickson (pastor of New Covenant OPC in South San Francisco) and elder Ralph Montgomery, they have found themselves again on the front lines in that city. Although California law defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom sanctioned same-sex marriages in February. In doing so, Mayor Newsom cited the California Constitution, which bars discrimination, and claimed that he was duty-bound to follow this higher authority rather than the state laws prohibiting same-sex marriages...

Read more: http://www.opc.org/nh.html?article_id=123

Sigh, how times have changed. Only 30+ years ago LGBTQueers were fire bombing churches, today they're saying that Jesus Christ is one of them.
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New member
Regarding this video entitled

Homosexual violence and crimes in San Francisco

Homosexual violence and crimes in San Francisco

Thanks for yet another great LGBTQueer investigation TB in the "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! threads.

The way I see it the pastor of said church (along with his wife), really didn't fire the church's organist that he discovered was homosexual and thus made the whole story up.

Now let's get to the motive as to why said pastor would make up such a story:

Being that not a lot of San Fransickens attend church (due to the huge fag population) he was likely getting ready to close the church due to financial reasons....but wait, it gets better...therefore he was probably trying to get the sympathy of all of those ever so loving and tolerant queers in San Fransicko, hoping that they would be part of his congregation and keep his homophobic church going.

How's my logic on this one TracerBullet?
I've never seen you use logic.

As i noted above there is nothing anywhere about this "bombing" in any paper or news source, it only exists in the guy's book from 1978.

Of course you recognize this and you cannot provide any independent corroboration. So you do what you usually do, you make a big fuss to try to distract attention.

And now...for the rest of the story: (from a August/September 2004 article in the magazine New Horizons)
and wonder of wonders this doesn't have any independent corroboration of the alleged firebombing either.

Sigh, how times have changed. Only 30+ years ago LGBTQueers were fire bombing churches, today they're saying that Jesus Christ is one of them.
and you have no evidence of a church fire bombing. Of course that won't stop you from lying about this in the future.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
How's my logic on this one TracerBullet?

I've never seen you use logic.

(Sheesh, I go out of my way to make up a scenario that would undoubtedly please the vast majority of LGBTQ's, and TracerBullet didn't appreciate it...woe is me).

As i noted above there is nothing anywhere about this "bombing" in any paper or news source, it only exists in the guy's book from 1978

Of course you recognize this and you cannot provide any independent corroboration. So you do what you usually do, you make a big fuss to try to distract attention.

So let me get this...ahem..."straight" (please forgive my use of a word that without a doubt is obscene in the LGBTQueer so-called "community"), are you saying that the firing of a homosexual organist named "Kevin" by Pastor Charles McIlhenny and the following lawsuit(s) didn't happen or that the various cases of vandalism, rape and death threats and the firebombing of their church/home never happened?

When Gays Fire-Bombed a Church: 'Gay Rights or Gay Riots.'
Read more at http://godfatherpolitics.com/21548/...-gay-rights-or-gay-riots/#e060ZWZbdYrUkpTy.99

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
And now...for the rest of the story: (from a August/September 2004 article in the magazine New Horizons)

and wonder of wonders this doesn't have any independent corroboration of the alleged firebombing either.

So let me get this...ahem..."straight" again (and again my apologies for using such a filthy word); you went through the archives of both the San Franswischo Chronicle and San Fransicko Examiner and various other periodicals that were being published in San Francisco back in the late 1970's and early 1980's and found nothing?

Are you also saying that you went through the records of the San Francisco Police Dept. to see if Pastor McIlhenny filed one or more police reports and found nothing?

Since you went through such painstaking effort (how is TracerBullet able to devout so much time to his investigate reporting and still write loving and tolerant posts each day?) how about you check with San Francisco Fire Dept. and see if they responded to a call on
31 May 1983 at 12:30 a.m.,

"On 31 May 1983 at 12:30 a.m. someone actually attempted to follow through with their threats to kill us.”4 In the alleyway next to their house, someone lit two cans of gasoline. Donna McIlhenny describes it this way:

“The church and the house are right next door to each other, attached by a small alleyway. Our bedroom was right next to the alleyway. As I lay down, I was looking toward the alleyway window. I saw something flicker, and before I could even wonder what it was, a huge ball of fire roared up the alleyway wall and burst through the window into the bedroom, breaking the quarter inch pane of glass.

God spared the McIlhenny family that night. The fireman on the scene told the McIlhennys, “The intent was to kill. It's as if someone pointed a gun in your face and pulled the trigger . . . only, in this case, the gun misfired!”6 As of the writing of When the Wicked Seize a City in 1993, “nothing has been turned up by the police and fire department investigations as to who may have set the fire. No leads, no clues, and no person has ever been questioned!7 The McIlhenny=s were attacked again on March 22, 1990.

Read more at http://godfatherpolitics.com/21548/...-gay-rights-or-gay-riots/#XvUyBAuhp6QhMk5X.99


I see that the book "When the Wicked Seize a City" is available on pdf, perhaps you could read it and point out all of the LIES! LIES! LIES! in it?

One more thing: Don't you think that it's time that someone write a sequel to the book and call it...

"When the Wicked Seize a Nation"?


New member
ACW, I will ask you this again,

Why are you focusing on advocating criminalization of homosexuality? It's not going to happen. Continue resisting the LGBT lobby but we are losing and we need to recognize that. We are living in a post-Christian America and you still seem to think that Bible-believing Christians can take back the government despite being a minority.


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
How's my logic on this one TracerBullet?

(Sheesh, I go out of my way to make up a scenario that would undoubtedly please the vast majority of LGBTQ's, and TracerBullet didn't appreciate it...woe is me).

So let me get this...ahem..."straight" (please forgive my use of a word that without a doubt is obscene in the LGBTQueer so-called "community"), are you saying that the firing of a homosexual organist named "Kevin" by Pastor Charles McIlhenny and the following lawsuit(s) didn't happen or that the various cases of vandalism, rape and death threats and the firebombing of their church/home never happened?

When Gays Fire-Bombed a Church: 'Gay Rights or Gay Riots.'
Read more at http://godfatherpolitics.com/21548/...-gay-rights-or-gay-riots/#e060ZWZbdYrUkpTy.99
no one else seems to have noticed a church being firebombed. Church bombings are rare things and when one happens it generated interest at the national news level.

But even if we just accept McIlhenny claim that his church was firebombed there is the problem of the lack of police involvement. So no one was ever arrested in connection with this 'firebombing' and no charges ever filed not even a suspect floating around. So if no one knows who did the firebombing, then no one can say the perpetrator (s) were gay.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
And now...for the rest of the story: (from a August/September 2004 article in the magazine New Horizons)

So let me get this...ahem..."straight" again (and again my apologies for using such a filthy word); you went through the archives of both the San Franswischo Chronicle and San Fransicko Examiner and various other periodicals that were being published in San Francisco back in the late 1970's and early 1980's and found nothing?

Are you also saying that you went through the records of the San Francisco Police Dept. to see if Pastor McIlhenny filed one or more police reports and found nothing?

And your response here says you couldn't find anything either. :think:


ACW, I will ask you this again,

Why are you focusing on advocating criminalization of homosexuality?

You seem intimidated by the thought of recriminalization, why it that?

To answer your question: amongst other things righteous laws legislated and enforced by a righteous government is a biblical commandment.

Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.
1 Peter 2:13-17 ESV

“You shall appoint judges and officers in all your towns that the Lord your God is giving you, according to your tribes, and they shall judge the people with righteous judgment. You shall not pervert justice. You shall not show partiality, and you shall not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and subverts the cause of the righteous. Justice, and only justice, you shall follow, that you may live and inherit the land that the Lord your God is giving you.
Deuteronomy 16:18-20 ESV

Etc. etc. etc.

It's not going to happen.

You must have not received my memo: I'm not asking for your or any other Libertarian's help.

Continue resisting the LGBT lobby

By what method?

but we are losing and we need to recognize that.

Hence the reason for this 4 part thread and showing the cure for the disease.

We are living in a post-Christian America and you still seem to think that Bible-believing Christians can take back the government despite being a minority.

I'm asking people who have an ounce of decency in their bodies to fight, not just "Bible-believing Christians". There are a lot of people out there who haven't accepted Christ into their lives but are still good decent people. My message goes out to them as well.

Now don't you have a Libertarian Party meeting that you need to attend? While you're there, find out what the true ideology behind Libertarian doctrine is, as I don't believe you answered that during your last visit to the thread.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So let me get this...ahem..."straight" (please forgive my use of a word that without a doubt is obscene in the LGBTQueer so-called "community"), are you saying that the firing of a homosexual organist named "Kevin" by Pastor Charles McIlhenny and the following lawsuit(s) didn't happen or that the various cases of vandalism, rape and death threats and the firebombing of their church/home never happened?

When Gays Fire-Bombed a Church: 'Gay Rights or Gay Riots.'
Read more at http://godfatherpolitics.com/21548/w...WZbdYrUkpTy.99

no one else seems to have noticed a church being firebombed. Church bombings are rare things and when one happens it generated interest at the national news level.

So did you go through the archives of the pro LGBTQueer LA Times, the NY Times, and the Washington Post and found nothing?

Again, check with both the San Francisco Police and Fire Depts., for a small fee I'm sure that they'll send you a copy of the incident.

But even if we just accept McIlhenny claim that his church was firebombed there is the problem of the lack of police involvement. So no one was ever arrested in connection with this 'firebombing' and no charges ever filed not even a suspect floating around.

Hence a cold case.

So if no one knows who did the firebombing, then no one can say the perpetrator (s) were gay.

(Pssst, you didn't hear this from me, but I believe it was those damn Seventh Day Adventists behind the terrorist act).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

So let me get this...ahem..."straight" again (and again my apologies for using such a filthy word); you went through the archives of both the San Franswischo Chronicle and San Fransicko Examiner and various other periodicals that were being published in San Francisco back in the late 1970's and early 1980's and found nothing?

Are you also saying that you went through the records of the San Francisco Police Dept. to see if Pastor McIlhenny filed one or more police reports and found nothing?

And your response here says you couldn't find anything either.

My response says that in order to waste my time looking for specific documents that in your mind would validate the information written in Pastor McIlhenny's book, that first I would have to believe that it is a lie.

We've seen how intolerant and violent the LGBTQueer movement has been over the years, beginning with homosexual activist group ACT-UP! back in the 80's (refer to Scott Lively's book "The Pink Swastika" to see how ACT-UP! took ideas from Mein Kampf in order to terrorize any opposition).

"The “gay” movement has done more than simply adopt Nazi styles and symbolism. Homosexual strategists have also embraced the terroristic tactics of the Nazi Brownshirts to advance their political agenda.
One of the most notorious groups to employ Nazi thuggery is the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT-UP) which was founded in New York by Larry Kramer and approximately 300 other activists in March, 1987. (Alyson Almanac:42). Within a few months its members had gained national attention for their aggressive actions against those whom they considered enemies. ACT-UP groups invaded Catholic churches in New York during religious services, screaming obscenities and “stomping on communion wafers” (Miller:460). Catholic churches were also targeted in Washington, Los Angeles and Puerto Rico. Newspaper boxes were smashed in Sacramento to punish an editor for his views (Grant, 1993:104). One militant who later regretted his involvement was Washington, D.C. ACT-UP founder, Eric Pollard. The following is an excerpt from his 1992 letter to the Washington Blade titled, “Time to give up fascist tactics”:

This is very hard for me to write. It forces me to squarely confront my past actions and to accept responsibility for the damage I have had a part in causing. I sincerely apologize for my involvement in and my founding of the AIDS activist organization, ACT-UP D.C.. I have helped to create a truly fascist organization...The average Gay man or woman could not immediately relate to our subversive tactics, drawn largely from the voluminous Mein Kampf, which some of us studied as a working model (Washington Blade, January, 1992).


Anyway, onto your next LGBTQueer investigative assignment, as you botched this one horribly.

Edit: Update on the "Terror Tactics/Tyranny" section in the index on page 1 (do you want to see LGBTQueer hate? It's in these links).
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