Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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New member
I'll make it simpler then:

Can the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement and Christianity coexist?

If so, how?

of course they can and do. The problem however is bigots, liars and hatemongers pretend to be Christian in order to push their anti-gay (and anti-Christian) agenda, the criminaliing of homosexuality followed by he mass termination of gays and lesbians


New member
For those of you that have been following this now 4 part thread, you know that the founder of the most powerful homosexual organization in the world (the Human Rights Campaign) was arrested for having sex with an underage boy.

I speculated that because of his political influence, HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean would find a way to beat the charges.


Once again I was right.

$200,000 offer ends 'gay' Democrat's child-sex charges

Judge: 'Mr. Bean, you are free to go'

Sept.2 , 2015

Democratic Party fundraiser and gay activist Terry Bean made sex-abuse allegations with a 17-year-old boy [who was 15 at the time when sexual relations between he and Bean occurred] disappear on Tuesday thanks to a $200,000 settlement offer.
Once again you are lying

The settlement offer was not proposed by Bean but rather by the "victim" and the demand of $200,000 was made before the "victim" went to the police.

Sounds like extortion.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'll make it simpler then:

Can the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement and Christianity coexist?

If so, how?

of course they can and do. The problem however is bigots, liars and hatemongers pretend to be Christian in order to push their anti-gay (and anti-Christian) agenda, the criminaliing of homosexuality followed by he mass termination of gays and lesbians

I agree, your LGBTQueer movement can coexist with 'gay'* christians.

*Not to be confused with adulterous, bestial or incestuous christians.

What needs to be done with the bigots, liars and hatemongers who pretend to be Christian (i.e. correctly interpret Holy Scripture), extermination?


Regarding HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean paying off one of his underage boy toys so that criminal proceedings wouldn't be pursued.

Once again you are lying

The settlement offer was not proposed by Bean but rather by the "victim" and the demand of $200,000 was made before the "victim" went to the police.

Sounds like extortion.

One would think that if HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean were innocent of having sex with underage boys (I believe they call that "statutory rape") that he would have not paid said boy toy $200,000, but fought the accusation tooth and nail to keep his reputation as pure as the driven snow.

So pure that: Neighbor says Bean liked the young ones and brought home under aged boys

So pure that: Mother of Bean's former younger boyfriend says that Bean groomed her son with alcohol and Viagra
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New member
Regarding HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean paying off one of his underage boy toys so that criminal proceedings wouldn't be pursued.

One would think that if HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean were innocent of having sex with underage boys (I believe they call that "statutory rape") that he would have not paid said boy toy $200,000, but fought the accusation tooth and nail to keep his reputation as pure as the driven snow.

So pure that: Neighbor says Bean liked the young ones and brought home under aged boys

So pure that: Mother of Bean's former younger boyfriend says that Bean groomed her son with alcohol and Viagra

This makes me mad.

On the one hand, no one should be convicted of anything without the testimony of
TWO witnesses, as per Biblical law.

On the other hand, no one should be able to thwart criminal proceedings
by using money.


The US (and other) 'Justice' System is hopelessly corrupt, and doesn't uphold God's Law.

Thus clearly real criminals escape, if they are wealthy enough and powerful enough.

No black farmer nor Indian bead-seller would have been excused for a bribe.

No court would throw out a case because there was only one witness.



Regarding the dismissal of HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean's statutory rape trial with a 15 year old boy:

This makes me mad.

On the one hand, no one should be convicted of anything without the testimony of
TWO witnesses, as per Biblical law.

Unless Bean was videotaping himself raping the young lad (which he reportedly did with other conquests), I doubt that there would be any other witnesses in Bean's sodomy den.

I'm sure that the prosecution would have other evidence that would have been enough to convict Bean of the charges.

On the other hand, no one should be able to thwart criminal proceedings by using money.

As I said, it appears that child prostitution is legal in Oregon (HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean had sex with the boy and paid him off not to testify against him).

The US (and other) 'Justice' System is hopelessly corrupt, and doesn't uphold God's Law.

This took place in the ultra liberal State of Oregon.
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New member
I agree, your LGBTQueer movement can coexist with 'gay'* christians.

*Not to be confused with adulterous, bestial or incestuous christians.

What needs to be done with the bigots, liars and hatemongers who pretend to be Christian (i.e. correctly interpret Holy Scripture), extermination?

Are you volunteering to be exterminated?


New member
One would think that if HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean were innocent of having sex with underage boys (I believe they call that "statutory rape") that he would have not paid said boy toy $200,000, but fought the accusation tooth and nail to keep his reputation as pure as the driven snow.

We only have the claims of one lawyer regarding the $200,000.

As long as you are thinking (rare event that it is) consider why the "victim" demanded money before the police got invovled


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
What needs to be done with the bigots, liars and hatemongers who pretend to be Christian (i.e. correctly interpret Holy Scripture), extermination?

Are you volunteering to be exterminated?

Why can't I get a...ahem...straight answer out of those that defend homosexual behavior and the LGBTQueer movement when it comes to Christianity and the homosexual/sexual anarchist movement "coexisting"?

I have no qualms about saying that the two can't "coexist", in fact the title of my 4 part thread is proof of that.


New member
Regarding the dismissal of HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean's statutory rape trial with a 15 year old boy:

Unless Bean was videotaping himself raping the young lad (which he reportedly did with other conquests), I doubt that there would be any other witnesses in Bean's sodomy den.
other conquests? do you ever tell the truth?

I'm sure that the prosecution would have other evidence that would have been enough to convict Bean of the charges.
the case was dismissed without prejudice meaning that the prosecution could refile the charges anytime. Which they would do...if they had any evidence

As I said, it appears that child prostitution is legal in Oregon (HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean had sex with the boy and paid him off not to testify against him).
Unproven accusation but you admitting so would be honest and that is something you just don't seem to be able to do.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

One would think that if HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean were innocent of having sex with underage boys (I believe they call that "statutory rape") that he would have not paid said boy toy $200,000, but fought the accusation tooth and nail to keep his reputation as pure as the driven snow.

We only have the claims of one lawyer regarding the $200,000.

As long as you are thinking (rare event that it is) consider why the "victim" demanded money before the police got invovled

Again, if HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean really didn't rape little boys, why dish out $200,000 (or any money) if the homosexual child rapist Terry Bean really is innocent?

BTW, if the kid was financially savvy, he would have provided the evidence to convict HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean of sodomy with a child and then taken him for everything that he has in civil court (million$).


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Regarding the dismissal of HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean's statutory rape trial with a 15 year old boy:

Unless Bean was videotaping himself raping the young lad (which he reportedly did with other conquests), I doubt that there would be any other witnesses in Bean's sodomy den.

other conquests? do you ever tell the truth?

Please try to stay up with the facts:

WATCH: HRC Co-Founder Terry Bean’s Neighbor Says Bean ‘Likes the Young Ones’ and Brought Home Underage Boys

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm sure that the prosecution would have other evidence that would have been enough to convict Bean of the charges.

the case was dismissed without prejudice meaning that the prosecution could refile the charges anytime. Which they would do...if they had any evidence

Again, try to stay up with the facts: The case was dismissed because the victim (a youth below the age of sexual consent) refused to testify against HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
As I said, it appears that child prostitution is legal in Oregon (HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean had sex with the boy and paid him off not to testify against him).

Unproven accusation but you admitting so would be honest and that is something you just don't seem to be able to do.

Oregon is also a State where a minor can get his or her genitals mutilated without parental consent so that he or she can pretend that they're a member of the opposite sex. ;-)


acw, do you have a plan for how many parts are in your series ?

Is the truth about homosexuality and the jackbooted LGBTQueer movement bothering you pj, cuz if it is, I will cease and desist with this thread immediately.


this is part 4? do you even have things planned out or will it never end ?

I don't foresee homosexuality being recriminalized anytime soon, so yes, it will continue as long as it's legal to speak the truth about it.

BTW, you mentioned in another thread that I'm a "closeted gay", to which I replied "Based on your pro homosexual posts, I don't think that there is a closet in your life".

What happened in your life that made you defend such a filthy disease ridden behavior whose political movement promotes sex with children?


Yeah, it's pretty tough to figure out the original intent behind

"a man should not lie with another man, it is a detestable sin..."
It could be phallic aggression, temple observances using prostitution or whatever. But what it is NOT is anything to do with the modern term homosexuality. The concept just would not compute in the ancient mind. If there are any overt references to what we call gay sex/love, they have yet to be found.

Of course, the relationship of David and Jonathan comes awfully close to a sexual relationship. And then there are the "same-sex pairings" done in the Medieval Christian churches.

and "Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'?"
Much later the envoy Paul of Tarsus concluded "...here is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

"Don't you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don't fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality,.."
Don't you know Jesus said in Matthew 5 that God lets his "sun shine on the good as well as the evil and makes the rain fall on both the righteous and the unrighteous??

Are you aware that Jesus thundered "Friend, who made ME a judge?"
And told us to refrain from judgement of others "seventy times seven"?

"That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved."

I can always cut and paste what historical researchers have concluded. They believe it is important to find out as close as is possible what the original intent of the gospel writers was. But it is not an easy read for folks who are used to televisions and iPhones.

Tread carefully here. This second reply to any confusion is cut and pasted from my documents. It summarizes the work of John Atkins, if I remember right.

Now that I'm questioning the "original intent" behind such abstruse verses and passages, I feel so much more "enlightened" thanks to you aikido7.
Sarcasm is always a "cover emotion" for anger. What prevents you from being accountable for your emotions and telling me directly you are angry with me?



Here's a bit of historically accurate biblical research. The author does not use his modern sensibilities to look at ancient evidence. He takes it on its own terms:

But the Bible was not written in our day nor for our time. These two texts were written about 2,500 years ago in a time and place scholars generally refer to as the Ancient Near East. What did it mean for “a man to lie with a man as with a woman” in the Ancient Near East? Male-male same-gendered sex in the Ancient Near East—so far as ancient texts discussed it—had three possible meanings:

Domination, recreation, and religious devotion.

To understand the first, one need only think today of prison sex or war-time rape, or read the news from Syria, where male rape has recently emerged as a tool of government repression. This modern thing is actually a very old thing. In the Ancient Near East male-on-male sex was usually seen as an act of violence. This was (and is) not gay sex. It was heterosexual phallic aggression.

It was generally frowned upon, unless done in a context where violence and domination were the point, as in war. Today the practice is shocking. In the ancient world, not so much.

Ancient Near Eastern recreational male-male sex was a similar thing. This is something one might do with a slave or personal servant in the absence of female companionship. It was also frowned upon in some cultures, who viewed it as exploitative and demeaning to the man or boy who was forced to play the role of “catcher” in such sexual activity. To lie with a man “as with a woman” pretty much captures the point. Men were supposed to be men, not women.

The ancient myth of Gilgamesh is a good example. The chief shortcoming of the ancient king of Ur was his voracious sexual appetite, which he satisfied with women, daughters, and sons—no one was safe.

In the Ancient Near East, male-male sex can also have a religious meaning. Sex as religious devotion is an odd concept for most of us, but it was not so for ancients.

The Ancient Near East is a dry place. Agriculture there is a critical, but precarious undertaking. Consequently, agriculture attracted a good deal of religious attention in ancient times. Fertility gods were common, as were fertility rituals. Sometimes this involved ritual sexual activity with male priests, who, like the gods they represented, were thought to be androgynous—that is, both male and female. Devotees believed that by planting one’s seed in such a priest, one could ensure the fertility of the earth for another year.

None of these meanings depended upon the homosexuality of the participants. In fact, it was quite the opposite. All depended on the assumption that the initiator of the act (the "pitcher" so to speak) was acting in the very heterosexual role of male. A man could dominate another man by buggering him, thus forcing him into the subordinate role of female. That was why it was permitted to rape one’s enemies at the end of a battle, but not to bugger one’s slave.

In the first case, violent aggression is part of what the soldier signs on for. In the second case, you’re just taking advantage.

In the case of ritual sex, the devotee (again, the "pitcher") is seen as performing the heterosexual male role of planting his seed in another, in this case a man reimagined as part female.

So, was there actual gay sex, as we today understand that concept, in the Ancient Near East? Probably. But it is never discussed in the surviving literature.




Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that I'm questioning the "original intent" behind such abstruse verses and passages, I feel so much more "enlightened" thanks to you aikido7.

Sarcasm is always a "cover emotion" for anger. What prevents you from being accountable for your emotions and telling me directly you are angry with me?

The thought of you spending eternity in damnation for mocking God saddens me so aikido7.

You do realize that if homosexuality were recriminalized your blasphemous posts about 'gay' christianity would get you sent to a mental institution where you would get the help that you so desperately need, instead of having a public platform to spew your HATRED of Him like you and your fellow "gay Christians" have now?

I talked about the "gay christianity" movement a fair amount in Part 3, and the perverts behind the movement, etc.

When I talk further about the subject in the "3 tenets of atheism" segment (1. There is no God. 2. I hate Him. 3. I hate him so much that I'll redefine Holy Scripture to meet my perverted selfish desires) , I'll delve deeper into why these so-called leaders of the "gay christian movement" HATE God so much that they are attempting to redefine His Word as seen in Holy Scripture to meet their selfish perverted desires.

In my opinion many if not all of them were molested as a child and feel that God is responsible for not protecting them, hence their out and out HATRED of Him.

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patrick jane

another reason homosexuality and cross dressing should be stamped out

from FOX 2 NEWS - St. Louis MO

HILLSBORO, MO (KTVI) - Should transgender students be allowed to use the gender-specific locker rooms and restrooms of their choice?

The controversy comes after a transgender student, who identifies as female, began using female facilities at Hillsboro High School.

There were so many people who showed up to Thursday night’s school board meeting that they had to move it into the gym, something that has not happened for a regular meeting in the past. This topic was not even on the agenda, but it was clear why most parents were in attendance, judging from the thunderous applause and standing ovation after one parent spoke.

High school senior Lila Perry said she’s known she was transgender since she was 13. Last February, she decided to come out. She didn’t take gym class that semester and used the gender-neutral faculty restroom. But this year, Perry said she wanted to fit in with the rest of the girls, so she started using the girls’ bathroom and locker room.

Parents said their daughters were uncomfortable, because even though Perry wears dresses and a wig, she is still physically a male.

Derrick Good, a parent of two girls at Hillsboro and an attorney, worked with other parents and a conservative advocacy group to draft a new school district policy on the issue, which he believes would be upheld in court. The policy calls for students to use a restroom associated with the gender they were born with, or a gender neutral restroom.

“They should have the ability to do whatever they need to do in the privacy of the bathroom without having a male in there,” Good said. “They have a right to their own bodily privacy, and I’ve raised my girls, and many of these parents have raised their girls, to protect that privacy. They don’t share that with members of the opposite sex.”

Good said the school district is concerned about stripped funding if a civil rights lawsuit came their way, but he feels the school board should be more concerned with his daughters’ rights to personal privacy.

It’s unclear when and if the school board will make a decision on this. Members of the school board said they cannot comment on the matter.

For her part, Perry said there’s no risk for anyone.

“I’m not going to hurt their daughters. I’m not going to expose myself. I’m not a pervert; I’m a transgender woman; I’m a girl. I’m just in there to change, do my business, and that if they have any questions about being transgender, they are more than welcome to talk to me, and I’ll be happy to explain it.”

Perry said she’s been attacked on social media and fears bullying and violence if she were to start using the boys’ restroom now.

Meanwhile, the gender neutral bathroom option still stands.

fox 2 news st. louis -
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