Why do men suffer?


Well-known member
Why do men suffer?

One cannot blame it on Satan. Even things which Satan is allowed to do are with permission of God. God is responsible for the good and the bad.

And its not man’s fallen nature which is responsible for the problems either. God created the thorns and cursed the land. And animals have been eating each other since the Cambrian. Diseases have probably been killing off the weak since pre-history.

We can cause some of our own problems through stupidity. The movie “Jackass” comes to mind.

God makes no claim to fairness either. All men are not created equal. Some are born talented and beautiful, and others not so lucky.

Time and chance happen to all. Turns out God does play dice.

And God is not opposed to suffering. Why would He send His Son to die an agonising death if God’s priority was to have no suffering in the world?

And nothing is predestined either as the Calvinists wrongly believe. So fate cannot be blamed either.

If God had created a perfect world where it was impossible to need anything, then why would anyone need God?

God’s priority is to give people life and freedom to choose. Try designing a world where mortals have freedom of choice and no chance of hurting themselves. The world would look like a padded cell, with a person in a strait-jacket. Instead, God created a world with sharp edges, hot and cold, poisons, stinging plants and animals, edges one can fall off, rocks which can fall and crush us.

People are like fish to God. If one dies, He has more. God created an excess of humans, knowing that many would reject him. For God, it’s a game of odds.

For those who do choose Him, the rules change. They become HIS fish. Only now do they gain intrinsic value. He promises to watch over them. This does not mean that time and chance are suspended. Bad things can still happen to good people. The worst that can happen is death, and God has power over this even, to resurrect his saints.

It is a requirement of believers to develop faith. This means not falling apart and losing faith when bad things happen to them. For all eternity, God will send us places we might have second thoughts about going. That is why faith is a prerequisite to eternal life. We will not balk at His command, but go with trust in his watching over us.

One other thing. Parasites, deep water, broken glass, fire, poison, God created a world with sharp edges. We mostly manage to negotiate our way around these. And in the process we learn the meaning of the word "No". "No don't touch, go there, drink that,..."

Which is why "law" is such a big word in the Bible.
Beings with free will have to learn to say "No" to themselves.

If parents don't teach it.... then prison will.
If prison doesn't teach it, then nature will when one takes an overdose. Either way, you will learn to deny yourself. And God created the world to teach us “No”.

Where did God ever promise a perfect world? Show me the place in the book of rules. But we do live in an extremely benevolent world where 99% of the time we are neither hungry nor in pain. The people born in the worst places are generally the last to complain too. When the smallest misfortune comes upon us we cry “Why me Lord?”. In the 99% good times we never question “Why me Lord” when He blesses us.

This is not to trivialise any person’s suffering.

This is a beautiful world and we do not deserve one bit of good that we get. Every thing that brings pleasure is God’s grace. And for those who have trials, God promises His people that they will never be tempted above what they are able to bear. God will reduce the trial, or strengthen His believer, one or the other. For the uncalled, they take their chances, and God owes them nothing.

Yet God’s ultimate goal is to create us needy. Only then will we come to Him for help. Later He will give us a perfect world where all tears will be wiped away.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
YOU, you are the cause of a lot of it.

Lack of knowledge, which is a lack of diligence because God has FULLY revealed Himself in Christ, nothing is hidden.

God sent His Son to suffer FOR YOU, that is on your behalf...in your place.


So that you don't have to.

Thorns and thistles, these are the curse, but Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law.

He had no sin, He bore our sin
He had no sickness, He bore our sickness
He had no death only life, He bore our death

Our sorrow, our pains, our griefs, our guilt. Christ paid a FULL redemptive price, but Christians do not preach a full redemptive gospel.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
So then what we see is to be the measure of truth, that God says He bore our diseases is made a lie because men failed to attain to it.

I know plenty of "holiness" preachers who fall into sin, so they negate God's word?
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Well-known member
YOU, you are the cause of a lot of it.

Lack of knowledge, which is a lack of diligence because God has FULLY revealed Himself in Christ, nothing is hidden.

God sent His Son to suffer FOR YOU, that is on your behalf...in your place.


So that you don't have to.

Thorns and thistles, these are the curse, but Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law.

He had no sin, He bore our sin
He had no sickness, He bore our sickness
He had no death only life, He bore our death

Our sorrow, our pains, our griefs, our guilt. Christ paid a FULL redemptive price, but Christians do not preach a full redemptive gospel.

I hate it when folks say it is our lack of faith which is causing us to suffer, to not be healed etc. This is so wrong!! It assumes that it is ALWAYS God's will for us to be healed. Paul besought the Lord 3 times to have his thorn in the flesh removed, and it was not. And we will all die of old age some time, with its accompanying suffering.

Timothy had "oft infirmities" 1 Tim 5:23


Well-known member
I hate it when folks say it is our lack of faith which is causing us to suffer, to not be healed etc. This is so wrong!! It assumes that it is ALWAYS God's will for us to be healed. Paul besought the Lord 3 times to have his thorn in the flesh removed, and it was not. And we will all die of old age some time, with its accompanying suffering.

Timothy had "oft infirmities" 1 Tim 5:23
Yes, but people love that over-simplistic nonsense. They use it to excuse themselves from having to contemplate the problem any further.

It's true that some human suffering is self-inflicted. But it's also true that a lot of it is not. Much of it is being inflicted on some humans by other humans. And some of it is being inflicted on we humans in general by natural circumstances that we cannot control.

So there isn't going to be one simple answer to the question of human suffering. And there isn't going to be any set of answers that will fully resolve our wonder. But the simpletons among us don't like this. So they prefer to just invent some absurd blanket answer, adopt is as fact, and then forget the questions all together.

Ignorance is their bliss, I guess, and so it is also their modus operandi.


New member
Why do men suffer?

Humans suffer for the purpose of building faith.

In this you greatly rejoice though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 1:6-7 NKJV)​

Without faith it is impossible to please God.


Well-known member
Yes, but people love that over-simplistic nonsense. They use it to excuse themselves from having to contemplate the problem any further.

It's true that some human suffering is self-inflicted. But it's also true that a lot of it is not. Much of it is being inflicted on some humans by other humans. And some of it is being inflicted on we humans in general by natural circumstances that we cannot control.

So there isn't going to be one simple answer to the question of human suffering. And there isn't going to be any set of answers that will fully resolve our wonder. But the simpletons among us don't like this. So they prefer to just invent some absurd blanket answer, adopt is as fact, and then forget the questions all together.

Ignorance is their bliss, I guess, and so it is also their modus operandi.

Correct. Not to mention that early Christians suffered more than most in preaching the Gospel.

One does not want to add a guilt trip on top of the original suffering by blaming the sufferer for their lack of faith.


Well-known member
Humans suffer for the purpose of building faith.

In this you greatly rejoice though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 1:6-7 NKJV)​

Without faith it is impossible to please God.

Right, and Jas 1:2


New member
For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them, but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it. (Hebrews 4:2 NKJV)​


Well-known member
I don't think I am as special as you. I haven't got intrinsic value, apparently.

I have not become a fish.

Actually the reverse, if anything.


Without God, what are you worth?....

"What is your body worth?

According to a recent article in Wired magazine, a body could be worth up to $45 million — Calculated by selling the bone marrow, DNA, lungs, kidneys, heart … as components.

What about the value of a body based around just the chemical elements that make up a corpse?....

...The results – Just what is a body worth?

Summing up all the amounts in the Value column, we come to a grand total of just over $160."



Well-known member
Because Jesus suffered (Lk 24:26, 46).

Paul rejoiced at completing Christ's suffering in preaching the Gospel.

Col 1
23 If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;

24 Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the church: