ECT Why did God take the Prophets Enoch and Elijah while still alive?


Why did God take the Prophets Enoch and Elijah while still alive?

No one knows for sure if there are any other connections between the two men. Most proposed connections require a future event that would link the two in another way to explain their unique departure from earth. But, I believe there is another past connection between the two Prophets that is discernible for the Bible.

In my research for the Novel “Killing Abel” I propose another possible link between the two prophets. This link provides a truly Novel and plausible reason as to why God took Enoch and then Elijah directly to Heaven.

The connection between Enoch and Elijah? I believe they both prophesied a similar type of event, specifically, a three year drought. 1 Kings 17 and 18 is Elijah's drought prophecy.

For whatever reason God choose not to tell us much about Enoch. In my book “Killing Abel” I lay out what could have happened in prose to explain why Enoch was taken alive.

I believe that God gave us the clue below as to Enoch's prophecy.

God waited until a prophet was tasked with the job of warning of a coming drought and then He took Elijah as a sign to us, helping us discover Enoch's prophecy. They both were taken alive and they both prophesied a 3 year drought. Proverbs 25: 2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter

I believe that Enoch was taken to give him standing among the people who he prophesied to. He was the first prophet, it makes perfect sense that God would have done something to give His prophecy great standing among the people. Taking him directly to Heaven would have given his prophecy some real staying power, as Enoch's prophecy would have to endure 666 years.

Connect the dots below and I think we have a good idea of just what Enoch was saying in his last days on earth.

Gen. 7:11 The fountains of the deep broke open, that means they were closed, meaning there was a drought. The creeks would have dried up, just like in 1st Kings 17.

God would have warned the people of the coming judgment of every man women and child on earth.

That waning would have been from a prophet.

The only prophet in that time that we know about is Enoch.

God would have given the first prophet great standing among the people for at least two reasons. First, this appears to be the very first prophet and prophecy. Second, this was not just any prophecy, we are talking about hundreds of millions of dead from the drought alone, many innocent children dying horrible deaths.

There are several interesting time frames in Gen 5. Enoch was sixty five when he had Methuselah. Gen 5:21 Methuselah was 300 years old when Enoch was taken. 696 years later would have been the flood. If the drought was going to be 3 years it would have started in 666 years. And Methuselah would be 966 years old and then would be 969 when the flood starts, I don't think those ages are all coincidental. I would guess that God gave Enoch 3 years to warn the people of the coming drought and then with 666 years left to the flood God took Enoch giving him standing as a the first prophet. That is a lot of 6s and 9s.

The time frame seems excessive at first glance but men who heard the prophecy directly from Enoch would have still been alive and witnessed the fountains of the deep exploding. And all of them as they suffered the drought would have told the young and the innocent of Enoch's message. Just as God would have wanted.

Elijah was taken in the same manner as Enoch
Conclusion: I think this makes a convincing case for a plausible connection between Enoch and Elijah. They were both prophets, they both were taken alive and both of them prophesied a drought. The former two are God's clue for the discovery of the latter.

way 2 go

Well-known member
Gen. 7:11 The fountains of the deep broke open, that means they were closed, meaning there was a drought. The creeks would have dried up, just like in 1st Kings 17.
Gen 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

considering the fountains of the great deep opened up & flooded the whole earth & killed everything that had breath
it was a bad thing they opened up

unlike the rain here being a blessing
1Ki 18:45 And it came to pass in the mean while, that the heaven was black with clouds and wind, and there was a great rain. And Ahab rode, and went to Jezreel.

BTW no rain before the flood

Gen 2:5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
Gen 2:6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

part 1

part 2


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Why did God take the Prophets Enoch and Elijah while still alive?

No one knows for sure if there are any other connections between the two men. Most proposed connections require a future event that would link the two in another way to explain their unique departure from earth. But, I believe there is another past connection between the two Prophets that is discernible for the Bible.

In my research for the Novel “Killing Abel” I propose another possible link between the two prophets. This link provides a truly Novel and plausible reason as to why God took Enoch and then Elijah directly to Heaven.

The connection between Enoch and Elijah? I believe they both prophesied a similar type of event, specifically, a three year drought. 1 Kings 17 and 18 is Elijah's drought prophecy.

For whatever reason God choose not to tell us much about Enoch. In my book “Killing Abel” I lay out what could have happened in prose to explain why Enoch was taken alive.

I believe that God gave us the clue below as to Enoch's prophecy.

God waited until a prophet was tasked with the job of warning of a coming drought and then He took Elijah as a sign to us, helping us discover Enoch's prophecy. They both were taken alive and they both prophesied a 3 year drought. Proverbs 25: 2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter

I believe that Enoch was taken to give him standing among the people who he prophesied to. He was the first prophet, it makes perfect sense that God would have done something to give His prophecy great standing among the people. Taking him directly to Heaven would have given his prophecy some real staying power, as Enoch's prophecy would have to endure 666 years.

Connect the dots below and I think we have a good idea of just what Enoch was saying in his last days on earth.

Gen. 7:11 The fountains of the deep broke open, that means they were closed, meaning there was a drought. The creeks would have dried up, just like in 1st Kings 17.

God would have warned the people of the coming judgment of every man women and child on earth.

That waning would have been from a prophet.

The only prophet in that time that we know about is Enoch.

God would have given the first prophet great standing among the people for at least two reasons. First, this appears to be the very first prophet and prophecy. Second, this was not just any prophecy, we are talking about hundreds of millions of dead from the drought alone, many innocent children dying horrible deaths.

There are several interesting time frames in Gen 5. Enoch was sixty five when he had Methuselah. Gen 5:21 Methuselah was 300 years old when Enoch was taken. 696 years later would have been the flood. If the drought was going to be 3 years it would have started in 666 years. And Methuselah would be 966 years old and then would be 969 when the flood starts, I don't think those ages are all coincidental. I would guess that God gave Enoch 3 years to warn the people of the coming drought and then with 666 years left to the flood God took Enoch givinghim standing as a the first prophet. That is a lot of 6s and 9s.

The time frame seems excessive at first glance but men who heard the prophecy directly from Enoch would have still been alive and witnessed the fountains of the deep exploding. And all of them as they suffered the drought would have told the young and the innocent of Enoch's message. Just as God would have wanted.

Elijah was taken in the same manner as Enoch
Conclusion: I think this makes a convincing case for a plausible connection between Enoch and Elijah. They were both prophets, they both were taken alive and both of them prophesied a drought. The former two are God's clue for the discovery of the latter.
Or, maybe, and here's an even more novel idea...

Maybe God took the two men because he loved them so much?

Enoch lived sixty-five years, and begot Methuselah.After he begot Methuselah, Enoch walked with God three hundred years, and had sons and daughters.So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years.And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him. - Genesis 5:21-24

Elijah was one of God's prophets, and slew the prophets of Baal, a truly righteous thing.


Well-known member
It's appointed unto men, once, to die; Enoch and Elijah haven't, yet, died. They will when they are put to death on live TV and the whole world gives gifts to one another to celebrate their death.


Well-known member
Why did God take the Prophets Enoch and Elijah while still alive?

No one knows for sure if there are any other connections between the two men. Most proposed connections require a future event that would link the two in another way to explain their unique departure from earth. But, I believe there is another past connection between the two Prophets that is discernible for the Bible.

In my research for the Novel “Killing Abel” I propose another possible link between the two prophets. This link provides a truly Novel and plausible reason as to why God took Enoch and then Elijah directly to Heaven.

The connection between Enoch and Elijah? I believe they both prophesied a similar type of event, specifically, a three year drought. 1 Kings 17 and 18 is Elijah's drought prophecy.

For whatever reason God choose not to tell us much about Enoch. In my book “Killing Abel” I lay out what could have happened in prose to explain why Enoch was taken alive.

I believe that God gave us the clue below as to Enoch's prophecy.

God waited until a prophet was tasked with the job of warning of a coming drought and then He took Elijah as a sign to us, helping us discover Enoch's prophecy. They both were taken alive and they both prophesied a 3 year drought. Proverbs 25: 2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter

I believe that Enoch was taken to give him standing among the people who he prophesied to. He was the first prophet, it makes perfect sense that God would have done something to give His prophecy great standing among the people. Taking him directly to Heaven would have given his prophecy some real staying power, as Enoch's prophecy would have to endure 666 years.

Connect the dots below and I think we have a good idea of just what Enoch was saying in his last days on earth.

Gen. 7:11 The fountains of the deep broke open, that means they were closed, meaning there was a drought. The creeks would have dried up, just like in 1st Kings 17.

God would have warned the people of the coming judgment of every man women and child on earth.

That waning would have been from a prophet.

The only prophet in that time that we know about is Enoch.

God would have given the first prophet great standing among the people for at least two reasons. First, this appears to be the very first prophet and prophecy. Second, this was not just any prophecy, we are talking about hundreds of millions of dead from the drought alone, many innocent children dying horrible deaths.

There are several interesting time frames in Gen 5. Enoch was sixty five when he had Methuselah. Gen 5:21 Methuselah was 300 years old when Enoch was taken. 696 years later would have been the flood. If the drought was going to be 3 years it would have started in 666 years. And Methuselah would be 966 years old and then would be 969 when the flood starts, I don't think those ages are all coincidental. I would guess that God gave Enoch 3 years to warn the people of the coming drought and then with 666 years left to the flood God took Enoch giving him standing as a the first prophet. That is a lot of 6s and 9s.

The time frame seems excessive at first glance but men who heard the prophecy directly from Enoch would have still been alive and witnessed the fountains of the deep exploding. And all of them as they suffered the drought would have told the young and the innocent of Enoch's message. Just as God would have wanted.

Elijah was taken in the same manner as Enoch
Conclusion: I think this makes a convincing case for a plausible connection between Enoch and Elijah. They were both prophets, they both were taken alive and both of them prophesied a drought. The former two are God's clue for the discovery of the latter.

Enoch were not taken up to heaven, but moved to another location on earth or were directed to another location.

John the B was sent from God, but that is about God directing the life of John, it does not mean that John was in heaven and sent down from heaven

For that matter, Jesus Christ was "sent down from heaven" but we must understand that the beginning the genesis, is by his conception and birth, God is his Father, sent from heaven refers to his divine conception, not to some mythical preexistence.

God had Enoch and Elijah serve elsewhere on the earth, they both died on the earth and remain dead on the earth until they are resurrected

See, Hebrews 11:13 referring to Enoch, Abraham, Sarah, Noah and others