Why Can I Not Understand The Bible?


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Have you ever ask yourself "Why can I not understand the Bible?"

Let us check off some of the reasons why we can't.

1. We don't believe in God.

2. We don't really believe the Bible is the Word of God, it is and no man on earth is smart enough to change one thing of God's word.

3. We don't read the Bible.

4. We don't talk to God.

5. Instead of asking God a question about his word, we ask another person.

6. We don't believe that God does not lie.

7. We think the bible is like reading any other book, but it is not, the bible is spiritual.

8. We don't believe that every word in the bible is there for a reason.

9. We don't believe the devil is real and that he has been around, pretty much, since time begin.

10. We don't believe that some people are children of the devil.

Here are some of the things many believe, but are wrong.

1. God wrote the bible to us.

2. God put bones of dinosaurs and others in the ground to deceive us about the ages. (unconsciously believing God lied to the world)

3. God said he 'created man' in Gen 1 and that is the same as him saying he 'formed Adam' in Gen 2. (God uses different words for a reason)

4. Men and women were told to go into all the world in Gen 1, but Adam and Eve, in Gen 2, were placed in a garden, but many don't see the difference.

5. Many believe that Jesus told his disciples that he spoke in parables so that unbelievers would not understand. (the truth is, most Christians don't either)

God's word was very hard for me to understand until I talked to Him about understanding a specific thing and after doing so He would show me within a few days, the scriptures that answered my question. I am not so foolish as to say I know it all, but my Lord has shown me many things I had never seen before. How do I know they are true, because when it is true, scripture agrees with other scripture and then it makes sense.