Who's next?

The Barbarian

Donald Trump’s relationship with John Kelly, his chief of staff, fraught from the beginning, may finally have gone past the point of no return. Two prominent Republicans in frequent contact with the White House told me that Trump has discussed choosing Kelly’s successor in recent days, asking a close friend what he thought about David Urban, a veteran Washington lobbyist and political operative who helped engineer Trump’s victory in Pennsylvania. Ivanka is also playing a central role in the search, quietly field-testing ideas with people. “Ivanka is the most worried about it. She’s trying to figure who replaces Kelly,” a person who’s spoken with her said.

Kelly’s departure likely isn’t imminent, sources said. “He wants to stay longer than Reince [Priebus],” an outside adviser said. Trump can also hardly afford another high-level staff departure, which would trigger days of negative news cycles. “This could be like [Jeff] Sessions,” one of the Republicans explained, referring to Trump’s festering frustration about not being able to replace his attorney general.

But the prospect of a Trump-Kelly rupture became more probable as news of their clashes over immigration leaked. Last week, Kelly reportedly infuriated Trump when he told Fox News that Trump had “evolved” on his position to build a southern border wall. Kelly further catalyzed Trump’s ire when he told Democratic lawmakers that Trump was “uninformed” when he made his campaign promise to build the wall. The next morning Trump rebutted his chief of staff with a tweet.


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Greatest poster ever
Kelly reportedly infuriated Trump when he told Fox News that Trump had “evolved” on his position to build a southern border wall. Kelly further catalyzed Trump’s ire when he told Democratic lawmakers that Trump was “uninformed” when he made his campaign promise to build the wall.

You know things are bad when a President's own Chief of Staff calls the President "uninformed." He'll be bounced right out soon enough, I suppose.

The Barbarian

Bring back Scaramucci !!!!

A list of Trump aides, resigned, fired, indicted, etc:
Tom Price
Price resigned in the midst of a controversy over his use of private jets for government travel.

Sebastian Gorka
Web magazine The Federalist obtained and posted what it says is Gorka's resignation letter. "[G]iven recent events, it is clear to me that forces that do not support the MAGA promise are -- for now -- ascendant within the White House," the Federalist quotes Gorka as saying...The White House, however, disputed the claim that Gorka had tendered his resignation.

Steve Bannon
Bannon's firing came as a result of Trump's increasing frustration with Bannon, according to one senior White House official.

Anthony Scaramucci
Almost a week after he was hired, The New Yorker's Ryan Lizza published a detailed account of an expletive-ridden phone conversation he had with Scaramucci. Scaramucci was pushed to resign the Monday after the article's publication.

Reince Priebus
According to senior White House officials, Trump told Priebus he wanted to make a change two weeks before he was fired.

Sean Spicer
Spicer told ABC News that he felt "relieved" and that "organizationally" the White House communications team needed a "fresh start."

Mike Dubke
According to Axios, Dubke left on good terms, but during his time in the White House he didn't gel with those who had been with Trump since the campaign.

James Comey
Comey was dismissed by Trump, who the White House originally said was acting on the counsel of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, after they criticized Comey's handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails. Trump later portrayed the decision as his alone and said that he was thinking about the FBI's Russian election interference probe when he resolved to fire Comey.

Mike Flynn
He lasted just over three weeks before being forced to resign after it was revealed that he misled Vice President Mike Pence about the nature of multiple meetings with Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak before Trump's inauguration.

Sally Yates
Yates was fired for instructing DOJ lawyers not to defend Trump's Jan. 27 executive order barring immigration from seven predominantly Muslim countries.

George Sifakis: director, Office of Public Liaison

Ezra Cohen-Watnick: senior director for intelligence programs, National Security Council

Michael Short: senior press assistant

Walter Shaub: director, Office of Government Ethics

Vivek Murthy: surgeon general

Angella Reid: chief usher, White House

Katie Walsh: deputy chief of staff