Who do u think O'Reilly is voting for?


It's hard to say..


I don't have an answer yet.. meaning a possible one


Well, he says he is an Independent. Although he is of course indisputably a conservative. A moderate, I think.

I usally agree with his views; probably about 80% of the time. I might be a notch to the left of him. I am also an independent.

So..I will guess Big Bill want the same guy I do for POTUS: Marco Rubio.


New member
Well, he says he is an Independent. Although he is of course indisputably a conservative. A moderate, I think.

I usally agree with his views; probably about 80% of the time. I might be a notch to the left of him. I am also an independent.

So..I will guess Big Bill want the same guy I do for POTUS: Marco Rubio.

Rubio is not exactly.. Catholic enough for me, but i wouldn't have trouble voting for him. What I mean is that he thinks gays are born that way, apparently

the Church does not teach that



New member
the answers here are essentially what is wrong w/ America

"Who cares?"


if only everyone cared about.. what's going on

i thiknk we should care what intelligent, erudite, informed people like O'Reilly think



I agree.

But I also would not want somebody who believes everything the RCC believes to be my POTUS.

I cannot name any one Institution that has a bigger and longer history of oppression and murder and self-serving and exploitation of the ignorant than the RCC.

My theological hero: Martin Luther, explained how I feel about this when he nailed is 95 theses on the Church door back in the 16 Century.



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
the answers here are essentially what is wrong w/ America

"Who cares?"


if only everyone cared about.. what's going on

i thiknk we should care what intelligent, erudite, informed people like O'Reilly think
No, your question was who would O'Reilly for. That I do not care who O'Reilly would vote for does not mean that I don't care about the election, it means that I do not care what O'Reilly's opinion of the election is. This true whether you are asking about O'Reilly, LImbaugh, Clinton, Bill Maher or any other talking head you care to name. I decide who to vote for myself.


New member

I agree.

But I also would not want somebody who believes everything the RCC believes to be my POTUS.

I cannot name any one Institution that has a bigger and longer history of oppression and murder and self-serving and exploitation of the ignorant than the RCC.

My theological hero: Martin Luther, explained how I feel about this when he nailed is 95 theses on the Church door back in the 16 Century.


you've been fed a lot of nonsense about the Church. And Luther is very likely in HELL, as he opposed the Church Christ founded and DIVIDED it, and taught that we can sin all we want and still get to heaven.. LIAR. Ever read in Revelation where it says all liars go to the Lake of Fire? yeh, check it out...

And you are uninformed on something else as well. O'Reilly... IF (not sure but IF) he believes that there is ever an occassion to abort a child (rape? incest?) he does NOT

repeat: does NOT

adhere to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church...

the Church teaches that only ectopic pregnancies can be aborted, and then only if there is NO alternative. But with technology advancing... there may not be an "excuse" for that either much longer



New member
No, your question was who would O'Reilly for. That I do not care who O'Reilly would vote for does not mean that I don't care about the election, it means that I do not care what O'Reilly's opinion of the election is. This true whether you are asking about O'Reilly, LImbaugh, Clinton, Bill Maher or any other talking head you care to name. I decide who to vote for myself.

How does caring about who someone votes for translate into: i will vote for whoever he votes for??


get real
