Who Can Trust in the Unjust, Unmerciful, Unrighteous God of Calvinism?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I know that I can't. Calvinist claim that they do. They are continuously portraying God as a mean, cruel, tyrant that delights in sending people to hell.

Here is the problem and its a big one. All through the Old Testament and into the New Testament people are justified by faith. In the Old Testament they were Justified by believing in God's promise of a savior. "Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness" Romans 4:3. They were not trusting that they were going to be predestinated. They believed that God was going to provide them with a savior. A savior that they could trust and believe in. Jesus is that savior.

"But as many as received him, to them gave he the power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe upon his name" John 1:12.

Things have not changed. We are still required to believe and have faith, only this time it is in the work and the person of Jesus Christ, who is God's promised savior. Nowhere in the Bile does it say that we are to believe and have faith that God is going to predestinate us to salvation. That would be the opposite of faith in Christ and is another Gospel.

Christ and Christ alone is what we are called to believe and have faith in, not predestination. I am afraid that in the judgment many are going to say, "But Lord, Lord, wasn't I predestinated?" Only to hear, "Depart from me I never knew you" They never knew Jesus, because they had never called on him to save them. They thought that they didn't need to do that because they had been predestinated to salvation from the foundation of the world. If you have been predestinated, then who needs Jesus Christ and his Gospel?

The God of the Bible is not the God of Calvinism. The Bible does NOT portray God as a mean, cruel, unjust, unmerciful tyrant that predestinates people to hell before they are born. What a terrible thing to believe about God. It is blasphemous to say that is what he does. You might be better off to believe in no God at all than to blasphemy him with those kind of statements.

Here is the worst part of Calvinism. Salvation from the beginning of time has always been by faith in God or faith in God's promises. It is not possible to have faith in a God that predestinates people to hell before they are born. We are all born after Adam, we are all sinners because of Adam, Romans 5:12. God does not predestinate some sinners to salvation and then damn the rest to hell. So, to say that God predestinates people to hell because they are sinners is false.