White House refuses to release photo of Trump signing bill to weaken gun law

The Barbarian

A little over a month after his inauguration, on Feb. 28, 2017, President Trump signed HJ Resolution 40, a bill that made it easier for people with mental illness to obtain guns. CBS News then asked the White House to release the photograph of Mr. Trump signing the bill, making the request a total of 12 times.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders finally responded to repeated emails and phone calls with a one-line note on April 19, 2017, writing to CBS News, "We don't plan to release the picture at this time.

The Barbarian

You see, if they hide the picture, they figure no one will remember.

House Votes To Overturn Rule Restricting Gun Sales To The Severely Mentally Ill
February 2, 2017
On Thursday the GOP-controlled House voted to overturn an Obama administration rule designed to keep firearms out of the hands of some people deemed mentally ill.

The action was the latest move by congressional Republicans to undo several of President Obama's regulations on issues such as gun control and the environment through an arcane law called the Congressional Review Act.

According to NPR's Susan Davis, the measure being blocked from implementation would have required the Social Security Administration to send records of some beneficiaries with severe mental disabilities to the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System. About 75,000 people found mentally incapable of managing their financial affairs would have been affected.

The National Rifle Association had pushed for the repeal


It's just business; if the mentally ill have a harder time buying guns, gun manufacturers lose money. School shootings are, in their view, a cost of doing business.

The Barbarian

Following a school shooting, the White House reportedly refused requests to release a photo of President Trump signing a bill overturning an Obama-era regulation restricting certain people from buying guns.


CBS News reported Thursday that it asked the White House to release a photo of Trump signing H. J. Res. 40, legislation that the Republican Congress passed just over a month after he took office.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders reportedly responded to CBS News in April after a dozen requests for the photo, saying, “We don't plan to release the picture at this time."

A White House photographer confirmed to CBS that pictures of the bill-signing exist.


Hall of Fame
It's just business; if the mentally ill have a harder time buying guns, gun manufacturers lose money. School shootings are, in their view, a cost of doing business.

IF only he cared enough to *build a wall* to keep the mentally ill from buying guns ...

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Hey Barb, you sure are putting a lot of 'far-left Propaganda' out there. At least we KNOW where you're coming from. You don't even bother to hide it, huh? Your HATRED is showing, Barb.

The Barbarian

Hey Barb, you sure are putting a lot of 'far-left Propaganda' out there.

If you consider normal Americans to be "far-left" then we've located your problem.

the Pew survey did reveal some areas of consensus:

89 percent of Americans want to restrict people with mental illnesses from buying guns.
84 percent think there should be background checks for private gun sales and at gun shows.
83 percent want to ban sales of guns to people on no-fly or watch lists.


You've become so far gone, you despise the majority of your fellow Americans.

At least we KNOW where you're coming from.

The majority of Americans. Right. And you're that minority that thinks crazy people should be armed. I'm with the 89% of Americans who don't think so.

You don't even bother to hide it, huh?

Nope. And we understand why you despise us so much.

Your HATRED is showing, Grosnik.

We understand why Trump wants crazy people to be armed. It's not that he really wants more kids murdered; it's just about money. And he's all about money.

The murdered kids are an unfortunate consequence of making money, as far as he's concerned.


Trump blamed the mentally ill and chastised the FBI, but spared the National Rifle Association for the deaths of 17 people in the country's latest mass shooting incident.

In sparing the NRA, which has donated substantially to both the Republican Party and his election campaign, Trump is essentially absolving himself of any blame.

Trump " -if something's wrong, others must be to blame"

After 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, snuffed out 17 innocent lives all Trump had to say in his immediate tweets was to blame the FBI for spending time investigating his election campaign's links to Russia - of which Trump is now back-peddling ever faster on.

Last year, Trump signed a bill passed by Republicans in the US Congress to repeal a Barack Obama administration regulation, adding to the background check database those receiving welfare checks for mental illness, along with others deemed unable to handle their own financial affairs.

Now, in the face of an uprising by students demanding gun control - an issue Trump and his Republican peers have spared no efforts in ducking all these years, he seems to be backing down a little.

Three of the bloodiest US mass shootings occurred during Trump's first year in office.

All told, 101 people died and 561 were wounded. It's no exaggeration to say Trump's first year was a bloody one.

He can't escape the blame. His vigorous defense of guns in front of diehard supporters have both directly and indirectly contributed to these deaths. And for what ? Large financial contribution from the NRA.


New member
Without getting into a huge political debate (I really don't want to be yelled at for my personal opinion), numbers can always be skewed either direction...I am all about being able to own a gun. That being said, I do agree that mental illness should most definitely be something that is considered before being allowed to get one.

Just my own thoughts here, but if you strengthen gun control laws, you're only hurting the law abiding citizens. Criminals and others with mal intent will find a way to get their hands on a gun. All that does is leave us without a way to protect ourselves, if necessary.

Before I'm told I'm wrong in some way, let me recap. Yes, we should be able to own guns. Yes, I personally think the screening process wouldn't hurt anyone (may even help). No, I don't think banning guns is a good idea.

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The Barbarian

Before I'm told I'm wrong in some way, let me recap. Yes, we should be able to own guns. Yes, I personally think the screening process wouldn't hurt anyone (may even help). No, I don't think banning guns is a good idea.

Seems like a reasonable position. Most Americans agree with you. We have a 2nd Amendment, and that does guarantee the right to own a gun. That doesn't mean we shouldn't prevent felons from having a weapon. Nor does it mean that we must allow people with mental illnesses to have guns.

And screening is probably a good answer. Most people with mental illnesses never kill anyone. But there are certainly those who show a predisposition, and it intefers with no one's rights if they are screened to keep the most dangerous of them from owning guns.