While yet I was lost

TOL User

While yet I was lost, I felt I was not. While yet I was blind, I felt I could see. while yet I was deaf, I felt I could hear.

While yet I was a sinner, I felt I was true. While yet I was a sinner, I felt I had I was right.

Now that I am not lost, now that I am not blind, now that I am not deaf now that I have died into Christ, I am found, I see, I hear and I can admit I can improve.

But while I was yet lost, I was being being lied to when others agreed to my point of view.

I wonder how many Christians I may have looked down upon and perhaps even 'killed' thinking I was offering service to God?

TOL User

While yet I was lost, I felt I was not. While yet I was blind, I felt I could see. while yet I was deaf, I felt I could hear.

While yet I was a sinner, I felt I was true. While yet I was a sinner, I felt I had I was right.

Now that I am not lost, now that I am not blind, now that I am not deaf now that I have died into Christ, I am found, I see, I hear and I can admit I can improve.

But while I was yet lost, I was being being lied to when others agreed to my point of view.

I wonder how many Christians I may have looked down upon and perhaps even 'killed' thinking I was offering service to God?

It is not Love which tempts one to believe that they are not sinners in need of a Savior.

James 1:13-14 "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: but every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed."

My own desires and my own lust said I am correct and God was a liar.