Where's the Shame?

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Where is the shame? – You don’t TRY to “DRAW” the Holy Ghost in order to get the people worked up! – The Holy Ghost is not for the shouting and crying. The Holy Ghost is present always with the Christian. – What other SPIRIT can be referred to as the Spirit of TRUTH? -- The Spirit of the Body of Jesus Christ the CHURCH! - Can you not see it!? – The Body of Christ the Church / the Bride of Christ is the HOLY GHOST; the SPIRIT OF THE WORD / TRUTH! – The Spirit of the Word / Truth / the Spiritual Body of Christ doesn’t robe and disrobe the Christian at some whim of doctrine or tear-jerking story. - The Christian stays clothed / the Christian stays IN CHRIST, the Spirit of Truth / Light of Jesus Christ. - The Holy Ghost doesn’t come and go with every wind of tear-jerking story, and loud “CHOREOGRAPHED” music to draw some false feelings from the heart. --- What is the Holy Ghost for, what’s he for? – The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of TRUTH / GIFTS; what gifts? - TONGUES? – MIRACLES? – HEALING? --- NO! – “KNOWLEDGE”! – Gifts of Knowledge, the treasure that is greater than rubies and jewels. --- Proverbs 8:11 KJV – “Wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be “DESIRED” are not to be compared to it”. -----& --- Proverbs 20:15 KJV – “There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but THE “LIPS” OF KNOWLEDGE are a precious jewel”. -----&--- AND / AND! --- Luke 21:15 KJV – “For I WILL “GIVE” YOU A MOUTH AND WISDOM, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist”. ------- NOOOOooooo, -- wisdom is a GIFT of Christ, a gift that is greater than anything that can be DESIRED. – What happened to, “Let your “DESIRES” be made known”?

HYPOCRISY! - Yes hypocrisy is running rampant on the TV ministries without exception. --- Jimmy, you and yours go on and on about what Jesus did “ON” the cross only, and it’s the cross that is the salvation of man. - I agree that Jesus did die for the sins of the world, BUT, Jesus was also “buried and was RESURRECTED” and “ONLY FOR the CHURCH”, for which he DIED. -- Jesus did not die for the evil heart, but only for a “PLACE” for the good and honest heart to find refuge as refugees here IN YOUR WORLD. – And you now turn to the salvation of the NEW CONGRESS to do right in your eyes and deliver you-all from the coming damnation of the government. – This is not the final judgment that ends all things and TIME. – YOU guys missed all that, and you all deny Christ in his total fulfillment of all Scriptures including his final coming. - That’s OVER! – You are among the LEFT BEHIND! – JUST READ IT in the Word of Truth / the Blood of Jesus in his own Body the Holy Ghost, and hear it from him. – God does not have “ANYTHING TO SELL”. – OOOOOPPPPPSSS you said.

HYPOCRISY! – Don’t any of you faithless so called christians realize that it’s God who puts all the leaders in office for your lack of faith and prayers? – PROVE THIS WRONG!

Paul – 012711
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