Where Do We Go When We Die?


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Where Do We Go When We Die?

This is the show from Thursday March 21st, 2013


* To Be Absent from the Body is to be Present with the Lord: Some Christians believe in soul sleep, that is, "the dead know nothing," so that when we die, we go into a kind of suspended animation that endures until the resurrection. Most Christians, rather, believe that, as affirmed by many biblical accounts and Bible passages, that when we die we go to be with the Lord!

* About our Ecclesiastes Study: As mentioned on today's program, check out our verse-by-verse Ecclesiastes study! Without a teacher, Christians struggle to make sense of backslidden Solomon's book of Ecclesiastes, which says that All is vanity. What is crooked cannot be made straight. Man has no advantage over animals for all go to one place. Nothing is better than that a man should rejoice in his own works. So I praised the dead more than the living. Yet, better than both is he who has never existed. One good man among a thousand I have found, but a woman among all these I have not found. A man has nothing better under the sun than to eat, drink, and be merry. Drink your wine with a merry heart; for God has already accepted your works.

* About our Song of Songs Study: Bob Enyart's thoughtful and entertaining verse-by-verse study will help you unravel the Ecclesiastes conundrum. And as a bonus, the study comes with Bob's study of another Bible book, the compelling love story of the Song of Songs (also called, less accurately, the Song of Solomon). Like Ecclesiastes, this book too seems perplexing, until that is, one realizes the theatrical literary device in which the Holy Spirit inspired it to be written. For not unlike the first Bible book written, long before the famous dialogues of Socrates, Scripture presents the history in the book of Job in the form of a drama, complete with the characters' lines demarcated. Further, like Ecclesiastes, the Song of Songs does not put Solomon in a good light (as he had become not only a sex-obsessed fornicator but also an open promoter of idolatry). Not surprisingly then, in Song, the young Shulamite woman spurns Solomon, despising a place among his harem of hundreds of wives and concubines. Instead, she remains faithful to her inaccessible true love, who vanishes inexplicably each time they are about to embrace. For her love, symbolic of the Messiah, appears to her only in dream sequences in the short theatrical dialogue of this amazing Bible book. Song illustrates the believer holding fast to love for God, in spite of the lures of the world, regardless of the fact that God cannot be seen or touched.

* This Week on Denver's 7News: Bob Enyart said on 7News to the ABC audience that Christians who say that the death penalty is immoral are unwittingly accusing God the Father of being unjust, for He required a payment of death to pay for the sin of the world. We thank God for the opportunity to promote the principles of the Gospel on the nightly news! Please also see AmericanRTL.org/death-penalty.

* A Wonderful Endorsement of Bob Enyart's Bible Teaching: Holocaust survivor, messianic rabbi and author Eliezer Urbach described Bob Enyart's life's work, The Plot, which is an overview of the Bible, in this way: "Take this startling journey into truth. So traditional, at each step, everything appears familiar. Yet, as an expert guide revealing new wonders (Mat. 13:52), Bob Enyart brings the Bible to life with often ignored passages." (See The Plot's back cover for this and other wonderful endorsements.) "As the KGOV staff, we'd like to echo Rabbi Urbach's comment, and encourage our listeners to enjoy Bob's many wonderful Bible studies!"

* The Bible Gets Easier to Understand: This book is Bob Enyart's life's work. Apparent contradictions plague many Bible students. In The Plot, Enyart set out to demonstrate how hundreds of such contradictions disappear when the reader applies the big picture of the Bible to its details. Tunnel vision focuses so narrowly on a problem that the solution often lies just out of view. As the pastor of Denver Bible Church, Bob Enyart teaches Christians how to use the whole counsel of God to understand the plot of the Bible and solve biblical mysteries. As with all of our BEL resources, The Plot comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. And as we become proficient in the big picture, that is, the overview of the story of the Bible, then countless details, including as one small example, about the cities of refuge, become increasingly clear!

* The Plot on Audio: Far better than an audio book, for those who prefer to listen (while they walk, job, drive, or work) rather than reading, you can listen to Bob Enyart teach through the fascinating topics in his book in this Plot Audio Set.

* The Plot Boys: For kids ages eleven and up (and their parents :), check out The Plot Boys! Bob Enyart recorded these wonderful programs with two young Bible students, Josh and Stephen, ages 11 and 12, both of whom are being used of God to promote a Christian, biblical worldview! (There's enough material in The Plot Boys for a home-school family to listen to these studies for an entire year's Bible course.

Today's Resource: Please consider getting Bob's life's work: The Plot!

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Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Song of Songs does not put Solomon in a good light (as he had become not only a sex-obsessed fornicator but also an open promoter of idolatry). Not surprisingly then, in Song, the young Shulamite woman spurns Solomon, despising a place among his harem of hundreds of wives and concubines. Instead, she remains faithful to her inaccessible true love, who vanishes inexplicably each time they are about to embrace. For her love, symbolic of the Messiah, appears to her only in dream sequences in the short theatrical dialogue of this amazing Bible book. Song illustrates the believer holding fast to love for God, in spite of the lures of the world, regardless of the fact that God cannot be seen or touched.
I totally agree with this.
Song of Songs (or Song of Solomon) portrays Solomon as the one that attempts to seduce one away from their true love.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I totally agree with this.
Song of Songs (or Song of Solomon) portrays Solomon as the one that attempts to seduce one away from their true love.
This is the first time I've ever heard this perspective.