When God Judges, Everybody Knows


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When God Judges, Everybody Knows

This is the show from Monday, September 11th, 2017


When Christians are superstitious, says Bob Enyart, everybody else knows. Hurricanes are natural occurrences. Earthquakes are natural occurrences. Forest fires are natural occurrences. "Blood moons" are natural occurrences. Solar eclipses are natural occurrences. Christians who misrepresent God dishonor Him by claiming to speak on His behalf where He has not spoken. On today's program Bob contrasts God's judgment of Egypt with the non-judgment of these natural occurrences and urges Christians to grow and mature so that they do not needlessly destroy their credibility with the unbelievers around them. Telethon Update: Thank you to those who have given $4,750 of our $30,000 vital goal for our annual September telethon! If you can, please help by calling us at 1-800-8Enyart (836-9278) or just go to www.kgov.com and click on the store!

As mentioned on today's program: rsr.org/earthquake-lights.
