When Did Cain Kill Abel?


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Theology Thursday: When Did Cain Kill Abel?

This is the show from Thursday May 7th, 2015


Mysteries Solved: Many Christians have questions about the Bible account of creation in Genesis. When did Cain kill Abel? Who did Cain Marry? When did Adam and Eve fall? When did Lucifer fall? On today's Theology Thursday, Bob presents the clues from the Bible.

Today's Resource: Genesis: The Fall

For over twenty-five years Bob Enyart has studied God's Word, praying for the wisdom to share the truth of Scripture with a lost and dying world. Now you can benefit from this very exciting Bible study.

Genesis: The Fall is not only a study of the book or Genesis, but an answer to the question; Were we all predestined to sin? And if you have not listened to (or read) the Bible Overview, please be advised it is a prerequisite for understanding this album. Listen and learn how the character of the living God differs from popular myth.

Every story has a plot, and a story?s details can be confusing unless you understand its overview. The Bible tells the story of human history and the work of God for His creation, and this story has a plot as well! Grasping the big picture will help you reconcile many seemingly contradictory, and controversial Bible passages. So consider listening to The Plot series based on Bob's manuscript of the same title. Then enjoy Bob?s book studies and see how the big picture can help you to better know the living God.

* May 8th & 9th, 2015 Creation-Evolution Conference at Pepperdine University: After Church-of-Christ founded Pepperdine University refused to include biblical creationists in their upcoming conference on God and Science, one of their alumni, Dr. Vern Bissell, organized a counter conference to be held on campus on Friday & Saturday, May 8-9, and in the West L.A. Chinese Bible Church Saturday afternoon and evening. Real Science Radio's Bob Enyart is one of the invited speakers.

* For More Information: Just click to see our advertisement in The Malibu Times and to see the full (and updated) schedule of events at Pepperdine University on Friday and Saturday, and in West L.A. on Saturday afternoon and evening!