What will happen?

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
What will happen to the church within the 30 to 60 days considering the Supreme Court decision on Same sex marriage?


New member
Nothing out of the ordinary.


And the more nothing happens, the louder the paranoid-delusionals around here will cry, "Just wait! Christians will lose our freedom of speech and freedom of religion and guns and right to vote any day now!"

...kinda like they've been saying that the Rapture will happen "any day now" for the past thirty years or so.


Well-known member
Not sure of the timeframe or exact order but we will see the following.

1. Much (ultimately pointless) debate between Bible believers, fence-riding Bible compromisers and religious unbelievers. Expect to see a lot of Rick Warren on TV. The media will do what it can to keep it ginned up for ratings but no one's mind will be changed, much like here on TOL. :)

2. Much media attention on pastors and churches that are asked to perform ceremonies but refuse, leading to "suggestions" that Congress write legislation requiring it. I'll be very surprised if Obama doesn't drop a hint in that direction.

3. Some left-leaning churches and denominations will come out in their doctrinal statements in full favor of homosexual marriage, if not homosexuality itself. Dissenters will leave or be purged. Others will delay taking a stand knowing it'll destroy them.

4. However, #3 will not satisfy homosexual activists and leftists. They will demand all churches comply "with the law." Over time, more will cave but that will level off. Eventually, the lines will be clearly drawn.

5. Church splits will also result b/c of #3, and some churches will completely abandon their apostate denominations. But instead of finding Bible believing churches (where they'd have already been if it meant anything to them), many will simply quit going to any church at all.


Well-known member
Oh, and

6. More "Well, it's the law now" during the GOP debates. I'll be surprised if any of them believably stands up to vocally oppose it.


Well-known member
Not sure of the timeframe or exact order but we will see the following.

1. Much (ultimately pointless) debate between Bible believers, fence-riding Bible compromisers and religious unbelievers. Expect to see a lot of Rick Warren on TV. The media will do what it can to keep it ginned up for ratings but no one's mind will be changed, much like here on TOL. :)

2. Much media attention on pastors and churches that are asked to perform ceremonies but refuse, leading to "suggestions" that Congress write legislation requiring it. I'll be very surprised if Obama doesn't drop a hint in that direction.

3. Some left-leaning churches and denominations will come out in their doctrinal statements in full favor of homosexual marriage, if not homosexuality itself. Dissenters will leave or be purged. Others will delay taking a stand knowing it'll destroy them.

4. However, #3 will not satisfy homosexual activists and leftists. They will demand all churches comply "with the law." Over time, more will cave but that will level off. Eventually, the lines will be clearly drawn.

5. Church splits will also result b/c of #3, and some churches will completely abandon their apostate denominations. But instead of finding Bible believing churches (where they'd have already been if it meant anything to them), many will simply quit going to any church at all.

Members of the body of Christ will simply go outside the camp....as they've been doing for quite some time now. Meeting in homes having nothing to do with the state.

The Barbarian

I remember, during the civil rights era, the same arguments were advanced concerning equal rights for blacks. There will always be those who argue that they will lose their rights if others are allowed to have theirs.

So I'm not that concerned.

Jose Fly

New member

And the more nothing happens, the louder the paranoid-delusionals around here will cry, "Just wait! Christians will lose our freedom of speech and freedom of religion and guns and right to vote any day now!"

...kinda like they've been saying that the Rapture will happen "any day now" for the past thirty years or so.

Yep, and when such persecution isn't forthcoming, they'll make some up.