What to do if atomic war starts now?


The same thing I shall do as faithful ones did in communist lands when arrested. Again I will do the same if warned here that Islamic extremists might attack me now at my Islampur mission center.

My first priority will be to save my soul, not the perishing body. Hydrogen bomb was developed when I was a Hindu teenager. Then I thought that, when the bomb will target cities I shall run away to hills or wilderness like Lot. But I now know that will lead to worse perversions. I then thought of digging underground shelter. But knew that is futile as murder and loot will reign in the aftermath of Atomic attack. Death will claim me anyway sooner or later. As I have fallen here burning our paradise by infighting (Rev12,7-12 and mythologies) that fire is sure to pursue unrepentant me everywhere.

Already China has targeted every prominent city of India from the high missile bases on the Tibetan hills over India. Pakistani A-bombs also target us. Atomic war is near at hand. Only way to be saved is by the way Christ showed, Russian martyrs showed. That is to repent and turn back to Love-God and strengthen soul by spiritual love practice. That is practical active faith. Then love will increase to integrate me so strongly that no suffering and death can break me apart within and from Him. Christ meant that by the story of talents of faith and love given to servants. Those, who say that we have to believe and then our faith will automatically work in us, are deceivers. Faith and work can’t be separated. They craftily distort self-proclaimed apostle Paul’s word out of context to mean that. Paul meant jewish rituals by the term ‘work’, not actions of love, which he recommended many times. Beware of these wolves in sheep’s skin!

I now know that if I die with love and forgiveness to killers and all, like Christ, then that love will draw others to life too. That will be most profitable saving ministry as Christ did on the cross. That indwelling love-God is eternal heaven of life.

Some might say that our faith in Christ will save us then. No! If I don’t have such love within now strongly integrating me, we are not saved now. Under trifle shock almost all lose integrity here. Then how I shall be saved then in such severe shock? Such people have failed during test to break down and lose their soul.

‘Once saved, always saved’ believers will say that in spite of apostasy Christ will save once saved one’s soul. How do you know that you were saved in the first place? Mere confession of faith verbally or ritually means nothing. If one had that Christlike cross-tested love and forgiveness for enemies then, as real martyrs had, then it is alright. That love usually is imperishable. But very few among Christians achieve that love.

Then what I must do to get that love? Christ gave me that answer, as I work dangerously among Muslims. We must know and confess that we are responsible for all the wars and sins around as we all have fallen from heaven, after corrupting it by pride. As Eve spoiled Adam together with pride-devil we also spoiled each other up there and here too. This heartfelt confession with repentance will prompt Holy Spirit to indwell within, to give us Christ and real martyr like love. Only humble confessing peoples like the crucified thief receive Holy Spirit. That is the real inner heaven, which can’t be granted from outside.

In my catholic seminary I was once surprised by the theology professor. He said that Heavenly Father told Christ to go to the world to save humanity going to eternal death due to his negligence. Otherwise he has to go down to hell. Later I understood its true inner meaning that all have to repent/atone the sins of commission and omission committed in heaven.

The bible infallibility believing ‘Christians’ will say, “that is not in gospel”. They think that Christ has turned dumb through these 2000 years. Only the catholic made bible, compiled from doubtful materials received through numerous unreliable relaying agents through centuries after Christ, are his sole words! See how different versions of gospel contradict each other! If Christ can’t speak with us, then Christianity is dead and it is better to leave it. So majority ‘Christians’ has already left.

No! Christ is appearing and speaking now, as in here. He tells us to repent now too, as John the Baptist and he told in gospel time. If we have to repent for only the sins committed here, then more than half of humanity will have no accountable sin to repent, like brain defect people, unborn and dead babies, children etc. Really they meant the original sin, which each of us did in heaven before falling here. This ‘original sin’ Christians like Origen then believed. But in the third century, under pride-Devil’s stooge emperor’s pressure, they cowed down to adopt the theory that our soul was created by God in this devil’s domain. As we were created in Adam’s line we inherited his deadly original sin, without doing it! It blasphemously makes God responsible for our sins.

I had got out of that blasphemy and am repenting with all might for my spoiling my paradise and all. So Holy Spirit is working in me to install that martyric love in my 53years Christ following years. I rely only on that love now and when cities will start burning struck by atom bombs and fallout devastates the countryside. My soul will survive intact all suffering and draw some to that salvific love too as the crucified thief and centurion Longinus were drawn. We shall construct our new home paradise with Christ then in the spiritual Love-heaven cosmos


New member
My first priority will be to save my soul,
You can't. God can, though. Have you let Him do this yet?

Only way to be saved is by the way Christ showed, Russian martyrs showed. That is to repent and turn back to Love-God and strengthen soul by spiritual love practice. That is practical active faith. Then love will increase to integrate me so strongly that no suffering and death can break me apart within and from Him. Christ meant that by the story of talents of faith and love given to servants. Those, who say that we have to believe and then our faith will automatically work in us, are deceivers. Faith and work can’t be separated. They craftily distort self-proclaimed apostle Paul’s word out of context to mean that. Paul meant jewish rituals by the term ‘work’, not actions of love, which he recommended many times. Beware of these wolves in sheep’s skin!

Only God is righteous. You are not and never can be. There are only two ways to be righteous.

1) Be God.
2) Let God make you righteous.

You cannot make yourself righteous. Because you are not God.


You can't. God can, though. Have you let Him do this yet?

Correct! But "letting Him do" means obeying Him in actions. That every one means by the term "soul-saving". That I am doing for these 56 years.


Only God is righteous. You are not and never can be. There are only two ways to be righteous.

1) Be God.
2) Let God make you righteous.

You cannot make yourself righteous. Because you are not God.
Correct! But in gospel exhortation to be righteous doesnt mean to become God