What it's ALL about

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Do you have the life of Christ in your soul today? Does He dwell IN you?

I believe theology is important, vital for successful Christian living, gotta bleeve the right things. But this is the only question which answers whether or not you are saved. If you are in the body of Christ, the church.


Well-known member
Do you have the life of Christ in your soul today? Does He dwell IN you?

I believe theology is important, vital for successful Christian living, gotta bleeve the right things. But this is the only question which answers whether or not you are saved. If you are in the body of Christ, the church.

My body is the Temple for Christ to dwell in. I do my best to let him run my life. Christ will judge me as he is my Lord. He is my mediator to our God. He is the Priest of the most high God.


Do you have the life of Christ in your soul today? Does He dwell IN you?

I believe theology is important, vital for successful Christian living, gotta bleeve the right things. But this is the only question which answers whether or not you are saved. If you are in the body of Christ, the church.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
None of us has all of Christ, nowadays it is very popular for preaches to speak about Christ in YOU the hope of glory making the application of it to the individual, but Paul applied it to the assembly. We are members in particular of His body.

So the assembly is where His life oughta be most on show. For example if the ministry is restricted to just one or two peoples then the fullness of Christ in the ministrations of the Holy Ghost is not seen.

Church ministry oughta be congregational and not platform or pulpit based. Then the MANIFOLD wisdom can be better displayed. Every body ought to have some contribution to make.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
He is the Priest of the most high God.

One of the few times you have been correct, as He is "High Priest" for sinners, you, but not for forever justified members of the body of Christ, as only sinners need a high Priest, Mediator. And that is you, as you reject the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by definition, is God.

Happy Easter....And remember, God loves you, and so does the Easter Bunny...........


New member
Church ministry oughta be congregational and not platform or pulpit based. Then the MANIFOLD wisdom can be better displayed. Every body ought to have some contribution to make.

Now you're on a roll....the pattern is corrupt therefore it bore corrupt fruit. Peace

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Now you're on a roll....the pattern is corrupt therefore it bore corrupt fruit. Peace

The leadership was usurped by a clergy class, the apostolic traditions put aside.

...the Holy Ghost stopped demonstrating, the gifts withdrawn.

Since all the gifts of the Holy Spirit require demonstration, and the vast majority of Christians conform to silence [apart from approved participation such as hymns] it becomes obvious why the gifts are not imparted.

We had a reformation in doctrine...praise God, we now need a reformation in ministry. The reformers took us back to the Fathers [so called] it is time now to go back to the apostles.

patrick jane

None of us has all of Christ, nowadays it is very popular for preaches to speak about Christ in YOU the hope of glory making the application of it to the individual, but Paul applied it to the assembly. We are members in particular of His body.

So the assembly is where His life oughta be most on show. For example if the ministry is restricted to just one or two peoples then the fullness of Christ in the ministrations of the Holy Ghost is not seen.

Church ministry oughta be congregational and not platform or pulpit based. Then the MANIFOLD wisdom can be better displayed. Every body ought to have some contribution to make.

Everybody gets a chance to preach to the assembly ?


New member
The leadership was usurped by a clergy class, the apostolic traditions put aside.

...the Holy Ghost stopped demonstrating, the gifts withdrawn.

Since all the gifts of the Holy Spirit require demonstration, and the vast majority of Christians conform to silence [apart from approved participation such as hymns] it becomes obvious why the gifts are not imparted.

We had a reformation in doctrine...praise God, we now need a reformation in ministry. The reformers took us back to the Fathers [so called] it is time now to go back to the apostles.

A least half a BINGO from me. I would only disagree in part on the so called "fathers" of the church, some of whom led down the wrong path being Hellenized themselves already. But just the fact you have been allowed to "see" this much shows you have a heart after Him, and I tip my hat to you, because this wisdom COSTS something to possess in this hour. Peace


New member
Everybody gets a chance to preach to the assembly ?

Everyone should be able to stand and confront the pastor when he preaches in error.

I have on multiple occasions, and usually it is the end of my attending that church.

These days, I just stand up and walk out.

Its too late for the vulnerable ears in the audience if you are determined to just keep your mouth shut.


New member
Everyone should be able to stand and confront the pastor when he preaches in error.

I have on multiple occasions, and usually it is the end of my attending that church.

These days, I just stand up and walk out.

Its too late for the vulnerable ears in the audience if you are determined to just keep your mouth shut.

Then that should be everyday he stands in the sin of the Nicolaitians, exalting himself above the rest of the body.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Everybody gets a chance to preach to the assembly ?

Under the moderation of Elders all should participate if they want to.

"how is it then brethren? when ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done to edifying.

If any man speak in an unknown tongue let it be by two or at most three and that by course and let one interpret.

But if there be no-one to interpret let him keep silence in the church and let him speak to God.

Let the prophets speak two or three and let the other judge. If any thing be revealed in another sitting by let the first hold his peace

for ye may all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all be comforted.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
One of the few times you have been correct, as He is "High Priest" for sinners, you, but not for forever justified members of the body of Christ, as only sinners need a high Priest, Mediator. And that is you, as you reject the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by definition, is God.



New member
Under the moderation of Elders all should participate if they want to.

"how is it then brethren? when ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done to edifying.

If any man speak in an unknown tongue let it be by two or at most three and that by course and let one interpret.

But if there be no-one to interpret let him keep silence in the church and let him speak to God.

Let the prophets speak two or three and let the other judge. If any thing be revealed in another sitting by let the first hold his peace

for ye may all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all be comforted.

AMEN to you.

And for the rest.....

Notice how it says, "EVERY ONE OF YOU"? The Lord rewards those that diligently seek Him. The only way you'll be ashamed as a workman is if you haven't sought Him and it shows because you have nothing FROM THE SPIRIT, to add to the ASSEMBLY.

This is why He said, do this often in remembrance (or to remember Me, ie. re-member my body among you in your midst) of Me, as in when two or more of you are gathered in My name/nature.

Do what? Eat of the bread/letter in the light of the candlestick/wine of the Spirit. This is TRUE COMMUNION, not grape juice and crackers.

How many today have nothing to add to the assembly because they have taken the words of men for the Word that is Spirit and built themselves towers with the works of their own hands?

It's all soon to come crashing down around their heads, and the babes that followed them into the ditch will have none to give suck (feed milk) anymore.

What happens when you give a baby milk? It lulls them to SLEEP. What happens if you only get fed milk all your life even into adulthood? You DIE. Same principle. Wake up and seek after the MEAT of the Word, while you still have a LITTLE time. Peace

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Don't despair of God's grace, some years ago I was at a Catholic mass, of course it was awful, but I mused to myself exactly what God thought of it.

Immediately I saw a vision, I was actually [as it were] lying in a grave in a graveyard and I was lying under that metal vessel that they stick flowers into and rays of sunlight came through the holes, and it seemed to me that rays were going back out, just one or two.

I know that God reads hearts and desires, one day I was sharing with some lovely Brethren sisters, of course they are strictly forbidden to speak at meeting. But they shared a little miracle which they all claimed happened in all their reading meetings.

At the reading meetings a portion of scripture is chosen then one by one the brethren will share the interpretation, line by line as the Holy Spirit leads, The wimmin sit in silence.

But these sisters shared how that before each brother shared, often, too often to be coincidental, God had already given them the same understanding so that it seemed each brother was merely reading what God had already put into each sister's mind.

This was a cause of no small delight to them.