What is the difference between Godlessness and Atheism


New member
In English they are one and the same, but godlessness does not appear in scripture. The term godly is a mistranslation. The correct translation is reverence from venerate. So ungodly would be irreverent.

Atheists are by nature irreverent.


Most atheists that I have met, even the ones here, are not really godless.

To me the term 'godless' denotes an innate evil. The atheist is usually repelled by evil.

A list of godless historical characters would reveal no real atheists.

(There I have spoken in a positive way about atheism. I will never do it again so help me ___ and Sherman.)


New member
To me the term 'godless' denotes an innate evil.
There are three senses of the word godless in the Oxford Concise.

1. impious; wicked
2. without a god
3. not recognizing god

So godless can mean wicked or atheist or god denier.

Atheists aren't god deniers (they are affirmers that indeed there is no god :))

(There I have spoken in a positive way about atheism. I will never do it again so help me ___ and Sherman.)
You seem to have given up typing the word god as well.



There are three senses of the word godless in the Oxford Concise.

1. impious; wicked
2. without a god
3. not recognizing god

So godless can mean wicked or atheist or god denier.

Atheists aren't god deniers (they are affirmers that indeed there is no god :))

You seem to have given up typing the word god as well.


Just trying to discover what the two words mean. Your comments are helpful.

Have not given up on the word ___. Just that last time I ask for God's help in that way Shermsn gave me a baddie red. He didn't do it this time so that means Sherman has a strange sense of right and wrong. Very confusing. Glad I'm an adult. If I were a child I might be tempted to take drugs.


Let's be honest Stuu. The atheists here are not game. Rating these atheists here on a scale of 1-10 for cowardice I would give them an 8. They are scared. But not enough to be silent.


New member
Let's be honest Stuu. The atheists here are not game. Rating these atheists here on a scale of 1-10 for cowardice I would give them an 8. They are scared. But not enough to be silent.
What do you think scares them?



New member
Is there a difference?

Yeah: Godlessness is basically not acknowledging God In that sense, they're Godless, but they're not without idols. Likewise atheism is the same, but they don't believe in the true and living God. They also will say they don't believe in any god, but the Bible is pretty clear that those who turn from the true and living God of the Bible will always turn their ways to idols or false gods. That seems to be how it always works. You see, God put it into us to worship. And God has always desired that worship to be focused upon him. However, many say they worship no god or gods, but they are deceived. Everyone worships something or someone. We were created to worship. That's why idolatry is so dangerous. Have you ever noticed it's the first commandment by God when Moses was given the ten commandments? "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."


New member
Let's be honest Stuu. The atheists here are not game. Rating these atheists here on a scale of 1-10 for cowardice I would give them an 8. They are scared. But not enough to be silent.
Come on, yes let's be honest, we are all scared of our own mortality and we each deal with it in our own way. Some of us face the possibility of our ultimate oblivion while others resort to a religious comfort blanket instead.
I'd say that atheism is a philosophical conclusion while godlessness is just not having gods in your life for whatever reason, perhaps by just not having a view about any gods existence.

False Prophet

New member
Godliness is being like God. God is holy, and we are to be holy in all, all, all of our conduct. Godlessness is being unholy. You build your own tower into heaven. Everybody doing what is right in their own eyes. Godlessness is an altruistic ethical system where people do not submit to the righteousness that comes from God. Atheism rejects the idea of God.
4 Now the Holy Spirit clearly says that in the later times some people will stop believing the faith. They will follow spirits that lie and teachings of demons. 2 Such teachings come from the false words of liars whose consciences are destroyed as if by a hot iron. 1 Tim 4:1